Foto del docente

Guido Biasco

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Short Bio

Training course partially carried out abroad and initially aimed at clinical histopathology studies of the gastrointestinal tract. Following training in Internal Medicine and then in Medical Oncology.

For years engaged in the field of clinical oncology, from chemoprevention to chemotherapy.

In more recent years , he is  active in the field of Palliative Care and End of Life, developed in research and university education. Consultant for the Hospice Seràgnoli Foundation and in charge of the Ministry of University and Scientific Research for the drawing up of pre- and post-graduate training plans in the  courses in Medicine and Surgery, Nursing, Psychology, Social Services.
Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 2144078
+39 051 636 4 037

Other contacts

+39 051 636 3 700800

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni 33, Bologna - Go to map

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche
Via Massarenti 9, Bologna - Go to map

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Per i ricevimenti prendere accordi anche via e-mail con:

Prof. Guido Biasco

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