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Giuseppe Virelli

Adjunct Associate Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Short Bio

Giuseppe Virelli received his Ph.D from the University of Bologna, where he was subsequently appointed research fellow in the Department of Arts, and has also spent time as a visiting researcher attached to the Institut national d’histoire de l’art in Paris. He is currently Adjunct Professor for the course Arte in Europa tra Ottocento e Novecento at the University of Bologna. An expert on Italian and foreign artistic movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries – particularly in the fields of painting, the graphic arts, decorative and applied art and design – he has curated several exhibitions and published a number of essays in journals, books and catalogues concerning Symbolism, Primitivism/Expressionism, Futurism and the ‘return to order’

Go to the Curriculum vitae



Other contacts


Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni 33, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Presso il Dipartimento delle Arti, piazzetta G. Morandi 2, studio 10, tel. 051 209 7443.

ll ricevimento in presenza, previo appuntamentosi tiene il mercoledì dalle ore 14,30 alle 16,30

Gli studenti e i laureandi impossibilitati a venire di persona possono richiedere un appuntamento su Zoom o Teams.

Recapito del docente: