Foto del docente

Giuseppe Torluccio

Full Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-09/B Financial Markets and Institutions


Coen T.; Piovani G; Torluccio G., ON THE UTILITY OF THE HURST EXPONENT IN PREDICTING FUTURE CRISES, «CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL», 2012, 10, pp. 291 - 308 [Scientific article]

Coen T.; Torluccio G., Self-similarity in the analysis of financial markets' behaviour, «INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS», 2012, 87, pp. 176 - 184 [Scientific article]

Piovani G.; Torluccio G.; Cotugno M., Weather derivatives market: The Italian case, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES», 2012, 30, pp. 352 - 365 [Scientific article]

Duqi A. ; Mirti R. ; Torluccio G., An analysis of the R&D effect on stock returns for European listed firms, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH», 2011, 58, pp. 482 - 496 [Scientific article]

Duqi A.; Torluccio G., Can R&D expenditures affect firm market value? An empirical analysis of a panel of European listed firms., in: Bank performance, risk and firm financing, LONDON, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 215 - 241 [Chapter or essay]

Torluccio G.; Dorakh A., Housing affordability and methodological principles: An application, «INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS», 2011, 79, pp. 64 - 78 [Scientific article]

Torluccio G.; Cotugno M.; Strizzi S., How is Bank Performance Affected by Functional Distance?, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES», 2011, 39, pp. 79 - 93 [Scientific article]

Apolloni M.; Corigliano R.; Duqi A.; Torluccio G., The Market Value of Innovation, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES», 2011, 36, pp. 147 - 169 [Scientific article]

G.Torluccio; M. Toscano, ASSET MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRY PORTFOLIO INDECES: MOMENTUM AND REVERSAL RETURNS, in: New Issues in Financial and Credit Markets, LONDON, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 159 - 170 [Chapter or essay]

P. Brighi; G. Torluccio, Traditional and R&D Investments: are They really Different?, in: New Issues in Financial Institutions Management, LONDON, PALGRAVE ED., 2010, pp. 59 - 87 [Chapter or essay]

M. Cotugno; G. Torluccio, Real estate leasing: cambiano gli spazi di convenienza della locazione finanziaria, «AMMINISTRAZIONE & FINANZA», 2009, 12, pp. 17 - 25 [Scientific article]

P. Brighi; G. Torluccio, Traditional and R&D Investments: Are They Really Different?, in: EFMA - ANNUAL CONFERENCE, MILANO, EFMA, 2009, pp. 1 - 22 (atti di: EFMA - ANNUAL CONFERENCE, MILANO, JUNE 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Brighi P.; Torluccio; G., Capitale informato: investimenti e R&S in Italia, Bologna, CIB. Università degli Studi, Bologna. Alma Mater Studiorum, 2008, pp. 26 (AMS ACTA). [Research monograph]

Brighi P.; Torluccio; G., Evidence on Funding Decisions by Italian SMEs: A Self-Selection Model?, Bologna, CIB. Università degli Studi, Bologna. Alma Mater Studiorum, 2008, pp. 26 (AMS ACTA). [Research monograph]

G. Torluccio, Il finanziamento dell'innovazione: teoria ed evidenze empiriche, BOLOGNA, Bonomia University Press, 2008, pp. 279 . [Research monograph]