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Giuseppe Torluccio

Full Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-09/B Financial Markets and Institutions


Stefano Cenni;Stefano Monferrà;Valentina Salotti;Marco Sangiorgi;Giuseppe Torluccio, Credit rationing and relationship lending. Does firm size matter?, «JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE», 2015, 53, pp. 249 - 265 [Scientific article]

Andi Duqi; Aziz Jaafar;Giuseppe Torluccio, Mispricing and risk of R&D investment in European firms, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FINANCE», 2015, 21, pp. 444 - 465 [Scientific article]

Giuseppe Torluccio; Marco Marcatili, Dalla crisi d'impresa alle strategie per il territorio, in: Filippo Orsini, Sinergie rigenerative, Brescia, LetteraVentidue, 2014, pp. 31 - 40 [Chapter or essay]

Marta Degl’Innocenti;Claudia Girardone;Giuseppe Torluccio, Diversification, multimarket contacts and profits in the leasing industry, «JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS, INSTITUTIONS & MONEY», 2014, 31, pp. 231 - 252 [Scientific article]

Andi Duqi;Leonardo Franci;Giuseppe Torluccio, The Black–Litterman model: the definition of views based on volatility forecasts, «APPLIED FINANCIAL ECONOMICS», 2014, 24, pp. 1285 - 1296 [Scientific article]

Bolognesi E.; Torluccio G.; Zuccheri A., A comparison between capitalization-weighted and equally weighted indexes in the European equity market, «JOURNAL OF ASSET MANAGEMENT», 2013, 14, pp. 14 - 26 [Scientific article]

S. Bellini; G. Torluccio, Momentum and contrarian strategies in Eurozone futures markets, «INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT & FINANCIAL INNOVATIONS», 2013, 2/2013, pp. 21 - 34 [Scientific article]

Cotugno M.; Stefanelli V.; Torluccio G., Relationship lending, default rate and loan portfolio quality, «APPLIED FINANCIAL ECONOMICS», 2013, 23, pp. 573 - 587 [Scientific article]

R. Corigliano; G. Torluccio, Sistema finanziario e microcredito, in: Lo stato della finanza, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, pp. 103 - 142 [Chapter or essay]

A. Duqi; G. Torluccio, The impact of R&D on the value of European firms, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION», 2013, 9, pp. 1 - 26 [Scientific article]

Torluccio G., Economics, Social Responsibility and Consumers: The Ethical Perception, BOLOGNA, SPEB, 2012, pp. 188 . [Research monograph]

Franci L.; Duqi A; Torluccio G., Forecasting the dynamics of financial markets. Empirical evidence in the long term., «INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT & FINANCIAL INNOVATIONS», 2012, 9, pp. 93 - 103 [Scientific article]

G. Torluccio, Indici di equilibrio finanziario e probabilità di insolvenza, in: R. SILVI, Analisi di Bilancio: la prospettiva manageriale, MILANO, Mcgraw-hill, 2012, pp. 212 - 225 [Chapter or essay]

S. Cenni; Ferretti R.; Torluccio G., Le imprese manifatturiere reggiane nel triennio 2007-09: analisi dei risultati di bilancio., in: R. FERRETTI, Industria e Finanza in provincia di Reggio Emilia: Performance e Strategie, VENEZIA,, 2012, pp. 9 - 82 [Chapter or essay]

Coen T.; Piovani G; Torluccio G., ON THE UTILITY OF THE HURST EXPONENT IN PREDICTING FUTURE CRISES, «CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL», 2012, 10, pp. 291 - 308 [Scientific article]