Foto del docente

Giuseppe Sciara

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Short Bio

Associate Professor at University of Bologna.
He received a PhD in "Political Studies" at the University of Turin (2012). He received a second PhD in "Political Sciences - Political Thought and Political Communication" at the University of Genoa and at the University of Paris VIII - Vincennes - Saint-Denis (2017). From 2017 to 2019 he has been Postdoctoral research fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Turin.
His research focuses on the post-revolutionary French liberalism (especially Benjamin Constant and Madame de Staël), on the Italian political thought of the second half of Twentieth century, on the presence of Machiavelli in French culture of the 19th and 20th century and on the uses of Machiavelli in the contemporary world and in popular culture. Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - Go to map

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Office hours

Write to make an appointment face-to-face or online.

Face-to-face appointments will be held on Wednesday, 3-4 p.m. at the Department of Political and Social Sciences (office n. 21), Palazzo Hecolani, Strada Maggiore 45, 40125 Bologna. In any case, you have to write to make an appointment:

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