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Giuseppe Ledda is Professor of Italian Literature.
His main research field is Dante and medieval literature. His recents works in Dante studies are on these topics: the relationships with the classical culture, the use of biblical and hagiographical models; the animal similes in comparison with the medieval bestiary; ineffability in its rhetorical and theological aspects; Dante in Boccaccio and Petrarch. He also works on Renaissance literature (Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto) and on the literature of Italian Novecento (Montale, Atzeni).
He has published several articles and some books on Dante. He is an editor of the peer-reviewed journal “L’Alighieri” and a senior member of the committee of “Studi Danteschi”. He is also a member of the Committee of the Italian Dante Society and of several committees of research centres in Italy and abroad.
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