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Giuseppe Gasparre

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-01/A Genetica medica


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

Reliable Resequencing Identifies Mitochondrial Mutations Using the mitoSEQr™ System

(Innovations 2008; 8:6-8)

Applied Biosystems – Customer Profile


Reliable Resequencing of Human Mitochondrial Genome to Identify Mutations Linked to Mitochondrial Related Diseases

(Applied Biosystems; Application Note 2008)


LANG M, PRADELLA L.M, TURCHETTI D, GASPARRE G. (2011). A BHD patient with parotid gland oncocytoma with neither folliculin LOH nor mtDNA mutations. In: 3rd Birt-Hogg-Dubé Symposium. Maastricht, NL

PRADELLA L.M, LANG M, GASPARRE G., SERI M, TURCHETTI D (2011). Recurrence of pancreatic cancer in a family with Birt-Hogg-Dubè Syndrome (BHD). In: 3rd Birt-Hogg-Dubé Symposium. Maastricht, NL

CAPRISTO M, GASPARRE G., KURELAC I, NICOLETTI G, LOLLINI PL, RUGOLO M, PORCELLI AM (2010). Homoplasmic shift of ND1 mutation reduces tumor growth in immunodeficient mice. In: GIBB. Bertinoro di Romagna, 2010


PRADELLA LM, MARIANI E, GASPARRE G., AMATO L, LANZONI A, ISHIOKA C, SAIJO K, ROSSI G, ROMEO G, TURCHETTI D (2010). A novel missense mutation in the PTEN gene in a patient with multiple melanoma and features of Cowden Syndrome. In: American Society of Human Genetics. Washington DC, 2010


F.M. CALABRESE, M. LANG, D.SIMONE, G. MINECCIA, R. PIREDDA, GASPARRE G., M. ATTIMONELLI (2010). Inter and intra species comparative analyses of RHNumtS sequences. In: BITS. Bari, 2010


D. SIMONE, F.M. CALABRESE, G. MINECCIA, M. LANG, GASPARRE G., M. ATTIMONELLI (2010). The human NumtS revised compilation, RHNumtS.2: custom tracks, polymorphisms and validation by amplification and sequencing. In: BITS. Bari, 2010


KURELAC I, PORCELLI AM, CAPRISTO M, ZUNTINI R, BARTOLETTI-STELLA A, NICOLETTI G, NANNI P, DE GIOVANNI C, LOLLINI PL, ROMEO G, GASPARRE G. (2010). Homoplasmic shift of ND1 mutation reduces tumor growth in immunodeficient mice. In: ESHG. Goteborg, June 2010


TURCHETTI D, PRADELLA LM, ZUNTINI R, NERI I, MISCIALI C, GASPARRE G., ROMEO G (2010). Decreased expression of PTEN transcript level in a Cowden Syndrome patient without detectable PTEN mutations. In: ESHG. Goteborg, June 2010


PRADELLA LM, AMATO L, MINIERI V, TURINETTO V, GIACHINO C, ZUNTINI R, GASPARRE G., ROMEO G, TURCHETTI D (2010). A missense mutation of the NBS1 gene in a patient with familial early-onset breast cancer. In: ESHG. Goteborg, June 2010


KURELAC I, LANG M, ZUNTINI R, GASPARRE G., ROMEO G (2009). Experimental and critical assessment of six methodological approaches to quantify heteroplasmy of mitochondrial mutations. In: European Human Genetics Conference. Vienna, 2009


RUGOLO M, GHELLI A, IOMMARINI L, MARIANI E, HOQUE M, GASPARRE G., PORCELLI AM (2008). Bcl-2 antioxidant function in cells with defective respiratory complex I. In: 53rd National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB). Riccione, 2008


M. LANG, GASPARRE G., L. IOMMARINI, A.M. PORCELLI ET AL (2008). An inherited mitochondrial DNA disruptive mutation shifts to homoplasmy in oncocytic tumor cells. In: American Society of Human Genetics. Philadelphia, 2008


GASPARRE G., L. IOMMARINI, A.M. PORCELLI ET AL (2008). An inherited mitochondrial DNA disruptive mutation shifts to homoplasmy in oncocytic tumor cells. In: Euromit. Stoccolma, 2008


GASPARRE G., PENNISI LF, IOMMARINI L, PORCELLI AM, LANG M, FERRI GG, KURELAC I, GHELLI A, BONORA E, CECCARELLI C, RUGOLO M, SALFI N, ROMEO G, CARELLI V (2008). An inherited mitochondrial DNA disruptive mutation preferentially selected in oncocytic tumor cells. In: European Human Genetics Conference. Barcelona, 2008


PORCELLI AM, GHELLI A, MARIANI E, HOQUE M, GASPARRE G., ZANNA C, RUGOLO M (2008). Actin cleavage in cells with defective respiratory complex I is inhibited by Bcl-2 through an antioxidant function. In: GIBB. Bari, 2008


GASPARRE G., A.M. PORCELLI, E. BONORA, L. F. PENNISI, M. TOLLER, L. IOMMARINI, A. GHELLI, C. BETTS, V. CARELLI, M. RUGOLO, G. TALLINI, G. ROMEO (2007). Disruptive mitochondrial DNA mutations in complex I subunits are markers of oncocytic phenotype in thyroid tumors. In: European Society Human Genetics. Nizza, FR, 2007


GASPARRE G., L. F. PENNISI, E. BONORA L. IOMMARINI, V. CARELLI, G. TALLINI, G. ROMEO (2006). Mutazioni del mtDNA nell'oncocitoma tiroideo ed in tumori non oncocitici: uno studio completo di correlazione clinico-molecolare (Oral communication). In: Società Italiana Genetica Umana. Venezia, 2006


GASPARRE G., E. BONORA, A. PORCELLI, A. BIONDI, A. GHELLI, V. CARELLI, A. BARACCA, G. TALLINI, G. LENAZ, M. RUGOLO, G. ROMEO (2006). Defective oxidative phosphorylation in thyroid oncocytic carcinoma is associated with pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations affecting complexes I and III (Oral communication). In: 2nd Milan Thyroid Cancer Conference. Milano, 2006


E. BONORA, A. PORCELLI, GASPARRE G., A. BIONDI, A. GHELLI, G. LENAZ, M. RUGOLO, G. ROMEO (2006). Defective oxidative phosphorylation in thyroid oncocytic carcinoma is associated with pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations affecting complexes I and III. In: International Congress of Human Genetics. Brisbane, 2006


E. BONORA, C. EVANGELISTI, GASPARRE G., G. ROMEO (2006). Familial Thyroid Tumors: mutation analysis of candidate genes mapping to chromosome 19p13.2 genes and their relevance for the oncocytic phenotype. In: International Congress of Human Genetics. Brisbane, 2006


E. BONORA, GASPARRE G., A. PORCELLI, A. BIONDI, A. GHELLI, V. CARELLI, A. BARACCA, G. TALLINI, G. LENAZ, M. RUGOLO, G. ROMEO (2006). Mutation in the mitochondrial genome and their functional relevance in thyroid oncocytoma. In: American Association for Cancer Research. Washington, 2006


GASPARRE G., E. BONORA, F. SEBASTIANI, G. TALLINI, C. GODINOT, O. HES, G. ROMEO (2006). Familial and sporadic Thyroid Tumors: new variants identified in nuclear and mtDNA-encoded genes and their relevance for the oxyphilic phenotype. In: American Association for Cancer Research. Washington, 2006


GASPARRE G., E. BONORA, A. PORCELLI, A. BIONDI, A. GHELLI, V. CARELLI, A. BARACCA, G. TALLINI, A. MARTINUZZI, G. LENAZ, M. RUGOLO, G. ROMEO (2006). Defective oxidative phosphorylation in thyroid oncocytoma is associated with pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations affecting complexes I and III (Oral communication). In: European Society of Human Genetics. Amsterdam, 2006


GASPARRE G., A. PORCELLI, L. F. PENNISI, E. BONORA, A. BIONDI, A. GHELLI, V. CARELLI, L. IOMMARINI, A. BARACCA, G. TALLINI, G. LENAZ, M. RUGOLO, G. ROMEO (2006). Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations in OXPHOS complexes and biochemical defective phenotype in thyroid oncocytoma: unravelling the molecular mechanisms. In: Sixth ESH: Mechanisms of cell death and disease: advances in therapeutic intervention and drug development. Cascais, Portugal, 2006


GASPARRE G., E BONORA, A PORCELLI, A GHELLI, L IOMMARINI, A BIONDI, G LENAZ, M RUGOLO, G. ROMEO (2005). Difetti nella fosforilazione ossidativa nei tumori ossifilici della tiroide correlano con nuove mutazioni in geni mitocondriali per subunità della catena respiratoria. In: Società Italiana Genetica Umana. Cagliari, 2005


BIONDI A, STANKOV K, GASPARRE G., FALASCA A, ROMEO G, LENAZ G (2005). Mitochondrial activities of a cell line derived from thyroid Hürthle cell tumors. In: GIBB, 2005


A. PORCELLI, GASPARRE G., E. BONORA, A. GHELLI, L. IOMMARINI, A. BIONDI, A. BARACCA, M. RUGOLO, G. LENAZ, G. ROMEO (2005). Novel mutations in mitochondrial respiratory complexes and their functional relevance in thyroid oncocytoma. In: International Conference on Mitochondria, from Molecular Insight to Physiology and Pathology. Bari, 2005


GASPARRE G., BUDNICK K, MOFFATT T, FOTHERINGHAM J, MAYNE M (2003). Microarray analysis of T-cells infected with HHV-6A (U1102) shows inhibition of cell division and apoptosis and enhancement of cell adhesion. In: 5th International Symposium of Neurovirology. Baltimore. MD, USA, 2003

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