Foto del docente

Giuseppe Baldazzi

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-06/A Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage

Curriculum vitae

Giuseppe Baldazzi born in Bologna (Italy) the 03/11/1955, where it resides in via del Beccaccino n 15. He attended the Industrial Technical High School "Odone Belluzzi" of Bologna obtaining on July 29th, 1976, the high-school graduation diploma, Industrial Physics Expert, with full grade.

In the same year he enters University of Bologna, faculty of Mathematics Physics and natural Sciences and, on December 13th, 1991, obtained the Degree In Physics with the 106/110 grade, discussing a thesis of the title: Characterization of a Photon Detector organized in a n x n Matrix of Solid State Microdetectors of CdTe. Such experimental thesis was prepared at Laboratories of the Institute for the Technology and Study of the Extraterrestrial Radiation of The National Council of Researches (C.N.R./TE.S.R.E). Some publications and comunications are followed.

He attended the postgraduate perfectioning Course in Physics at the University of Bologna continuing the researches in the field of radiation detectors and their applications in Tomography (applied to industry and medicine) and Astrophysics and getting the certificate on December 12th, 1992.

He did the Research Doctorate in Physics - Healt Physics curriculum - at the Health Physics Sector of the Physics Departement of the University of Bologna, occupying himself of tomography for the applied research and the medicine and discussing, on March 22, 1996, the PhD thesis of the title: Development of a Measurement System for High Energy X Radiation, applied to Industrial Tomography, based on Solid State CdZnTe Detectors.

He obtained the Diploma of Health Physics Specialist at the University Of Bologna, discussing, on June 25, 1997, an experimental thesis of the title: Design and development of a Portable System for the Spectrometry of X-ray Beams in Quality Controls with Semiconductor Detectors. This work was performed at the Health Physics Service of The University of Bologna.

He has a good knowledge of the French and English languages.

He has programming experience in COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL, ASSEMBLY, C and C++, Visual C++, LabVIEW, MATLAB languages, of the interfacing of hardware and software systems and of the embedded PC & controller.

He worked as Contractor Technician at the Health Physics Service of The University of Bologna from 1996 to 1999.
He was fix-term Contract Professor at Health Physics School of Specialization of The University of Bologna in the years 1998 and 1999.
Since January 1th, 2000 he is Researcher, since January 11th, 2003 is Senior Researcher and since January 2005 he is Aggregate Professor with the Medicina and Surgery Faculty of The University of Bologna, afferent to Physics Department.


    At present he dedicates the research in the sector of Radiations Physics and new Radiological Area Equipments:
a.    development of a multi-energy tomograph with quasi-monochromatic beams for tumoral and metastasis growth study;
b.    development of a Compton Camera (that is a gamma-camera evolution) for Nuclear Medicine applications (INFN Experiment named XDXL of which is the local referent) and in Astrophysics (ESA Experiment named LOFT);
c.    development of a new SPECT camera with new scintillators and position-sensitive photomultipliers dedicated to the study of new "intelligent" radiofarmaceuticals;
d.    radiological characterization of healty and pathological tissues;
e.    X-ray spectrometry applied to medical diagnostics;
f.    Biological effects, dosimetry and microdosimetry of ionising and non-ionising (NIR) radiations.

He was the Scientific Secretary of XIV International Conference on Mechanics in Biology and medicines kept in Bologna on September 16-18th, 2004.
He was in the Organizing Committee of International Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors kept in Siena on October 1-5th, 2006 whose Proceedings have been published by Elsevier on Nucl. Phys. B (Proc). (Suppl). 172 (2007).

He is referee for the magazines: Physica Medica, IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (JMMB), Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics (BMIC); he is also referee of scientific projects for the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR).


He was Contract Professor for Postgraduate School of Health Physics in yers 1998 e 1999.

He has kept the Physical Foundations Course for the Postgraduate School of Nuclear Medicine since A.Y. 2000/01 to the A.Y. 2003/04.

He is Regular Professor of Equipment of the Radiological Area II for the University Degree on Techniques Of Medical Radiology For Images And Radiotherapy since A.Y. 2000/01 in Bologna and since A.Y. 2006/07 at the branch of Rimini of The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of The University of Bologna.

He is Regular Professor of Radiations Physics for the University Degree on Techniques Of Medical Radiology For Images And Radiotherapy since A.Y. 2000/01 of The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of The University of Bologna.

He is Regular Professor of Equipment of the Radiological Area I and II for the University Degree on Techniques Of Medical Radiology For Images And Radiotherapy since A.Y. 2011/12.

He holds the Detectors course for the Postgraduate School of Health Physics since A.Y. 2000/01.

He holds the Gamma-ray Spectrometry course for the Postgraduate Scool of Health Physics since A.Y. 2007/08.


    Degree In Physics - achieved the 13/12/1991 at the University of Bologna.
    postgraduate perfectioning Course in Physics - achieved the 30 /12/1992 at the University of Bologna.
    Phd in Physics - curriculum Health Physics - achieved the 22 /03/1996 at the University of Bologna.
    Health Physics Specialist - achieved the 25/06/1997 at the University of Bologna.


Tutorial Course on Semiconductor Detectors and Associated Electronics - Attended at the 7TH International Congress on Room Temperature Semiconductor X and -Ray Detectors and Associated Electronics (Ravello, Italia, 23-28 settembre 1991).

Propaedeutic Course on Tomographic techniques for industry and medicine - attended at the International Conference on Tecniche Tomografiche per l'Industria e la Medicina (Cesena, Italia, 14-15 ottobre 1991).

Professional Development Course on Introduction to Semiconductor Detectors and Systems: Lecture and Laboratory - attended at the 1994 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Norfolk, Virginia, USA, October 30 - novembre 5, 1994).

Professional Development Course on In-Situ Gamma Ray Spectrometry for Site Characterization - attended at the 1994 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (Norfolk, Virginia, USA, October 30 - novembre 5, 1994).

Study Visit aimed at exchange of knowledge about the study of new solid state detectors for X-radiation for tomographic applications in the industrial and biomedical field at the Technical University of Budapest - Institute of Nuclear Techniques, within the framework of the Bilateral Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and Hungary, 12-17 Dicembre 1994.

Refresher Course A.I.R.O. on Precision Radiotherapy - attended at the S.S.N. Regione Emilia Romagna, Azienda USL Citt di Bologna, Ospedale Bellaria, Divisione di Radioterapia e Oncologia (Bologna, 24 maggio 1996).

Summer Course 1996 on New Detectors for Radiation Measurements and Related Applications - attended at the C.N.R. International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci, Bologna, July 1996.

Course of the Superior School of Radiological Protection "Carlo Polvani" Le basi razionali dei limiti di esposizione umana ai campi elettromagnetici - attended at the Centro di Cultura Scientifica "Alessandro Volta", Villa Olmo, Como, 23-26 Ottobre 2001, Italia.

Short Course on Integrated Circuit Front-Ends for Nuclear Pulse Processing - attended at the 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging conference, S. Diego, CA, USA, November 5, 2001.

Short Course on Radiation Detection & Measurement - attended at the 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging conference, Norfolk, VA, USA, November 10-11, 2002.

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