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Giulio Zanella

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economics and Public Policy


Giulio Zanella; Marina Bellani, The volatility of survey measures of culture and its consequences, «ECONOMIC INQUIRY», 2024, 62, pp. 675 - 697 [articolo]Open Access

Zanella G., Shallow and Deep Economic Thinking, «OECONOMIA», 2023, 13, pp. 967 - 971 [articolo]Open Access

Giulio Zanella; Guglielmo Briscese, Providing government assistance online: A field experiment on employment assistance, «JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT», 2022, 41, pp. 579 - 602 [articolo]Open Access

Ichino, Andrea; Fort, Margherita; Zanella, Giulio, Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Costs of Daycare 0-2 for Children in Advantaged Families, «JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2020, 128, pp. 158 - 205 [articolo]Open Access

Dragone, Davide; Prarolo, Giovanni; Vanin, Paolo; Zanella, Giulio, Crime and the legalization of recreational marijuana, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2019, 159, pp. 488 - 501 [articolo]Open Access

Rupert Peter.; Zanella Giulio, Grandchildren and their grandparents’ labor supply, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS», 2018, 159, pp. 89 - 103 [articolo]Open Access

Bellettini, G.; Taddei, F.; Zanella, G., Intergenerational altruism and house prices: evidence from bequest tax reforms in Italy, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2017, 92, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

Bisin, Alberto; Zanella, Giulio, Time-consistent immigration policy under economic and cultural externalities, «ECONOMIC POLICY», 2017, 32, pp. 415 - 446 [articolo]

Fort, M.; Ichino, A.; Zanella, G., COGNITIVE AND NON-COGNITIVE COSTS OF DAYCARE 0–2 FOR GIRLS, London, Center for Economic Policy Research:90-98 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7RR United Kingdom:011 44 20 78782900, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 20 78782999, 2016, pp. 49 (DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES). [libro]

Zanella, Giulio; Banerjee, Ritesh, Experiencing breast cancer at the workplace, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS», 2016, 134, pp. 53 - 66 [articolo]

Bellettini G.; Taddei F.; Zanella G., Bequest taxes, donations and house prices, «THE B.E. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS», 2013, 13, pp. 355 - 379 [articolo]

Riccardo Fiorito;Giulio Zanella, The anatomy of the aggregate labor supply elasticity, «REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS», 2012, 15, pp. 171 - 187 [articolo]

R. Galbiati; G. Zanella, The tax evasion social multiplier, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS», 2012, 96, pp. 485 - 494 [articolo]

P. Buonanno; F. Drago; R. Galbiati; G. Zanella, Crime in Europe and in the US: Dissecting the "Reversal of Misfortunes", «ECONOMIC POLICY», 2011, July 2011, pp. 347 - 385 [articolo]

Cohen-Cole E.; Zanella G., Unpacking Social Interactions, «ECONOMIC INQUIRY», 2008, 46, pp. 19 - 24 [articolo]

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