Giulio Zanaroli graduated in Industrial Biotechnology at the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2001, and got his PhD in Applied Biocatalysis and Industrial Microbiology at the same University in 2005.
From January 2005 to November 2008 he has been post-doctoral Research Associate at the Department of Applied Chemistry and Material Science of the University of Bologna in the group of Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology coordinated by Prof. Fabio Fava. He has been visiting researcher for two six-month periods (from October 2002 to March 2003 and from March 2005 to August 2005) at the Biotech Center for Agricolture and the Environment, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ, USA) in the laboratory of Prof. Lily Y. Young, with a “Marco Polo” fellowship of the University of Bologna for the training of young researchers, and then with a EU fellowship “EU-US exchange fellowship in environmental biotechnology” (EC Accompanying Measure QLK3-CT-2002-30292).
From December 2008 to September 2017 he was Assistant Professor of Fermentation Chemistry and Biotechnology (sector CHIM/11) at the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, School of Engineering, of the University of Bologna, where is he Associate processor since October 2017. Since October 2018, he holds the national scientific habilitation as full professor in the sector "medicinal, toxicological and nutritional chemistry and applied technologies" (03/D1).
His main research interests are in the Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, with specific reference to the study of the aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation of aromatic, aliphatic, chlorinated and non chlorinated xenobiotics and the microbial communities in charge of the degradation process. He is also involved in research activities related to Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, in particular as regards the valorization of agroindustry wastes and effluents for the production of fine chemicals, biopolymers and biofuels.
He is the coordinator of the European research project NYMPHE and participates in the projects MAR2PROTECT and TRIBIOME, funded in the frame of the Horizon Europe programme. In the frame of previuos european funding programmes, he participates/has participated in 8 H2020 research projects (PRESERVE, ELECTRA, TERMINUS, MADFORWATER – of which he was co-coordinator, NoAW, Agrimax, INMARE, BIOWAYS), 1 JPI-Ocean project (PLASTOX) and 7 FP7 research projects (KILLSPILL, BIOCLEAN, ROUTES, ECOBIOCAP, ULIXES, MINOTAURUS, NAMASTE).
His research activity is documented by the publication of 68 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals, 1 on national journals, 2 international patents, 7 book chapters and several abstracts in proceedings of national and international conferences.
His teaching activity concerns the courses of Fundamentals of Biotechnology for the Chemical Industry, Bioremediation techniques, Biotechnology for the sustainable reclamation of contaminanted lands and waters and Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology of the 1st or 2nd level degree programs in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Low Carbon Technologies and Sustainable Chemistry of the University of Bologna.