Foto del docente

Giulio Sgarbanti

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-03/B Agri-Food Law

Curriculum vitae

- Giulio Sgarbanti was born in Ferrara on February 20, 1959, where he also has the residence.

- He got the diploma of Classic Studies during the school year 1977/78, with 60/60, at the public Lyceum-Gymnasium “L. Ariosto” in Ferrara.

- He took the BS degree (Laurea) in Law on November 16, 1983, with full marks and honours, at the University of Ferrara.

- Since 1986 he is enrolled in the “albo” of Legal Advisors (Procuratori legali) and since 1992 he is part of the Lawyers Professional Order (special list of university professors).

- He has a Ph. D. in Italian and Comparative Agricultural Law.

- From November 1, 1990 until October 31, 1993 he was professor (professore straordinario) of “Agricultural Law” at the University of Catania, Faculty of Economics and Commerce.

- Since November 1, 1993 he is full professor at the University of Bologna, where he is currently responsible for the course “Agricultural Law” and for other courses.

- Since 1986 he is ordinary member of the “Associazione italiana cultori di diritto agrario” (A.I.C.D.A.).

- Since 1990 he is member of the “Unione mondiale degli agraristi universitari (per il diritto agrario e il diritto dell'alimentazione”) (U.M.A.U.).

- Since 1992 he was ordinary member of the “Istituto di diritto agrario internazionale e comparato” (I.D.A.I.C.).

- Since 1992 he is ordinary member of the “Centro Studi di Estimo e di Economia territoriale” (Ce.S.E.T)

- Since 1995 he is honorary member of the Camera Civile of Ferrara.

- In 2002 he was “Accademico corrispondente” of the “Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura” of Bologna. In 2004 he became “Accademico Ordinario”.

- He is member of the”Associazione italiana di diritto alimentare” since 2005.

- He is “ad honorem” member of the “Asociación Iberoamericana para el Derecho Alimentario” (AIBADA).

- He is member corrispondente of the Accademi dei Concordi of Rovigo since 2009.

- He is Accademico corrispondente of the Accademia dei Georgofili since 2009.

- He is member of the scientific board of the “Rivista di diritto agrario”.

- He was member of the scientific board of the journal “Diritto e giurisprudenza agraria”, now called “Diritto e giurisprudenza agraria, alimentare e dell'ambiente”, of which, since 1996, he is member of the scientific direction.

- He has been studying Agricultural Law for many years, developing a special interest in the common agricultural law. As a result of this research activity, he has published a number of scientific articles and monographs; moreover, he attended a number of national and international conferences, contributing with interventions and reports.

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