Giulio Illuminati (Ancona, 1946) has been full professor of Criminal Procedure at the Department of Law of the
University of Bologna until 2016. Until 2020 he har been lecturer in Criminal
Procedure at the Law School of the LUISS "G. Carli" in Rome. He is
a member of the scientific board of the reviews
Cassazione Penale (Giuffrè, Milano),
Iustitia (Ministerio
Publico, São Paulo do Brasil),
Revista brasileira de Direito Processual Penal (IBRASPP, Porto Alegre),
Rivista italo-spagnola di diritto processuale (Marcial Pons, Barcelona) and coeditor of the series
Procedura penale (
Studi - Commenti - Nuovi itinerari)
published by Giappichelli editore, Turin. He is former
vice-president of the Association of the Scholars of Criminal
Procedure and at present he is a member of the Board of Directors
of the International Association of Penal Law and of the Board of
Directors of the Italian Group.
He graduated in Law in 1969 at the
University of Bologna where, in 1971, was granted a research
fellowship, and afterwards he worked there as an assistant from
1974 to 1980. From 1980 to 1989 he was Professor at the University
of Camerino, Faculty of Law, lecturing in Criminal Procedure and
General Theory of the Process (as associate professor from 1982, as
full professor from 1986). From 2005 to 2012 he was Director of the
Department of Juridical Sciences "Antonio Cicu" of the University
of Bologna.
In 1987-89 he was appointed as a member of
the Committee for the reform of the Italian criminal process,
established by the Minister of Justice, which drew up the current
Code of Criminal Procedure. From 1996 to 1998 he was a member of
the Committee for the revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
and in 2000 he was a member of the Committee for the implementation
of the bill on the criminal jurisdiction of the Justice of the
peace. From 1991/92 to 2003/04 academic year he was coordinator of
the Ph.D. course in Criminal Procedure of the University of
Bologna. In 2000 he was visiting professor at the Law School of the
North Carolina University in Chapel Hill. In 2007 he took part in
the drafting of a bill for the reform of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, as a member of the Committeee established by the
Minister of Justice. In June 2009 he held a course at the National
College of Public Prosecutors of the Popular Republic of China,
organized by the China-EU School of Law. In 2013 he was a member of
the Committee for the most urgent reforms of the criminal
His main research fields have so far
concerned the constitutional rights of the accused, the rights of
the arrested person, and more recently, international and European
criminal procedure. His main publications include
La presunzione
d'innocenza dell'imputato (1979) and
La disciplina
processuale delle intercettazioni (1982); he also contributed
to the textbooks
Casi e questioni di diritto processuale
penale (1995),
Compendio di procedura penale (7th
edition, 2014), and co-edited the volumes
Crimini internazionali
tra diritto e giustizia (2000) and
Il giudice di pace nella
giurisdizione penale (2001). He was the editor of the volumes
Prove penali e Unione europea (2009) and
Nuovi profili
del segreto di Stato e dell'attività di intelligence (2010), as
well as, together with Giovanni Conso, of the
Commentario breve
al codice di procedura penale (2nd edition, 2015) and of the
Commentario breve al codice di procedura penale - Complemento
giurisprudenziale (9th edition, 2015).
He has taken part in several national and
international research projects. Among them:
- L'armonizzazione della prova dichiarativa nell'Unione
Europea, coordinated by Giulio Illuminati (PRIN 2005)
- Tasks and Powers of the Prosecution Services in the EU
Member States, coordinated by Peter J.P. Tak, Radboud
University of Nijmegen, 2004-2005
- Suspects in Europe. Procedural Rights at the Investigative
Stage of the Criminal Process in the European Union,
coordinated by Ties Prakken and Taru Spronken, Maastricht
University (AGIS 2005)
- Garantias procesales en los procesos penales en la Union
Europea, coordinated by Coral Aranguena Fanego, University of
Valladolid (AGIS 2005)
- Proceso penal y sistemas acusatorios, coordinated by
Lorena Bachmaier Winter, Complutense University of Madrid,
- Rethinking European Criminal Justice, coordinated by
Ulrich Sieber, Max-Planck Institut fur
Auslandische-und-Internationale Strafrecht, Freiburg im B. (AGIS
- Effective Defence Rights in the EU and Access to
Justice, coordinated by Taru Spronken, University of Maastricht
(European Commission, 2007)
- Le impugnazioni penali nel prisma del giusto processo,
coordinated by Renzo Orlandi, University of Bologna (PRIN
- Sistema procesal penal y métodos alternativos de resoluciòn
de conflictos: anàlisis critìco y propuestas ante la reforma del
proceso penal en el spacio judicial europeo, coordinated by
Lorenzo Bujosa Vadell, University of Salamanca (Ministerio de
Ciència y Innovaciòn, 2011)
- Good Practices for Protecting Victims Inside and Outside the
Criminal Process, coordinated by Luca Luparia, University of
Milan (European Commission, 2011)