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Giuliano Bettini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

1)      MARCATO P.S., BETTINI G., DELLA SALDA L., GALEOTTI M.: Pretelangiectasis of the bovine liver and capillarisation of sinusoids. Immunolabeling and electron microscopy. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 132, 447-448, 1990.

2)      BETTINI G., MARCATO P.S.: Primary hepatic tumours in cattle. A classification of 66 cases. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 107, 19-34, 1992.

3)      MARCATO P.S., BENAZZI C., BETTINI G., MASI M., DELLA SALDA L., SARLI G., VECCHI G., POLI A.: Blood and serous cysts in the atrioventricular valves of the bovine heart. Veterinary Pathology, 33, 14-21, 1996.

4)      GANDINI G., PIETRA M., CINOTTI S., BETTINI G.,: Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the urinary bladder in a mare. Equine Practice, 20, 18-20, 1998.

5)      MARCATO P.S., BETTINI G., DELLA SALDA L., GALEOTTI M.: Pretelangiectasis and telangiectasis of the bovine liver: a morphologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 119, 95-110, 1998.

6)      SARLI G., BENAZZI C., PREZIOSI R., DELLA SALDA L., BETTINI G., MARCATO P.S.: Evaluating mitotic activity in canine and feline solid tumors: standardizing the parameter. Biotechnic & Histochemistry, 74 (2), 1999, 64-76.

7)      CALETTI G., FUSAROLI P., TUCCI A., FEDRIGO M., BETTINI G., RODA E.: Severe acute gastritis associated with Helicobacter pilori infection. Digest Liver Dis, 32:34-38, 2000

8)      Bettini G., Mandrioli L, Brunetti B., Marcato PS: Canine splenic pathology: a retrospective study of 109 surgical samples, with special emphasis on fibrohistiocytic nodules. European Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 7(3): 101-109, 2001.

9)      MANDRIOLI L., MORINI M., BETTINI G., TORRE F., MARCATO P.S.: Halicephalobus gingivalis granulomatous encephalitis in a horse. Ippologia 13 (1): 27-38, 2002.

10)  GANDINI G., BETTINI G., PIETRA M., MANDRIOLI L., CARPENE' E.: Clinical and pathologichal findings of acute zinc intoxication in a puppy. Journal of  Small Animal Practice 43: 539-542, 2002.

11)  MANDRIOLI L., BETTINI G., MARCATO P.S., Benazzi C., Della Salda L., Jensen H.E., krockenberger m.b.: Central nervous system cryptococcoma in a cat. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A 49: 526-530, 2002.

12)  BETTINI G., MURACCHINI M., DELLA SALDA L., PREZIOSI R., MORINI M., GUGLIELMINI C., SANGUINETTI V., MARCATO P.S.: Hypertrophy of intestinal smooth muscle in cats. Research in Veterinary Sciences 75 (1): 43-53, 2003.

13)  DIANA A., PIETRA M., GUGLIELMINI S., BOARI A., BETTINI G., CIPONE M.: Ultrasonografic and pathologic features of intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy in four cats. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 44 (5): 566-569, 2003.

14)  Bettini G., Morini M., Marcato P.S.: Gastrointestinal spindle cell tumours of the dog: histological and immunohistochemical study. Journal of Comparative Pathology 129: 283-293, 2003.

15)  Bettini G., Mandrioli L., Morini M.: Bile duct dysplasia and congenital hepatic fibrosis associated with polycystic kidney (Caroli syndrome) in a rat. Veterinary Pathology 40: 693-694, 2003.

16)  MILITERNO G., BAZZO R., BEVILACQUA D., BETTINI G., MARCATO P. S.: Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis in two dogs. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A 50: 457-459, 2003.

17)  BORZACCHIELLO G., AMBROSIO V., BETTINI G., GALATI P., ROPERTO F.: First report of morphological variants of urothelial carcinoma in the dog. Veterinary Research Communications 27 (Suppl.1): 327-330, 2003.

18)  PELI A., FRUGANTI A., BETTINI G., ASTE G., BOARI A.: Emphysematous cystitis in two glycosuric dogs. Veterinary Research Communications 27 (Suppl.1): 419-423, 2003.