Foto del docente

Giulia Casu

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Curriculum vitae

Current position

Associate Professor in Psychometrics, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

Member of the research group P.A.T. (Psychometrics, Assessment, and Testing), Department of Psychology, the University of Bologna, Italy.

Psychologist - Emilia Romagna Regional Board of Psychologists, Italy. Membership number 7095 (section A), since April 3, 2012.

Academic career

2019-2022 - Senior Assistant Professor in Psychometrics, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2015-2019 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy. Research area: Psychometrics. Supervisor: Prof. Paola Gremigni.

July-december 2012 - Research fellow at Department of Psychiatry, Neurobiology, Pharmacology and Biotechnologies, University of Pisa, Italy. Supervisor: Prof. Liliana Dell’Osso.

2011-2012 - Research fellow at University of Bologna, Scientific and Didactic Pole of Cesena, Italy. Research area: Psychometrics. Supervisor: Prof. Paola Gremigni.

Teaching experience

A.Y. 2015/2016-2019/2020 and A.Y. 2011/2012 - Adjunct Professor in Psychometrics (2nd year laboratories) at Master’s degree program in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy.

A.Y. 2016/2017 - Methodological assistance and tutoring for dissertations at Master’s degree program in Clinical Psychology, School of Psychology and Education, University of Bologna, Italy.


2015 - Ph.D., Doctorate Program D511 in Psychological Sciences, XXVII Cycle, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy. Dissertation: Envy: A Psychometric Refinement of the Construct. Research area: Psychometrics. Supervisor: Prof. Paola Gremigni.

2009-2011 - Master’s degree in Methodology of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain. Dissertation: Option length and overlapping with the stem: Impact on difficulty and discrimination in multiple choice items. Subject area: Psychometrics. Supervisor: Prof. Carmen García García.

2008 - Msc in Clinical and Community Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy. Dissertation in Methodology and Data Analysis: Spanish validation of the Peer Aggressive and Reactive Behavior Questionnaire (Parb-Q). Supervisor: Prof. Paola Gremigni. Grade: 110/110 cum laude.

2005 - Bsc in Sciences of Behaviour and Social Relations, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy. Thesis in Methodology and Data Analysis: Attitudes towards disability, satisfaction dimensions, and attachment styles in employees from a nursing home. Supervisor: Pro. Paola Gremigni. Grade: 109/110.

Professional experience

She participated as a methodological advisor or project statistician in many European research projects: H2020 ME-WE–Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe (in corso), Erasmus+ KA2 Bridge (2019), Erasmus+ KA2 Care4Dem–Dementia Caregiver Support (2019), Erasmus+ KA2 S.IN.CA.L.A.–Supporting Informal Carers: A Whole-Family & Lifecourse Approach (2019), Erasmus+ KA3 YEIP–Youth Empowerment and Innovation Project (2018-2019), Erasmus+ KA2 STAGESocio-Drama Tackling Ageism, Preventing Abuse (2017), Erasmus+ KA2 Edy-Care–Innovative School Education Methodologies and Tools for Guaranteeing Social Inclusion of Young Carers (2017-2019), Erasmus+ KA2 A4C-Apps for Carers (2016-2017), LLL LDV COMETA Evolution (2014).

June 2018 - External examiner for the training course Health provider qualified to work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, provided by Seneca srl, professional training body. Funding: ICEP sro, Vysoka 26, Bratislava, Slovakia.

October-december 2016 - Cognitive skill trainer of healthy older adults at Società Cooperativa Sociale Anziani e Non Solo (ANS), Carpi, Italy.

March-may 2016 - Professional collaboration agreement within the experimental project Educare alla Cura, awareness raising seminars for teachers and students on the issue of young carers. Funding: Rotary Club of Castelvetro, Modena, Italy.

April-june 2015 - External evaluator of the project Da Me A Te – Mediazione Culturale a Sostegno dei Caregiver Familiari Immigrati [From Me to You - Cultural Mediation to Support Migrant Family Caregivers]. Funding: Ministry of the Interior and European Union, FEI program (FEI - Action 6 – Grant agreement n. 2013-FEI-PROG.104936). C.U.P. code: E69D15000070005.

May 2014 - Professional collaboration agreement within the contract of “Services to realize actions of information, training, and transfer of national and international good practices in the field of immigration and interculture in the Sardegna Region”. Training Action # 1 Acquisition of design competences. Funding: European Social Fund 2007-2013 Sardegna Region, Axis V Transnationality

April-december 2013 - Recipient of the Spinner research grant (Services for the promotion of innovation and research), Regional Operational Programme, Objective “Regional Competitiveness and Employment”. Project: Competences validation (Part C, Organizational Innovation, Protocol n. 421/12). Project realized at Società Cooperativa Sociale Anziani e Non Solo, via Lenin 55, Carpi, Italy. Funding: European Social Fund 2007-2013. Axis IV – Human Capital. CIG E35G11000000007 - CUP E39E11000040007.

July-august 2012 - Professional collaboration agreement as an expert in methodology and data analysis within the research project Integrating palliative care into care of life threatening nonmalignant disease: Equity of access to palliative care for service advanced heart failure (HF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A methodological development and feasibility study. Funding: Marche Region Agency, RF-MAR-2007-679550, code 209337211653 and 211654.

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