Foto del docente

Giovanni Mongardi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Matematica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MATH-02/B Geometria

Coordinatore del Corso di Dottorato in Matematica


Lehn, C.; Mongardi, G.; Pacienza, G., The Morrison–Kawamata cone conjecture for singular symplectic varieties, «SELECTA MATHEMATICA», 2024, 30, Article number: 79, pp. 1 - 36 [articolo]

Lehn C.; Mongardi G.; Pacienza G., Deformations of rational curves on primitive symplectic varieties and applications, «ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY», 2023, 10, pp. 199 - 227 [articolo]Open Access

Mongardi G.; Pacienza G., Density of Noether-Lefschetz loci of polarized irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties and applications, «KYOTO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2023, 63, pp. 749 - 781 [articolo]Open Access

Charles F.; Mongardi G.; Pacienza G., Families of rational curves on holomorphic symplectic varieties and applications to 0-cycles, «COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA», 2023, 160, pp. 288 - 316 [articolo]Open Access

Fatighenti, E; Meazzini, F; Mongardi, G; Ricolfi, AT, Hilbert squares of degeneracy loci, «RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO», 2023, 72, pp. 3153 - 3183 [articolo]Open Access

Fatighenti E.; Kapustka M.; Mongardi G.; Rampazzo M., The Generalized Roof F(1, 2,n): Hodge Structures and Derived Categories, «ALGEBRAS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY», 2023, 26, pp. 2313 - 2342 [articolo]Open Access

Mongardi G.; Onorati C., Birational geometry of irreducible holomorphic symplectic tenfolds of O’Grady type, «MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT», 2022, 300, pp. 3497 - 3526 [articolo]Open Access

Debarre O.; Mongardi G., Gushel–Mukai varieties with many symmetries and an explicit irrational Gushel–Mukai threefold, «BOLLETTINO DELLA UNIONE MATEMATICA ITALIANA», 2022, 15, pp. 133 - 161 [articolo]Open Access

Kamenova L.; Mongardi G.; Oblomkov A., Symplectic involutions of K3[n] type and Kummer n type manifolds, «BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2022, 54, pp. 894 - 909 [articolo]Open Access

Fatighenti E.; Mongardi G., A note on a Griffiths-type ring for complete intersections in Grassmannians, «MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT», 2021, 299, pp. 1651 - 1672 [articolo]Open Access

Mongardi G.; Pacienza G., Corrigendum and Addendum to “Polarized Parallel Transport and Uniruled Divisors on Generalized Kummer Varieties”, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2021, 2021, pp. 14398 - 14404 [articolo]Open Access

Fatighenti E.; Mongardi G., Fano varieties of K3-Type and IHS manifolds, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2021, 2021, pp. 3097 - 3142 [articolo]Open Access

Mongardi, Giovanni; Rapagnetta, Antonio, Monodromy and birational geometry of O'Grady's sixfolds, «JOURNAL DE MATHÉMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUÉES», 2021, 146, pp. 31 - 68 [articolo]Open Access

Giovanni Mongardi; John Christian Ottem, Curve classes on irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties, «COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS», 2020, 22, Article number: 1950078, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]Open Access

Ciaran Meachan, Giovanni Mongardi , Kōta Yoshioka, Derived equivalent Hilbert schemes of points on K3 surfaces which are not birational, «MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT», 2020, 294, pp. 871 - 880 [articolo]Open Access

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