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Giovanni Mongardi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Matematica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MAT/03 GEOMETRIA

Coordinatore del Corso di Dottorato in Matematica


Andreas L., Knutsen; Margherita, Lelli Chiesa; Mongardi, Giovanni, Severi varieties and Brill–Noether theory of curves on abelian surfaces, «JOURNAL FÜR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK», 2019, 749, pp. 161 - 200 [articolo]Open Access

Chiara Camere, Grzegorz Kapustka, Michał Kapustka, Giovanni Mongardi, Verra Four-Folds, Twisted Sheaves, and the Last Involution, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2019, 2019, pp. 6661 - 6710 [articolo]

Knutsen, Andreas Leopold; Lelli-Chiesa, Margherita; Mongardi, Giovanni, Wall divisors and algebraically coisotropic subvarieties of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds, «TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2019, 371, pp. 1403 - 1438 [articolo]

Giovanni, Mongardi; Pacienza, Gianluca, Polarized Parallel Transport and Uniruled Divisors on Deformations of Generalized Kummer Varieties, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2018, 2018, pp. 3606 - 3620 [articolo]

Mongardi, Giovanni; Tari, Kevin; Wandel, Malte, Prime order automorphisms of generalised Kummer fourfolds, «MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA», 2018, 155, pp. 449 - 469 [articolo]

Mongardi, Giovanni; Rapagnetta, Antonio; Saccà, Giulia, The Hodge diamond of O’Grady’s six-dimensional example, «COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA», 2018, 154, pp. 984 - 1013 [articolo]Open Access

Giovanni, Mongardi; Malte, Wandel, Automorphisms of O'Grady's manifolds acting trivially on cohomology, «ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY», 2017, 4, pp. 104 - 119 [articolo]Open Access

Boissière, Samuel; Camere, Chiara; Mongardi, Giovanni; Sarti, Alessandra, Isometries of ideal lattices and hyperkähler manifolds, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2016, 2016, pp. 963 - 977 [articolo]

Giovanni Mongardi, On the monodromy of irreducible symplectic manifolds, «ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY», 2016, 3, pp. 385 - 391 [articolo]Open Access

Mongardi G., On the monodromy of irreducible symplectic manifolds, (Algebr. Geom., (2016), 3(3), (385–391), (10.14231/AG-2016-017)), «ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY», 2016, 10, pp. 259 - 261 [articolo]

Mongardi, Giovanni, Towards a classification of symplectic automorphisms on manifolds of K3[n] type, «MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT», 2016, 282, pp. 651 - 662 [articolo]Open Access

Mongardi, Giovanni, A note on the kähler and Mori cones of hyperkähler manifolds, «THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2015, 19, pp. 583 - 592 [articolo]

Mongardi, G; Wandel, M., Induced automorphisms on irreducible symplectic manifolds, «JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2015, 92, pp. 123 - 143 [articolo]

Mongardi, Giovanni, On natural deformations of symplectic automorphisms of manifolds of K3[n] type, «COMPTES RENDUS MATHÉMATIQUE», 2013, 351, pp. 561 - 564 [articolo]

Mongardi, Giovanni, On symplectic automorphisms of Hyper-Kähler fourfolds of K3 [2] type, «MICHIGAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL», 2013, 62, pp. 537 - 550 [articolo]

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