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Giovanni Emanuele Corazza

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IINF-03/A Telecomunicazioni


Agnoli, Sergio; Corazza, Giovanni E.; Runco, Mark A., Estimating Creativity with a Multiple-Measurement Approach Within Scientific and Artistic Domains, «CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL», 2016, 28, pp. 171 - 176 [articolo]Open Access

Corazza G.E.; Agnoli S.; Martello S., Introducing Irrelevant Information in the Creative Process: the DIMAI model for Fashion Design, in: Cultures, Fashion, and Society Notebooks 2015, Torino, Pearson - Bruno Mondadori, 2016, pp. 1 - 15 [capitolo di libro]

Gappmair W.; Cioni S.; Corazza G.E.; Koudelka O., Jitter floor elimination for blind feedforward/feedback symbol-timing recovery exploiting the extended zero-crossing property, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING», 2016, 34, pp. 645 - 660 [articolo]

Corazza, GIOVANNI EMANUELE, Potential Originality and Effectiveness: The Dynamic Definition of Creativity, «CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL», 2016, 28, pp. 258 - 267 [articolo]Open Access

Rosati, Stefano; Candreva, Enzo Alberto; Vanelli-Coralli, Alessandro; Corazza, Giovanni E., A closed-form expression for the total degradation in OFDM systems, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING», 2015, 33, pp. 543 - 555 [articolo]

Agnoli, Sergio; Franchin, Laura; Rubaltelli, Enrico; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele, An Eye-Tracking Analysis of Irrelevance Processing as Moderator of Openness and Creative Performance, «CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL», 2015, 27, pp. 125 - 132 [articolo]

Fuschini, Franco; Barbiroli, Marina; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele; Degli Esposti, Vittorio; Falciasecca, Gabriele, Analysis of Outdoor-to-Indoor Propagation at 169 MHz for Smart Metering Applications, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION», 2015, 63, Article number: 7031411, pp. 1811 - 1821 [articolo]

Dalakas, Vassilis; Papaharalabos, Stylianos; Mathiopoulos, P. Takis; Candreva, E. Alberto; Corazza, Giovanni E.; Vanelli-Coralli, Alessandro, BICMC and TD Comparative Performance Study of 16-APSK Signal Variants for DVB-S2 Systems, «IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS», 2015, 19, Article number: 7057637, pp. 723 - 726 [articolo]

Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele; Agnoli, Sergio; Martello, Sara, Introducing Irrelevant Information in the Creative Process: the DIMAI model for Fashion Design, in: Cultures, Fashion and Society’s Notebook 2015, Milan-Turin, Pearson Italia, 2015, pp. 139 - 153 [capitolo di libro]

Bartolucci, Marco; Casile, Roberta; Pojani, Giacomo; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele, Joint Jammer Detection and Localization for Dependable GNSS, in: Proceedings of the ION 2015 Pacific PNT Meeting, 2015, pp. 498 - 506 (atti di: ION 2015 Pacific PNT Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 20 - 23, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele; Agnoli, Sergio, Multidisciplinary contributions to the science of creative thinking, Singapore, Springer Science+Business Media 2016, 2015, pp. 348 . [curatela]

Corazza G.E.; Agnoli S., On the impact of ICT over the creative process in humans, in: Proceedings of the International Conferences on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2015, ICT 2015, Web Based Communities and Social Media 2015, WBC 2015 and Connected Smart Cities 2015, CSC 2015 - Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2015, IADIS, 2015, pp. 3 - 10 (atti di: International Conferences on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2015, ICT 2015, Web Based Communities and Social Media 2015, WBC 2015 and Connected Smart Cities 2015, CSC 2015, esp, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele; Agnoli, Sergio, On the path towards the science of creative thinking, in: Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative Thinking, Singapore, Springer Singapore, 2015, pp. 3 - 19 [capitolo di libro]

Mathiopoulos, P.T.; Candreva, E.A.; Awoseyila, A.B.; Dalakas, V.; Tarchi, D.; Evans, B.G.; Vanelli-Coralli, A.; Corazza, G.E., Performance improvement techniques for the DVB-RCS2 return link air interface, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING», 2015, 33, pp. 371 - 390 [articolo]

Corazza, G., Agnoli, S., Preface, in: Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative Thinking, Singapore, Springer, 2015, pp. 5 - 64 [prefazione]

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