Foto del docente

Giovanna Salvitti

Teaching tutor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHIM/02 Physical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Giovanna Salvitti is a phD student at the Free Jet Microwave Spectroscopy Group of the University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry, under the supervision of prof. Assimo Maris. Her main research topic is the study of structure and inter and intramolecular interactions involving molecules and small clusters in the gas phase, through rotational spectroscopy and quantum mechanical simulations.

She is currenty at the Biomolecular Quantum Sensing laboratory of the Technical University of Munich, as phD visiting student. She is learning the basic principles of quantum sensing with spin defects in solid-state systems and she will support the research  team in the development of quantum sensors based on boron vacancy centers (VB-) in hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) for the detection of magnetic fields, temperature and pressure.



Master's degree in Photochemistry and Molecular Material, University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry. Dissertation title "Electronic properties and Biradical Nature of a Real-World Organic Compound from DFT-based Methods", supervisor prof. Fabrizia Negri, grade 110/110 cum laude


Bachelor's degree in Chemical and Material Science and Technologies, University of L'Aquila, Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences. Dissertation title "Structural heterogeneity in Etilammonium Nitrate - Acetonitrile binary mixture: computational study", supervisor prof. Fabio Ramondo, grade 110/110 cum laude

Attività didattica


Teaching Tutor of Laser and Computational Methodologies of the Photochemistry and Molecular Material master's program

Teaching Tutor of Chemical Physical Methodologies for the characterization of Molecules and Aggregates of the Chemistry master's program

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