Foto del docente

Giovanna Citti

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-03/A Mathematical Analysis

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 322KB )

1986 – 89 graduated studies in Rome, and in Minneapolis (Minnesota - USA)

1985 laurea degree in Mathematical analysis from the University of Bologna


Academic position

2014- oggi Associated Member of Centre d'Analyse et Mathématiques Sociales CAMS EHESS Paris

2012 – oggi Coordinatore del Phd in Mathematics University of Bologna

2001 – present Full Professorin Mathematical analysis at the University of Bologna,

1992 – 2000 Associated professor, Mathematical analysis

1990 – 91 Research Professor in Mathematical analysis - University of Bologna 



Cosimo Senni, e Gonzalo Sanguineti, Giacomo Cocci, Benedetta Franceschiello, Marta Favali, Emre Baspinar, Noemi Montobbio, Fefderico Bertoni, Caterina Mazzetti, Virginia Bolelli, Elisa Negrini, Michele Circelli

e referente scientifico di un assegnista di ricerca Davide Barbieri


oordination activities and Grants

  • 2023 – now PI of the project Regularity problems in sub-Riemannian structures PRIN 2022 Participant 3 Italian universities. Funded by MIUR for 180.600 Euro
  • 2023- now WP leader of the project } MNESYS, A multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease, H2020-EIC-FETPROACT-2019- 951910-MAIA and PNRR - Project PE12 -PE000006. With the participation of 12 Italian universities, funded by the Italian minister of University. Grant for 10.008.900 Euros.
  • 2020 - 2021 PI del Progetto alte competenze per la ricerca e il trasferimento tecnologico POR FSE 2014/2020 Obiettivo tematico 10, Un modello di deep learning ispirato alla corteccia visiva e applicazioni a strumenti di precisione per controllo automatico. (grant 30.000)
  • 2018 - 2021 responsabile del Progetto alte competenze per la ricerca e il trasferimento tecnologico Metodi matematici e di analisi dati per modelli di corteccia visiva, diagnostica medica e apprendimento automatico: finanziamento di una borsa di dottorato (60.000 euro)
  • 2017 - oggi Coordinator of the H2020 MSCA RISE project GHAIA (2017-23) n. 777822. : geometric and harmonic analysis with interdisciplinary applications with the participations of 7 European Universities and 18 extra European, and a total grant of 1.930.000 Euros.
  • 2014-2018 Coordinator of the FP7 MSCA ITN MANETn. 607643 Metric analysis for emergent technologies, with the participations of 8 European Universities and a total grant of 3.600.000 Euros (finanziamento3 663 975,82).
  • 2014-2022 Coordinator of the project AGAPE– Analysis in Lie Groups and Applications to Perceptual Emergences (with members of the math department, University of Bologna and the CAMS, EHESS (Paris), Madrid.
  • 2010 - 2013 Responsible of a WP within the EU project Fp7CG-DICE - Dimension Phenomena and Curvature Equations in Carnot Groups
  • 2009-2013 Coordinator of the EACEA Project EU-US CAP – Complex Analysis and PDE mobilityn.2973/001-001 CPT EU-US EIM the project promotes mobility in this field, for graduate students in mathematics
  • 2006-2008 Coordinator of the European GALA Nest EU project n. 28766 –Geometric analysis in Lie groups and Applications. with the participations of 8 Univeristy, and a total grant of 1.000.000 Euros.
  • 2006-2008 Coordinator for the math department f the interdipartimental project of "Neuromathematics and Visual Cognition"
  • 2004 -2006 Local coordinator of the Europeo ALFA project II-0366-FA Computer vision foundations andapplications for the Department of Math – Bologna
  • 2004-2005 Local coordinator of the project Geometrical and Numerical analysis for image processing, of the University of Bologna.