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Giovanna Cenacchi

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 529KB )

1975 Degree: Biological Sciences, 110/110 cum Laude, University School of Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
1978 Post-graduation in Pathology, University School of Medicine, Pavia, Italy
1989 Degree: Medical Doctor, 110/110 cum Laude, University School of Medicine, Bologna,Italy
Professional activity
1978/1980 Fellow of National Council of Research, CNR, at the Institute of Clinical Electron Microscopy , University School of Medicine, Bologna, Italy
1980-30/09/2002 Associated Researcher, Dipartimento Clinico di Scienze Radiologiche e Istocitopatologiche, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Bologna
1/10/2002 Associated professor,Department od Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

8/11/2020 Full Professor, Department od Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

2013 National Academic Qualification as Full Professor 06/A2 General and Clinical Pathology

2017 national Academic qualification as Full Professor 06/A4 Anatomic Pathology

Dean del Corso di Laurea magistrale in Biotecnologie Mediche dal 2009-20015

Board DIBINEMdal 2012 a tutt' oggi

Board Presidio QA-DID UNIBOdal 2012 al 2018

President AINPeNC

Coordinator EMWG dell'ESP, European Society of Pathology

1977 Società Italiana di Microscopia Elettronica
1982 Società Italiana per lo Studio del Connettivo
1987 Società Italiana di Istochimica
1990 International Academy of Pathology, IAP
1990 Gruppo Italiano di Diagnostica Ultrastrutturale (President)

1998 Club Italiano di Neuropatologia
1994 Società Italiana di Neuropatologia (Member of the Board)
1999 American Society of Ultrastructural Pathology
2000 Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia, SIAPEC
Invited speaker
1990 European Course of Cellular Pathology, Lyon, France
1997 International Workshop "The ultrastructural and molecular approach for the diagnosis of primitive neuroectodemal tumors", Bologna, Italy
1998 2nd International Congress of Torax Surgery, Bologna, Italy
2000 Meeting SIAPEC-IAP, Bolzano, Italy
2003 19th European Congress of Pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenija
2004 Associazione Italiana di Neuropatologia, Padova,24-26 maggio.
2005 preCongress meeting del EM Working Group, Paris, 3 September 2005
20th European Congress of Pathology, Sept 3-8, 2005
2005 CRONOBIE, Bologna , October 2006
2006 SIAPEC- Corso di Agiornamento, Bari, 10 April 2006

2007- Ernest Gutmann Heritage, 30-year after & 2007Spring PaduaMuscleDays

2007- III Incontro Anatomo-clinico in Neurochirurgia, Udine, 19 Giugno 

2007- 21st ECP (European Congress of Pathology) 8-13 September – Istanbul,

2008-Conferenze di Neuroscienze  2008, OIRM S.Anna, Torino, 17 Gennaio

2008-Bari , GIPU, 15- 16 Febbraio

2008Corso breve di Neuropatologia per Specializzandi, Bari, 25-27 Febbraio

2008-Convegno “Gli adenomi ipofisari”,  Cesena, 29 marzo

2008-3rd Intercontinental Congress of Pathology, Barcelona

2009Corso breve di Neuropatologia per Specializzandi, Bari, 17 Febbraio

2009- 22nd European Congress of Pathology

2010 Ronzano EuroMediterranean University Centre, 29-31 March

2010 PDTA Multidisciplinare per il paziente conn malattia neuromuscolare, Bologna 26 Maggio

2010 SIAPEC, Congresso Nazionale, Bologna 21-25 Settembre

2011  Bari 11-12 Febbraio, Corso breve di Neuropatologia per specializzandi

She was awarded a MIUR ex-60% Research grant and is a Director of the Research unit PRIN (PRIN 2002, 2006). She is the Director of Research Projects financed by private Trusts (Fondazione CARISBO and Fondazione Banca del Monte di Bologna and Ravenna); she is part of the funded Project MNGIE and the Project which was awarded a grant in 2009 Art 43 Legge 449/97 "Fattori genetici e rischio di miopatia da statine:studio caso-controllo" (Dr. Rita Rinaldi)

The results of this research have been presented at national and international congresses and published in international journals with IF:

Publications in international journals with IF, 181, (total IF 582,854; Scopus H index 39, Citation Index 5047)
ORCID ID 0000-0001-5824-3118
• Publications in international journals without IF, 4
• Invited speaker for Courses, National and International congresses, 84
• 2021AREA VRA 06: 1.00, AAA


A patent has been presented titled: “BIOMARCATORE DIAGNOSTICO DI MIOPATIA INFIAMMATORIA” (n. 102021000012572 , 17/05/2021, 50% UNIBO e 50% IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria S.Orsola, Bologna)

Research activity in Neuropathology–
The scientific activity in neuropathology has developed mainly in the sudy of SNC neoplasms, myopathies and peripheral nerve pathology. This interest stimulated by the diagnostic activity using the electron microscopy on both CNS tumor after surgery and muscle and nerve biopsy. As regards the study of myopathies the main areas of interest concern the ultrastructural and molecular approach to some limb-girdle dystrophies such dysferlinopathies and more recently caveolinopathies. The aim of this study is the identification of the pathogenetic mechanism underlying the diseases to characterize some early morphological markers to obtain a better clinico-pathological correlation. In the vasculopathy field much study has been done on CADASIL, Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy: the main diagnostic method is based on the use of transmission electron microscopy for the identification in skin biopsy of the patognomonic GOMs, granular osmiophilic materila, at ultrastructural level, which can be recognized tightly joined to smooth muscle cells. The diagnostic study is always associated with more in-depth study of the overall morphological aspects of skin biopsies from patients with clinical symptoms suggesting a CADASIL-like disease. The Laboratory of Subcellular Diagnosis and Pathology (directed by GC)of the Dipartimento Clinico di Scienze Radiologiche e Istocitopatologiche, is one of the main reference centers for subcellular diagnosis of CADASIL of the Italian CADASIL Research Group. One of the most important problem in CNS tumor pathology is represented by the definition of morphological features of different brain tumors, both benign and malignant, showing a clear-cell component deriving from both neuronal and glial precursors. The ultrastructural study of these neoplasms defined some subcellular diagnostic criteria and allowed for the identification of new brain tumor entities. The morphological approach needed the association of molecular methologies such as FISH and nested-PCR which were applied respectively to neurocytoma (in the clear-cell tumor group) and to diagnosis of extraosseous Ewing-PNET family tumors.In particular the last group of tumors represents a parallel field of study and research for tentative identification of neural differentiation markers and the relationship between those markers and the prognosis. The aim of these study was to define entities and variants correlated to the expression of different translocation products. Recently the main focus of scientif research has been the study in vitro of differentiation mechanisms of neoplastic cells in human medulloblatoma, using cell cultures to correlate the differentiation degree of the cells with the expression of key components ofthe WNT signalling pathway (grant PRIn 2002, 2006) using molecula methods to introduce some system modifications likely those observed in human spontaneous tumor (Beta catenin, axin, APC mutations. The aim of this project was that of defining the role of some key proteins, beta catenin, in the neuronal differentiation of neoplastic cells as evidenced in different medulloblastoma histological variants, medulloblastoma with neuromnal differentiation and medulloblastoma extensively nodular/desmoplastic, showing a better prognosis.

As regards the study of myopathies the main areas of interest concern the ultrastructural and molecular approach to some limb-girdle dystrophies .The aim of this study is the identification of the pathogenetic mechanism underlying the diseases to characterize some early morphological markers obtaining a better clinico-pathological correlation. The research interest is also focused on the mechanism whereby muscle contributes to ALS-associated motor neuron degeneration which is still unclear: it seems that toxic signals originating from skeletal muscle compromise the functional connection of muscle and nerve and that skeletal muscle has a key role in the pathology. Since the skeletal muscle could be considered a primary target of the pathology, we hypothesize an alteration in the capacity of the satellite cells, SCs, to repair/regenerate damaged myofibres in ALS affected patients. During the regenerative process, the SCs divide and subsequently differentiate thus activating the induction of Myogenic Regulatory Factors (MRFs), that are crucial elements for this kind of process. It is therefore possible that alterations in MRF expression or activity play a role in muscle wasting during the disease. So our project aims to understand in more detail the molecular mechanism, the proliferative and differentiative ability of SC in ALS, in order to find new therapeutic approaches to treat this disease using different strategies, from cell therapy to the regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.
The scientifical data has been presented at national and international meetings and published in IF journal.

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