Foto del docente

Giorgio Bongiovanni

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: IUS/20 Philosophy of Law

Curriculum vitae

1. Personal Information

Date of Birth: 12 September 1956
Nationality: Italian


Department of Legal Sciences

University of Bologna
Via Zamboni, 27/29
I-40126 Bologna


CIRSFID (Interdepartmental Research Centre in the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Law and in Computer Science and Law)

University of Bologna

Via Galliera, 3


School of Law
University of Bologna
Via Zamboni, 22
I-40126 Bologna

2. CV in Detail

1993-1995: Postdoctoral research position at the University of Bologna.
1991: Ph.D. in the History of Political Institutions and of Political Thought, University of Turin.
1990-91: CNR research grant, University of Vienna.
1985: Graduated in Political Science, University of Bologna, summa cum laude.

Full professor of philosophy of law at the Bologna University Law School

Filosofia del diritto (Philosophy of Law)
Teoria del diritto e della giustizia (Theory of Law and Justice)

Teorie della giustizia e politiche dello sviluppo (Theories of Justice and Development Policies)

Multiculturalism and Cultural Relativism

2.4.1. General Research Interests
Philosophy of law, constitutional theory, legal theory, metaethics and normative ethics, the theory of legal interpretation, the foundations of practical reason, the history of legal theory and philosophy, and the history and philosophy of politics.

2.4.2. Current Research
1) Global constitutionalism and theory of Law;

2) Reasons for action and normativity of law

3) Theory of justice and global justice;

4) Theory of legal interpretation and argumentative techniques

5) Law, democracy and judicial review

2.4.3. National Research Projects
2005-2007: Member of the research group assigned to the national research project “Tutela dei diritti e sicurezza: Profili storici, filosofico-giuridici, politici e bioetici”, coordinated by Prof. C. Faralli of the University of Bologna.
2000-2002: Member of the research group assigned to the national research project “Biblioteca filosofico-giuridica: (A) Passato (documentazione on line), (B) Presente (panorama generale e nuovi problemi del costituzionalismo), e (C) futuro (una rete mondiale per la filosofia del diritto)”, coordinated by Prof. C. Faralli of the University of Bologna.
1999-2000: Member of the research group assigned to the national research project “La Filosofia del diritto dei giuristi”, coordinated by Prof. Carla Faralli of the University of Bologna.
1997-1999: Member of the research group assigned to the national research project “Problemi della produzione e della attuazione normative”, coordinated by Prof. E. Pattaro of the University of Bologna.
1993-1995: Member of the research group assigned to the national research project “Sfide al diritto alla fine del XX secolo”, coordinated by Prof. E. Pattaro of the University of Bologna.
1991-1993: Member of the research group assigned to the national research project “Università e Scienza nel sistema politico dellItalia unita: Modelli teorici e assetti istituzionali”, coordinated by Prof. P. Schiera of the University of Trento.
1987-1990. Member of the research group assigned to the national research project “Costituzioni Europee e Scienza politica italiana (XVIIXX secolo)”, coordinated by Prof. A. Mazzacane of the University of Naples.

2.4.4. A Selection of Invited Talks

23 October 2015. Took part in the workshop “Insidie del linguaggio giuridico e interpretazione normativa nell'applicazione del Diritto Penale (Pitfalls of legal language and legal interpretation in the application of criminal law)”, organized by the School of Law of the University of Bologna.

13 January 2014. Took part in the workshop “Immaginare democrazia. Costituzione, conflitti, poteri (Imagining democracy. Constitution, conflicts, powers)”, organized by Laboratorio Hans Kelsen of the University of Salerno.

5 June 2013. Took part in the Albert Calsamiglia Seminar, organized by Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. Gave a talk titled "Global Constitutionalism and Theory of Law."

5 February 2013. Took part in the workshop "The value of precedent on the shifting boundary between the legislative and the judiciary", organized by SPISA in Bologna Gave a talk (with G. Sartor) titled "Stare decisis, filosofia del diritto e interpretazione del precedente giudiziale (Stare decisis, philosophy of law and judicial interpretation of the judicial precedent."
21 May 2010. Took part in the international workshop "Legal Reasoning and European Laws: The Perspective of Neil MacCormick", organized by the European University Institute in Fiesole. Gave a talk (with A. Rotolo and C. Roversi) titled "Constitutive Rules and Coherence in Legal Argumentation".
16-17 November 2007: Took part in the international workshop Reasonableness and Law, organized by the Law Department of the European University Institute in Fiesole. Gave a talk (with C. Valentini) titled “A Family Quarrel? Rawls and Habermas on Moral and Political Reasonableness”.
16 March 2007: Took part in the seminar “50 anni di Europa: L'impatto del diritto dell'Unione Europea sullo studio delle discipline giuridiche”, Bologna University Law School. Gave a lecture titled “L'impatto del diritto dell'Unione Europea sullo studio della filosofia del diritto”.
5-6 October 2006: Took part in the international seminar “The Rules of Inference: Inferentialism in Law and Philosophy”, organized by the Comparative Law Institute of the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan. Gave a talk (with A. Rotolo and C. Roversi) titled “Inferentialism, Social Practices, and the Connection between Law and Morality”.
25-28 July 2006: Took part in a Doktorantenkolloquium organized by the Christian-Albrechts Universität in Kiel (Juristisches Seminar, Prof. R. Alexy). Gave a talk (with A. Rotolo and C. Roversi) titled “The Grammar of Social Practices: From Cooperation to Morality”.
18-20 April 2006: Took part in the 2nd National Congress of SISDIC (Società italiana degli Studiosi del Diritto Civile), organized in Capri under the title “I rapporti civilistici nell'interpretazione della Corte costituzionale”. Gave a talk titled “Argomentazione costituzionale e teoria politica”.
2 February 2006: Took part in a doctoral seminar titled “Assetti costituzionali contemporanei e concezioni del diritto”, organized by the University of Turin Law Department.
10-11 November 2005: Took part in a Doktorantenkolloquium organized by the Christian-Albrechts Universität in Kiel (Juristisches Seminar, Prof. R. Alexy). Gave a talk (with A. Rotolo and C. Roversi) titled “The Claim to Correctness and Inferentialism: Alexys Theory of Practical Reason Reconsidered”.

2.4.5. Positions Held as Editor

Editor in Chief (with Gustavo Gozzi) of the series “Democrazie, Diritti, Costituzioni (Democracies, Rights, Constitutions), Il Mulino Publisher, Bologna.

Member of the Steering Committee of the series “Ethos-Nomos”, Giappichelli Publisher, Turin.

Associate editor of Ratio Juris: An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (Oxford: Backwell).