Gianluigi Zavattaro is a full professor in Computer Science
at the Science faculty of the University of Bologna. He is member
of the IFIP (International Federation for Information
Processing) Working Group 6.1 "Architectures and Protocols
for Distributed Systems" and of the "steering
committee'' of conferences such as the "International Conference on
Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION)" and the "IFIP
International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed
Systems". He is co-author of more than 80 scientific publications
published in journals, conference proceedings, and books. He has
been invited speaker at conferences such as the "Symposium on
Trustworthy Global Computing" and the "International Meeting on
Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Calculi (MeCBIC)", he
has been speaker also at PhD schools such as
the "International PhD School in Theory and Practice of
Business Process Execution and Service Orientation (BPESO)" and the
"International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer,
Communication and Software Systems: Computational Systems Biology
(SFM:Bio)", he has been chair of the program committee of
international conferences such as "Formal Methods for Open
Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS)", "Coordination Models
and Languages (COORDINATION)", and "Concurrency Theory (CONCUR)",
and member of more than 100 program committee of international
conferences such as the "European Symposium on Programming (ESOP)",
the "International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
(ICSOC)", and the "IEEE European Conference on Web Services
(ECOWS)". He participated to several research projects: in
particular he has been coordinator of the strategic
project "CompReNDe (Compositional and executable
Representations of Nano Devices)" and he has been responsible for
specific research themes within the european project "SENSORIA
(Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay