Foto del docente

Giangiacomo Minak

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-03/A Mechanical Design and Machine Construction

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability

Curriculum vitae

2017-2019 PRIN2015, Smart Composite Laminates, Principal Investigator

Giangiacomo Minak was born Rimini on October 3rd 1969.

Present Status

Since Novembre 2012 Associate Professor (Sector ING/IND-14) in the Department of Engineering for Industry (DIN)
Since February 2nd 1998 University Researcher, permanent since 2001, (Sector ING/IND-14) in the “Department of Mechanical Engineering (DIEM) of Alma Mater Studiorum -Università di Bologna.

High School: 1987-1988 Maturità Classica, in the Liceo Classico “Giulio Cesare”  Rimini, full marks (60/60) and award for the best translation from Latin.
Degree (5 year course): 1994 Nuclear Engineering 100/100 cum Laude, Alma Mater Studiorum -Università di Bologna.
Title of the Thesis done in the Electrical Engineering Department: Modello agli elementi finiti per il calcolo dell'elettrodinamica di un campo magnetofludodinamico.
It was published as part of: Borghi C. A., Cristofolini A., Minak G., (1996) Numerical Methods for the Solution of the Electrodynamics in Magnetohydrodynamic Flows, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics. Vol. 32. No. 3.
Professional habilitation: 1994
Ph.D. 1999:Nuclear Engineering  Alma Mater Studiorum -Università di Bologna.
Title of the Thesis: Metodi per l'analisi affidabilistica di componenti e sistemi meccanici.

Spoken Languages

Italian: C2
English: C1
Portuguese: B2
Spanish: A2
Croatian: A2

Teaching Activity
Since 1999 is responsible of courses in Mechanical, Nuclear,Energy and Chemical Engineering

1996-2006 member of the commission for professional habilitation
Advisor for more than 60  degree thesis in Mechanical, Nuclear,Energy, Management and Chemical Engineering
Since 2000 Membrer of the Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Nucleare, then Meccanica dei Materiali e Processi Tecnologici, then Meccanica e Scienze avanzate dell'Ingegneria
2007 Teacher in the Joint European TEMPUS Project in “Multidisciplinary Studies of Design in Mechanical Engineering"
2007 Teacher in the MASTER ENI-Università di Bologna "Progettazione di Impianti per lo sviluppo di campi petroliferi Offshore"
2008 Teacher in the project HI-MECH “Studio, progettazione e sperimentazione di un nuovo sistema meccatronico continuo per l'estrazione di prodotti in fase liquida da matrici solide vegetali con il relativo confezionamento asettico ed in garanzia di tracciabilità"
2008 Teacher in the Project funded  provincia di Bologna "Introduzione dei materiali compositi nei processi di progettazione", Futura S.p.a.
2016-2017 Teacher in the Master on Composite Materials of the University of Bologna.

Since 2001 was elected in several representative positions:
representative of the Researchers in the “Consiglio della Facoltà di Ingegneria di Bologna” (2 times);
member of the Faculty “Commissione Censimento”
member of the Faculty “Commissione per i Problemi Giuridici ed Amministrativi”;
member of the University “Commissione RFO  del Comitato 09”;
member of DIEM Department “Giunta” (2 times).
2009-2011 Director of the Laboratory of the DIEM Department.
Till 2016 Coordinator of the Ph.D. project council in "Meccanica dei Materiali e Processi tecnologici" Doctoral School in Industrial Engineering University of Bologna

Scientific Activity

Participation to research programs:

1997-1999: he completed the task 6a “A system reliability analysis code obtained by the introduction of modifications into the object module of the SPAR program. Application of the obtained software to validate the Montecarlo method developed in task 6b” of the BRITE-EURAM Project N° ERB1531 PL-BE95-1007
1999-2001 Criteri di progettazione a fatica di manufatti in composito a fibra lunga in presenza di effetti di intaglio,(Fatigue behavior of notched long fibre reinforced composite components) local responsible prof. S. Curioni, national responsible prof. B. Atzori Funding MURST – PRIN
2001-2003 Metodologie di progettazione a fatica di giunti in materiale composito (Design of composite joints under fatigue), local responsible prof. S. Curioni, national responsible prof. P. Priolo Funding MURST – PRIN
2002-2004 Studio del comportamento superplastico di nuove leghr di alluminio nanocristalline (Superplastic behaviour of nanocristalline aluminum alloys) local responsible Lorella Ceschini, national responsible Enrico Evangelista Funding MURST – PRIN
2003-2005 Metodologie di analisi e ottimizzazione di strutture in materiale composito con danno da impatto (Composite Stuctures with impact damage), local responsible prof. S. Curioni, national responsible prof. P. Priolo Funding  MIUR – PRIN
2004-2006 Affinamento microstrutturale e caratterizzazione in regime di superplasticità di laminati in leghe di magnesio (Superplasticity of Magnesium Alloys), local responsible Lorella Ceschini, national responsible Enrico Evangelista Funding MURST – PRIN
2007-2008 Progetto Strategico di Ateneo on Friction Strir Welding responsible Ing. L. Donati
2007-2008 Progetto Strategico di Ateneo on Plasma Torches responsible Prof. V. Colombo

2016-2018 Progetto Regionale Onda Solare

2016-2018 Progetto Regionale TIME

2016-2018 Progetto Regionale 

2017-2019 Project Madam


Responsible for research projects

2001 Young researchers program ”Modelli termodinamici della meccanica del continuo”
2002-2003 Local base research funding “Messa a punto di modelli per la fatica a basso numero di cicli”
2004-2005 Local base research funding Messa a punto di modelli per la fatica a basso numero di cicli”
2006-2007 Local base research funding
2007-2008 Strategic Project for the University of Bologna MatCompMec.
2008-2010 Scientific responsible for the Bologna research unit in the funded Miur-Prin project 2007 titled: “Compositi a fibra lunga: migliaramento delle caratteristiche meccaniche mediante nanomodificazione della matrice” (On the effects of matrix nanomodification in GFRP)
2008-2011 Scientific responsible for the Bologna Team in the FP7 project SeRViCe
2010-2012 RSEDP2, Innovation Management for new Products (IMPULS)
2010-2014 MAE Progetto di Grande Rilevanza L 401/90, Sviluppo di una procedura teorico-sperimentale per la messa a punto di giunzioni incollate per impiego aerospaziale, SPACEBOND
2011-2013 MINAMBIENTE, Utilizzo duale di impianto microeolico in ambito urbano: produzione di energia e risparmio energetico (De Urbis Vento)
2012-2014 IPA Adriatic, Bridge technical differences and social suspicions contributing to transform the Adriatic area in a stable hub for a sustainable technological
development (AdriaHub)
2012- 2014 TEMPUS, Development and improvement of automotive and Urban Engineering Studies in Serbia (DIAUSS)

2016-2019 PRIN2015 Smart Composite Materials.

since 1998 coordinated different industrial research activities with the following companies: FIAT, MAGNETI MARELLI, MAPE , MARTAC, SOLGE, BODYCOTE, REGLASS, WAM, SMALTIFLEX, BUCCI.
Some of the research themes:
Reliability analysis on electromechanical components
Reliability analysis of the Selespeed
Defects identification in production batches
Experimental analysis of Diesel motor heads
Fatigue characterization of conrods steels
Evaluation of the strength of CFRP tubes under torsion
Effect of low temperature carburizing on the fatigue behaviour of stainless steels.
Mechanical behaviour of vitreous enamelled steels

2005-2008 Supervisor of the Ph.D. Student Daniele Ghelli
2009-2011 Supervisor of the Post Doc Daniele Ghelli
2009-2011 Supervisor of the Ph.D. Students Riccardo Panciroli, Giuseppe Lucisano
2009 Supervisor of the Argentinean incoming M.Sc. Student Ezequiele Poods
2010-2012 Supervisor of the Ph.D. Students Ezequiele Poods and Roberto Palazzetti
2011-2013 Supervisor of the Ph.D. Student Hamed Saghafi
2009 Supervisor of Iranian incoming Ph.D. Students Amir Refahi Oskuei, Ramin Khamedi, Majid
2011 Supervisor of Iranian incoming Ph.D. Students Alì Nikhbakht and Hossein Heidari
2012 Supervisor of the grant holders Riccardo Panciroli, Ezequiel Poodts, Nenad Radovic, Tommaso Brugo.
2014 Supervisor of the Ph.D Student Navid Zarif Karimi

He collaborates  with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and with the Federal Fluminense University (Brasil) on the modeling of the low cycle fatigue behaviour of aluminium alloys and the superplastic behaviour of magnesium alloys and with the SMETEC Department and the mechanical technology group of the DIEM Department of the University of Bologna on the mechanical behaviour of aluminium alloys and metal matrix composites.

Conferences organization

Several times in the organizing or scientific committee of international conferences:
1998: 15th Danubia Adria Symposium
2002-2009 IMEKO TC 15 YSESM (yearly)
2008 1st Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies of Design in Mechanical Engineering
2009 15th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS15)
2010 2nd Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies of Design in Mechanical Engineering
2011 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS16)
2012 Chairman of the Tematic Session: Composites under dynamic loading: Impact, Slamming and Blast
2014 Chairman of the National Conference AIAS
2016 Chairman of the Tematic Session: Composites under dynamic loading: Impact, Slamming and Blast

Research periods abroad

1998/1999: Be'er Sheva (Israel) in the Nuclear Engineering Department of the University of the Negev (Ben Gurion)
2001: Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) in the Federal University funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2004: Niteròi (Brasil) in the Fluminense Fedederal University funded by the Marco Polo program

Other research activities
2005-2006 Responsible for an Erasmus student exchange program with the University of Brasov (Romania)
2006-2008 Responsible for international relations of the MATMEC laboratory of the Emilia Romagna region Hi-Mech network.
Representative of the MATMEC in the  network of Excellence KMM-NoE
2007 Among the authors of the Road Map of the technological platform EUMAT for the FP7
2008-2011 representative of the Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi delle Sollecitazioni AIAS in the IMEKO
TC15 "Experimental Mechanics"
2010-2013 Member of the board of the Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi delle Sollecitazioni AIAS (Italian
Association for Stress Analysis)

REVIEWER for the Following International Journals:

Surface & Coating Technology
Composite structures
Journal of Composite Materials
International Journal of Fatigue
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Composites Part B
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
Composites Part A
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
Journal of Strain Analysis

Reviewer in the Romanian national scientific program UEFISCDI

Other interests

since 1998 Decompression Instructor SSI
since 2002 Apnea Academy Instructor
since 2007 President of the “Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Free Blue”
since 2012 SSI Freediving Instructor Trainer
since 1996 Bus driving license
since 1986 Boat driving license

Latest news

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