Foto del docente

Giancarlo Succi

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Useful contents

Topics for thesis

These are the open topics for thesis with Prof. Succi. If you are interested, please send him a message on telegram / email. Analysis of the work of the brain while programming, also in comparison with other artistic and creative disciplines Applying statistical meta-analysis to software ...

Office hours and means of communicating with Prof. Succi

Prof. Succi can be contacted via email ( and telegram ( [] ). In case of extreme needs it is also possible to call (+39 380 6836745) or send messages via SMS or WhatsApp. Office hours are on demand, on site and online, and are to be requested ...

Visual Paradigm supports the research of Prof. Succi

Visual Paradigm supports the research of Prof. Succi at the Università di Bologna -- Alma Mater Studiorum with the use of web based UML software, BPMN software, flowchart software and agile story mapping tools, under the Academic Partnership.