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Giancarlo Lago is a research fellow on the project "The Origins of the Administrative Order: Evidence from Bronze Age Mesopotamia" at the Department of Economics (DSE), a position funded by the PRIN project "The Origins of the State: Evidence from Bronze Age Mesopotamia".
He was trained as a prehistoric archaeologist at the University of Naples 'Federico II' and at 'Sapienza' University of Rome. He earned his PhD (34th Cycle) at 'Sapienza' with a thesis titled "The Fragmentation of Metals in European Bronze Age Hoards" in 2022. From 2022 to early 2024, he was a research fellow at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the 'University of Salento' on the RIPARTI project "DigiRock – A smart detection tool to analyze and preserve Rock Art".
Throughout his education and research assignments, he has specialized in the study of pre-state economies, economic anthropology, and metrological analyses. He carried out data analysis and simulations in Python to test the consistency of major economic theories with ancient economy.
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