Foto del docente

Gabriele Bellani

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-01/F Fluid Dynamics


Keywords: turbulence, experiments, wind tunnels, suspensions

Hi-performance Turbulence infrastructures

I am in charge of the research activities of CICLOPE (Center for International Collaboration on Long Pipe Experiments), and I have been responsible of the final design and installation of the Long Pipe in CICLoPE. The Long Pipe is a unique Pipe-Flow facility that allows high-Reynolds number near-wall measurements with full spatio-temporal resolution.

The main research interest is in the near-wall turbulent dynamics at high-Reynolds number, the scaling of turbulent fluctuations and the interaction of shear-stress fluctuations with large-scale motion. Part of my research is also to develop and validate new measurement instruments and data processing techniques (mainly based on PIV, hot-wire anemometry and pressure measurements) to measure relevant quantities in turbulent flows with unprecedented accuracy (i.e. near-wall TKE peak).

My research activities include international collaborations within the framework of the European project EUHIT (see list of international collaborations).

Advanced experimental studies in turbulence and complex flows

Aim of this research area is to reproduce and study turbulent transport phenomena relevant for environmental and industrial multi-phase flows in laboratory experiments. Within this area I have contributed to the development of a novel experimental facility to reproduce Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence, and a novel imaging technique to carry out simultaneous measurements of linear and angular velocity of fluid phase and suspended rigid particles. The aim is to provide experimental data in a parametric range that is hard to cover with numerical simulations.

I have applied these techniques to quantify the modification of turbulent flow by rigid particles of various shapes and size and analyzed at the same time the particle dynamics.

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