Foto del docente

Gaetano Alfredo Minerva

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-02/A Economic Policy


Cheung, Y., Minerva, G.A., City, Amenities, and Welfare, in: Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Cham, Springer, 2024, pp. 1 - 21 [Chapter or essay]

Minerva, Gaetano Alfredo, The strategic proximity-concentration trade-off with multiproduct multinational firms, «INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS», 2023, 174, pp. 198 - 220 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bürker, Matthias; Mammi, Irene; Minerva, G. Alfredo, Civic capital and service outsourcing: Evidence from Italy, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2021, 138, Article number: 103855 , pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]Open Access

Lanzara Gianandrea;Minerva Gaetano Alfredo, Disuguaglianza urbana e flussi turistici in Italia nel periodo 2001-2011, Roma: Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale, Allegato al XX Rapporto Annuale INPS, ISSN 2611-5670 (stampa), ISSN 2611-3619 (online), 2021, pp. 3 . [Technical report]

Lanzara, Gianandrea; Minerva, G. Alfredo, Tourism, amenities, and welfare in an urban setting, «JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE», 2019, 59, pp. 452 - 479 [Scientific article]

M. Burker;G. A. Minerva, Civic capital and the size distribution of plants: short-run dynamics and long-run equilibrium, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY», 2014, 14, pp. 797 - 847 [Scientific article]

Matthias Bürker;Chiara Franco;G. Alfredo Minerva, Foreign ownership, firm performance, and the geography of civic capital, «REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS», 2013, 43, pp. 964 - 984 [Scientific article]

Minerva G. A., Review of: Book review of “The Geography of Competition. Firms, Prices, and Localization”, by J.R. Miron., «SR SCIENZE REGIONALI», 2012, 11, pp. 141 - 144 [Review]

Minerva G. A., La variazione degli indici di segregazione etnica a Bologna nel periodo 1991-2009, «EYESREG», 2012, 2, pp. 88 - 91 [Scientific article]

Casaburi L.; Minerva G. A., Production in advance versus production to order: The role of downstream spatial clustering and product differentiation, «JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS», 2011, 70, pp. 32 - 46 [Scientific article]

Minerva G. A.; Ottaviano G. I. P., Endogenous growth theories: agglomeration benefits and transportation costs, in: Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, CHELTENHAM, Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 86 - 97 [Chapter or essay]

Federico S.; Minerva G. A., Outward FDI and Local Employment Growth in Italy, «REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS», 2008, 144, pp. 295 - 324 [Scientific article]

Casaburi L.; Gattai V.; Minerva G. A., Firms' International Status and Heterogeneity in Performance: Evidence from Italy, «RIVISTA DI POLITICA ECONOMICA», 2007, 97, pp. 151 - 187 [Scientific article]

Minerva G. A., Natural Advantage Effect, Location and Trade Patterns in Increasing Returns to Scale Industries, «RURDS. REVIEW OF URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES», 2007, 19, pp. 21 - 48 [Scientific article]

Ottaviano G. I. P.; Minerva G. A., Thirty-five years of R(S)UE: A retrospective, «REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS», 2007, 37, pp. 434 - 449 [Scientific article]

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