Foto del docente

Giuseppe Mancuso

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-04/A Agricultural Hydraulics and Watershed Protection


Odone, Giordano; Perulli, Giulio Demetrio; Mancuso, Giuseppe; Lavrnić, Stevo; Toscano, Attilio, A novel smart fertigation system for irrigation with treated wastewater: Effects on nutrient recovery, crop and soil, «AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT», 2024, 297, Article number: 108832 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso G.; Habchi S.; Maraldi M.; Valenti F.; El Bari H., Comprehensive review of technologies for separate digestate treatment and agricultural valorisation within circular and green economy, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2024, 409, Article number: 131252 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso, Giuseppe; Foglia, Alessia; Chioggia, Francesco; Drei, Pietro; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Lavrnić, Stevo; Siroli, Lorenzo; Carrozzini, Luigi Michele; Fatone, Francesco; Toscano, Attilio, Demo-scale up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor coupled with hybrid constructed wetlands for energy-carbon efficient agricultural wastewater reuse in decentralized scenarios, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT», 2024, 359, Article number: 121109 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Buscaroli, Enrico; Lavrnic, Stevo; Blasioli, Sonia; Gentile, Salvatore Luca; Solimando, Domenico; Mancuso, Giuseppe; Anconelli, Stefano; Braschi, Ilaria; Toscano, Attilio, Efficient dissipation of acetamiprid, metalaxyl, S-metolachlor and terbuthylazine in a full-scale free water surface constructed wetland in Bologna province, Italy: A kinetic modeling study, «ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH», 2024, 247, Article number: 118275 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Xi Nan, Stevo Lavrnic, Giuseppe Mancuso, Attilio Toscano, Effects of design and operational conditions on performance of constructed wetlands for agricultural pollution control - critical review, «WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION», 2023, 234, Article number: 434 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso, Giuseppe; Lavrnic, Stevo; Canet-Martí, Alba; Zaheer, Ammad; Avolio, Francesco; Langergraber, Guenter; Toscano, Attilio, Performance of lagoon and constructed wetland systems for tertiary wastewater treatment and potential of reclaimed water in agricultural irrigation, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT», 2023, 348, Article number: 119278 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso, G; Parlato, MCM; Lavrnic, S; Toscano, A; Valenti, F, GIS-Based Assessment of the Potential for Treated Wastewater Reuse in Agricultural Irrigation: A Case Study in Northern Italy, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2022, 14, Article number: 9364 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso, Giuseppe; Bencresciuto, Grazia Federica; Lavrnić, Stevo; Toscano, Attilio, Diffuse Water Pollution from Agriculture: A Review of Nature-Based Solutions for Nitrogen Removal and Recovery, «WATER», 2021, 13, Article number: 1893 , pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso, Giuseppe; Langone, Michela; Di Maggio, Rosa; Toscano, Attilio; Andreottola, Gianni, Effect of hydrodynamic cavitation on flocs structure in sewage sludge to increase stabilization for efficient and safe reuse in agriculture, «BIOREMEDITION JOURNAL», 2021, 26, pp. 41 - 52 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso, Giuseppe; Perulli, Giulio Demetrio; Lavrnić, Stevo; Morandi, Brunella; Toscano, Attilio, SARS-CoV-2 from Urban to Rural Water Environment: Occurrence, Persistence, Fate, and Influence on Agriculture Irrigation. A Review, «WATER», 2021, 13, Article number: 764 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancuso, Giuseppe; Langone, Michela; Andreottola, Gianni, A critical review of the current technologies in wastewater treatment plants by using hydrodynamic cavitation process: principles and applications, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCE & ENGINEERING», 2020, 18, pp. 311 - 333 [Scientific article]

Mancuso, Giuseppe; Stevo Lavrnić; Toscano, Attilio, Reclaimed water to face agricultural water scarcity in the Mediterranean area: An overview using Sustainable Development Goals preliminary data, in: Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection - Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: Technological Developments and Management Issues, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2020, pp. 113 - 143 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Mancuso G.; Langone M.; Andreottola G.; Bruni L., Effects of hydrodynamic cavitation, low-level thermal and low-level alkaline pre-treatments on sludge solubilisation, «ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY», 2019, 59, Article number: 104750 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]

Mancuso G., Experimental and numerical investigation on performance of a swirling jet reactor, «ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY», 2018, 49, pp. 241 - 248 [Scientific article]

Mancuso G.; Langone M.; Andreottola G., A swirling jet-induced cavitation to increase activated sludge solubilisation and aerobic sludge biodegradability, «ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY», 2017, 35, pp. 489 - 501 [Scientific article]

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