Franco Vazza, born in Vittorio Veneto (Italy) in 1979
Present Position Associate Professor at the University of Bologna since 2020
- Master degree in Astronomy from the University of Padova (22/07/2004)
- PhD in Astronomy from the University of Bologna (07/04/2009)
- Habilitation to “Maître de Conference” in France (2013)
- National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) for University teaching in Italy (2017-2023)
2014:“Borgia” prize from Accademia dei Lincei (awarded every 4 years and worth of 10,000 Euro), given at the presence of the Italian President of the Republic, as “best Italian young astronomer”.
- 2022: grant from Fondazione Cariplo, for the project "BREAKTHRU" (89,000 Euro)
- 2017-23: Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for “MAGCOW : The Magnetised Cosmic Web” project (714196). (1,459,000 Euro).
- 2017: grant for the recruiting of one PhD Student from the German Ministry of Research (DFG). The grant covers a PhD project at the University of Hamburg, including funds for travels and collaborations (~200,000 Euro).
- 2016: 3yr sesearch fellowship Astrofit2 from INAF and the Research Executive Agency (REA), for the Grant Agreement n. 664931, at the Radio Astronomy Institute in Bologna (Italy) (157,000 Euro). [resigned after 10 months to start present contract.]
- 2016: personal grant for a project on Cosmic Magnetism from the German Ministry of Research (DFG).The grant covers 3 years of independent research (originally during 2016-2019, I resigned from 31st Oct. 2016) and assign funds for the own PI positions and missions abroad (220,000 Euro).
- 2014: grant for the recruiting of one PhD Student from the German Ministry of Research (DFG). The grant covers a PhD project at the University of Hamburg, including funds for travels and collaborations (189, 000 Euro).
- 2010: winner of a mobility grant “Taux3” from the Scientifc Bureau of the French Embassy in Italy (6 months), for Post-Doctoral work (declined).
- 2008: winner of a PhD mobility grant “Marco Polo” from the University of Bologna
- 2006: winner of grant for the entire duration of the PhD, from INAF.
Publications: 148 referred journal articles (38 as PI), >6200 citations, h-index 48.
Updated list on ADS
Invited talks at international conferences: 24
Teaching: Physics II for Engineers (60h teaching + exams) from 2017--to date
Introduction to Cosmology for Astronomers (12h) 2018-2019 & 2019-2020
Astroparticles (48h+exams) from 2021--to date
Research highlights
I am an internationally recognized expert on the physics of large-scales structures, including shocks, turbulence, cosmic ray acceleration and non-thermal radiation processes. I am the PI of large supercomputing projects, and I have realised the largest simulations of extragalactic magnetic fields. I am collaborating with all most important existing and future radio (e.g. LOFAR, ASKAP, MEERKAT and SKA) and X-Ray (e.g. XMM & ATHENA) surveys of the sky. I am undertaking the challenge of understanding the origin of cosmic magnetism, also with my ERC-founded Starting Grant (2017-2022).