Foto del docente

Franco Stella

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-13/A Thoracic Surgery

Director of Single Cycle Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Useful contents

Examination Program of Scienze Cliniche dell'Area Chirurgico-Specialistica Course

- Anathomy of the Thorax (chest wall, pleura, lung and mediastinum) - Diagnostic Procedures of chest diseases - Pneumothorax - Pleural Effusions - Pleural Empyema  - Chest Traumas - Lung Cancer: epidemiology, pathology, clinical aspects, diagnosis, staging and therapeutic basis

Programma Corso Integrato: Scienze Cliniche dell'Area Chirurgico-Specialistica

- Anatomia del Torace - Diagnostica invasiva e non invasiva - Pneumotorace - Versamenti Pleurici - Empiema Pleurico - Emotorace e Traumi del Torace - Tumore del Polmone: epidemiologia, eziopatogenesi, clinica, diagnosi, stadiazione e cenni di terapia