Foto del docente

Francesco Teodori

Assistant professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-07/E Nuclear Measurements and Instrumentation

Curriculum vitae

Research Interests
Modelization of neutron transport in nuclear reactors, nuclear reactor dynamics, neutral and charged particle transport, numerical methods, basic plasma physics and complex system dynamics, X-ray transport. Present research projects:
  • Development of methods and codes for the analysis of the environmental impact of accidental releases of radioactive contaminants.
  • Safety and environmental impact analysis of nuclear facilities.
  • Coupled transport problems involving photons and charged particles.
  • Problems of multiple scattering.
  • Applications in X-ray and gamma spectroscopy (EDXRS, electron microprobe), medical physics (boron neutron capture therapy), environmental physics, industrial diagnostics.
  • Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, March 2000
    University of Bologna Bologna, BO
    Thesis: Photon Transport with Applications to X-Ray Michroanalysis and Spectroscopy
    Advisor: Prof. V. Molinari
    Committee: Prof. V. Molinari, Prof. E. Lavagno and Dr E. Padovani
  • M.S., Nuclear Engineering, July 1992
    University of Bologna Bologna, BO
    Thesis: Photon Transport with Applications to X-Ray Michroanalysis
    Advisors: Prof. V. Molinari, Prof. M. Sumini, Prof. J. E. Fernandez
  • 10/2006 to Present
    Researcher Department of Energetic Nuclear Engineering and Environmental Control, University of Bologna Bologna, BO
  • 10/2002 to 9/2006
    Research Assistant Department of Energetic Nuclear Engineering and Environmental Control, University of Bologna Bologna, BO
  • 11/1999 to 10/2001
    Post Doctoral Position Department of Energetic Nuclear Engineering and Environmental Control, University of Bologna Bologna, BO

Journal Papers
  • J.E. Fernandez V. Molinari F. Teodori. 3D modelling of unpolarized photon diffusion using the integral form of the transport equation. X-Ray spectrom, 28:327, 1999.
  • J.E. Fernandez V. Molinari F. Teodori. Mathematical modelling of 3D electron-photon transport in microbeam analysis. Mikrochimica Acta, 132:219-224, 2000.
  • F. Teodori J.E. Fernandez V. Molinari. The effect of geometry on the fluorescence radiation field. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 61:353-354, 2001.
  • V. Molinari F. Teodori. Monte Carlo simulation of charged particle diffusion through an ionized gas: contributions of simultaneous multiple collisions. Nuclear Instruments and Method B, 213:112-115, 2004.
  • V.G. Molinari S. Manservisi F. Rocchi F. Teodori. Modeling of radiation transport. Nuclear Instru- ments and Method B, 213:75-81, 2004.
  • V. Molinari D. Mostacci M. Sumini F. Teodori. A transport model for the diffusion of particle shots through matter. Physica A, 331:682-692, 2004.
  • M. Sumini F. Teodori N. Cantoro. GENII-LIN: A new object-oriented interface for the GENII code. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, (116):597-600, 2005.
  • V. Molinari F. Teodori J. Fernandez. Analysis of the geometry effects on the fluorescence radiation field in the frame of transport theory. X-Ray Spectrom, 34:7-10, 2005.
  • M. Sumini F. Teodori. GENII-LIN: a multipurpose health physics code built on GENII-1.485. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 4(5):36-42, 1999.
  • A. Fabbri M. Frignani S. Mannucci D. Mostacci F. Rocchi M. Sumini F. Teodori E. Angeli A. Tartari G. Cucchi. Radiation protection of PFMA-1, a plasma focus for medical applications. Journal of Radiological Protection, 27:465-470, 2007.
  • F. Teodori, M. Sumini, GENII-LIN-2.1 an open source software system for calculating radiation dose and risk from radionuclides released to the environment, J. Radiol. Prot. 28:589-601, 2008
Conference Papers
  • J.E. Fernandez V. Molinari F. Teodori. Diffusion of photons in the frame of the integral form of the transport equation. In Proceedings of the EDXRS-98, pages 37-43, Bologna, 1999.
  • F. Teodori V. Molinari D. Mostacci M. Sumini. A simple model for neutral and charged particle diffusion and its application to bnct. In MC '99, Madrid, 1999.
  • D. Mostacci V. Molinari F. Teodori M. Pesic. The effect of straggling on the slowing down of neutrons in radiation protection. In SIEN'99, pages 141-145, Bucarest, 1999.
  • V.G. Molinari F. Teodori. Energy propagation from a spherically symmetric particle flow. In M.D. Furnish L.C. Chhabildas and R.S. Hixon, editors, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1999, pages 339-342, 2000.
  • V. Molinari D. Mostacci M. Sumini F. Teodori. Heavy ions diffusion through human tissue and applications to BNCT. In Dragoljub P. Anti, editor, YUNSC-2000, Belgrado, 2001.
  • V. Molinari F. Teodori. Analysis of the slowing down of a high energy proton shot through a target in the frame of the Fokker- Planck equation. In M.D. Furnish N.N. Thadhani and Y. Horie, editors, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001, pages 339-342, New York, 2002.
  • V. Molinari D. Mostacci F. Teodori. Charged particle diffusion through ionized media via Monte Carlo simulation of the Fokker- Planck equation. In Dragoljub P. Anti, editor, YUNSC-2002, pages 405-410, Belgrado, 2003.
  • V. Molinari D. Mostacci F. Teodori. Analysis of the slowing down of high energy proton shots through matter via a Monte Carlo simulation of the Fokker- Planck equation. In M.D. Furnish Y.M. Gupta and J.W. Forbes, editors, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 2003, pages 1466-1469, Melville New York, 2004.
  • M. Sumini F. Teodori N. Cantoro. GENII-LIN an object oriented health physics code for the Linux operating system. In AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY INC., editor, The American Nuclear Society's 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, LA GRANGE PARK, ILLINOIS, 2006.
  • M. Sumini G. Magro S. Scarpanti F. Teodori. Application of a dynamic computational gis modelling methodology for exposure and dose risk assessment. In H. TIAN, editor, Proceedings of the Sec- ond IASTED International Conference on Environmental Modelling and Simulation, pages 43 - 47, CALGARY, 2006.
Research Experience
At present, my research activity is mainly focused on development and application of modeling and simulation tools, which integrate environmental databases, analysis, and visualization techniques. These tools are being enhanced with innovative ways of using geographical information systems (GIS) and data sharing technologies for simplifying electronic data management and communication. The aim of the work is developing tools with integrated modeling and simulation capabilities, that can be used in areas as:
  • Transport of contaminants in air, water, soil, and ecosystems;
  • Decontamination and decommissioning of structural materials;
  • Health and safety risks from exposures;
  • Impacts of alternative scenarios;
  • Probabilistic models and uncertainty analysis;
  • Optimizing sample collection and analysis methods;
  • Developing integrated systems for GIS, and simulation tools.

Research Projects

  • GENII-LIN project
    Open source environmental radiation protection software system, for calculating radiation dose and risk from radionuclides released to the environment.
  • Air Dispersion Modeling Software
    Meteorological and air quality modeling system for assessing long range transport of pollulants.
  • 3D Photon Transport Deterministic Code
    Full description, both in physical and momentum space, of the X-Ray Fluorescense radiation Field through arbitrarly composed targets in the frame of the transport equation
Graduate Works 
  • Fabbricazioni Nucleari (FN), nuclear fuel element factory, Bosco Marengo (AL), Italy:a nalisys of radiological doses and risks to workers from the decommissioning of the plant; incidental analysis, dose and risk to population from release of radionuclides to the environment.
  • Reactor fuel reprocessing plant, ITREC, Trisaia (MT), Italy: environmental impact, doses and risks to population from incidental releases of radionuclides to the environment.
  • Reactor fuel reprocessing plant, EUREX, Saluggia (VC), Italy: environmental impact, doses and risks to population from incidental releases of radionuclides to the environment.
  • Irradiated reactor fuel analysis plant, OPEC2, Casaccia (RM), Italy: environmental impact, doses and risks to population from incidental releases of radionuclides to the environment.
  • Support activity for selecting appropriate sites for low level nuclear waste final disposal and for intermediate level nuclear waste temporary disposal. Development of numerical methods and physical models for incidental analysis in complex nuclear systems.
  • Development of a plasma focus machine to be used for generating high energy electron beams for tumor treatment.
  • Neutronics and Plasmas Physics.
  • Radiation Protection
  • Numerical computation and programming
  • 1997-2006
    National Institute for the Physics of Matter - INFM
Software Skills
  • Operanting Systems
    Linux, Windows
  • Languages
    C, C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 95, Qt, html
  • Transport codes
    mcnp, egs4, scale
  • Technical Computing Tools
    Mathematica, Maple, Matlab
  • Radiation Protection Software

  • 2002 IRRMA V - 5th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radioisotope and Radiation Measurement Applications
    Member of the Organizing Committee