Foto del docente

Francesco Santi

Full Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Curriculum vitae

Professor of Latin Medieval Literature in University of Salento (where he coordinated the European doctorate in Philology and patristic, medieval and humanistic literature, consortium with Freiburg i. Br.); in the University of Cassino (where he coordinated the doctorate in Digital Humanities for Medieval Studies) and in University of Bologna (2019). President of Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (S.I.S.M.E.L.) and member of the Franceschini Foundation Board; co-director of CALMA and member of the scientific committee for Micrologus, Arxiu de Textos Catalans Antics and Segno e testo. He has directed or participated in national and European research projects. He has over 300 publications (editions, monographs and articles dedicated to the history of medieval culture), including ricordano L’età metaforica. Figure di Dio e letteratura latina medievale da Gregorio Magno a Dante, Spoleto, CISAM, 2011; La mistica. Angela da Foligno e Raimondo Lullo. Letteratura Francescana, vol. 5, Milano, Mondadori 2016 (Scrittori greci e latini. Fondazione L. Valla); Lo pseudo Bonaventura. Studi, edizioni e repertorio, Firenze 2024 (OPA. Opere Perdute e Anonime del Medioevo Latino 8), in collaboration with the group of researchers of the Bologna Unit of the FISR_2019 project, OPA.