Foto del docente

Francesco Ravanini

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-02/A Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

                                                              LIST OF PUBLIBCATIONS

                                                   ordered from the most recent to the oldest


  1. O. Castro-Alvaredo, B. Doyon, F. Ravanini
    Irreversibility of the renormalization group flow in non-unitary quantum field theory
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. A50 (2017) 424002 - arXiv:1706.01871
  2. C. Ahn, J. Balog, F. Ravanini
    Nonlinear integral equations for the sausage model
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. A50 (2017) 314005 - arXiv:1701.08933
  3. D. Bianchini, F. Ravanini
    Entanglement Entropy from Corner Transfer Matrix in Forrester Baxter non-unitary RSOS models
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. A49 (2016) 154005 - arXiv:1509.04601
  4. D. Bianchini, E. Ercolessi, P.A. Pearce, F. Ravanini
    RSOS quantum chains associated with off-critical minimal models and Z_n parafermions
    J. Stat. Mech. (2015) P03010 - arXiv:1412.4942 
  5. D. Bianchini, O. Castro-Alvaredo, B. Doyon, E. Levi, F. Ravanini
    Entanglement entropy of non-unitary conformal field theory
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. A48 (2014) 04FT01 - arXiv:1405.2804
  6. E. Ercolessi, S. Evangelisti, F. Franchini, F. Ravanini
    Modular invariance in the gapped XYZ spin-1/2 chain
    Phys. Rev. B88 (2103) 104418-1 - 104418-11 - arXiv:1301.6758

  7. E. Ercolessi, S. Evangelisti, F. Franchini, F. Ravanini
    Correlation Length and Unusual Corrections to the Entanglement Entropy
    Phys. Rev. B85 (2012) 115428-1 - 115428-10 - arXiv:1201.6367

  8. E. Ercolessi, S. Evangelisti, F. Franchini, F. Ravanini
    Essential singularity in the Renyi entanglement entropy of the one-dimensional XYZ spin-1/2 chain
    Phys. Rev. B83 (2011) 012402-1 - 012402-2 - arXiv:1008.3892

  9. E. Ercolessi, S. Evangelisti, F. Ravanini
    Exact entanglement entropy of the XYZ model and its sine-Gordon limit
    Phys. Lett. A374 (2010) 2101-2105 - arXiv:0905:4000

  10. C. Ahn, Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, F. Ravanini
    NLIE of Dirichlet sine-Gordon Model for Boundary Bound States
    Nucl. Phys. B799 (2008) 379-402 - arXiv:0711.4101

  11. A. Doikou, D. Fioravanti, F. Ravanini
    The Generalized non-linear Schrodinger model on the interval
    Nucl. Phys. B790 (2008) 465-492 - arXiv:0706.1515

  12. A. Hegedus, F. Ravanini, J. Suzuki
    Exact finite size spectrum in super sine-Gordon model

    Nucl. Phys. B763 (2007) 330-353  - hep-th/0610012

  13. C. Ahn, M. Bellacosa, F. Ravanini
    Excited states NLIE for sine-Gordon model in a strip with Dirichlet boundary condition
    Phys. Lett. B595 (2004) 537-546 - hep-th/0312176

  14. G. Feverati, P.A. Pearce, F. Ravanini
    Exact Φ(1,3) boundary flows in the tricritical Ising model
    Nucl. Phys. B675 (2003) 469-515 - hep-th/0308075

  15. R.I. Nepomechie, F. Ravanini
    Completeness of the Bethe ansatz solution of the open XXZ chain with nondiagonal boundary terms

    J. Phys. A36 (2003) 11391-11402 - hep-th/0307095

  16. G. Feverati, P.A. Pearce, F. Ravanini
    Excited boundary TBA in the tricritical Ising model
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A19S2 (2004) 155-167 - hep-th/0306196

  17. G. Feverati, P.A. Pearce, F. Ravanini
    Lattice approach to excited TBA boundary flows: Tricritical Ising model
    Phys. Lett. B534 (2002) 216-223 - hep-th/0202041

  18. F. Ravanini
    Finite size effects in integrable quantum field theories
    Lectures given at Eotvos Summer School in Physics: Nonperturbative QFT Methods and Their Applications, Budapest, Hungary, 14-18 August 2000
    Published in Budapest 2000, Non-perturbative QFT methods and their applications 199-264 - hep-th/0102148

  19. G. Feverati, F. Ravanin, G. Takacs
    Nonlinear integral equation and finite volume spectrum of minimal models perturbed by Φ(1,3)
    Nucl. Phys. B570 (2000) 615-643 - hep-th/9909031

  20. G. Feverati, F. Ravanin, G. Takacs
    Scaling functions in the odd charge sector of sine-Gordon / massive Thirring theory
    Phys. Lett. B444 (1998) 442-450 - hep-th/9807160

  21. G. Feverati, F. Ravanin, G. Takacs
    Nonlinear integral equation and finite volume spectrum of Sine-Gordon theory
    Nucl. Phys. B540 (1999) 543-586 - hep-th/9805117

  22. G. Feverati, F. Ravanin, G. Takacs
    Truncated conformal space at c = 1, nonlinear integral equation and quantization rules for multi - soliton states
    Phys. Lett. B430 (1998) 264-273 - hep-th/9803104

  23. D. Fioravanti, A. Mariottini, E. Quattrini, F. Ravanini
    Excited state Destri-De Vega equation for Sine-Gordon and restricted Sine-Gordon models

    Phys. Lett. B390 (1997) 243-251 - hep-th/9608091

  24. G. Feverati, E. Quattrini, F. Ravanini
    nfrared behavior of massless integrable flows entering the minimal models from Φ(3,1)
    Phys. Lett. B374 (1996) 64-70 - hep-th/9512104

  25. D. Fioravanti, F. Ravanini, M. Stanishkov
    Generalized KdV and quantum inverse scattering description of conformal minimal models
    Phys. Lett. B367 (1996) 113-120 - hep-th/9510047

  26. F. Ravanini, M. Stanishkov, R. Tateo
    Integrable perturbations of CFT with complex parameter: The M(3/5) model and its generalizations
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A11 (1996) 677-698 - hep-th/9411085

  27. E. Quattrini, F. Ravanini, R. Tateo
    Integrable QFT in two-dimensions encoded on products of Dynkin diagrams
    Talk given at the 1993 Cargèse meeting New developments in Sting theory, Conformal models and topological field theory
    Published in the Proceedings by Plenum Publishing Corporation (1994) - hep-th/931116

  28. P. Dorey, F. Ravanini
    Generalizing the staircase models

    Nucl. Phys. B406 (1993) 708-726 - hep-th/9211115

  29. F. Ravanini, R. Tateo, A. Valleriani
    A New family of diagonal A-D-E related scattering theories

    Phys. Lett. B293 (1992) 361-366 - hep-th/9207069

  30. F. Ravanini, R. Tateo, A. Valleriani
    Dynkin TBAs

    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A8 (1993) 1707-1728 - hep-th/9207040

  31. P. Dorey, F. Ravanini
    Staircase models from affine Toda field theory
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A8 (1993) 873-894 - hep-th/9206052

  32. F. Ravanini
    Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz for G(k) x G(l) / G(k+l) coset models perturbed by their Φ(1,1,Adj) operator

    Phys. Lett. B282 (1992) 73-79 - hep-th/9202020

  33. M. Caselle, G. Ponzano, F. Ravanini
    Towards a classification of fusion rule algebras in rational conformal field theories

    Talk at Research Conference on Advanced Quantum field Theory and Critical Phenomena, Como, Italy, Jun 17-21, 1991
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B6 (1992) 2075-2090 - hep-th/9111027

  34. F. Ravanini
    RG flows of non-diagonal minimal models perturbed by Φ(1,3)

    Phys. Lett. B274 (1992) 345-351 - hep-th/9110018

  35. F. Ravanini
    On the possibility of Z(N) exotic supersymmetry in two-dimensional conformal field theory
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A7 (1992) 4949-4964 - hep-th/9109057

  36. M. Caselle, G. Ponzano, F. Ravanini
    Orthogonal polynomial structures and fusion algebras of rational conformal field theories
    Phys. Lett. B251 (1990) 260-265 - preprint (KEK)

  37. F. Ravanini
    Fusion algebras and differential equation approach to rational conformal field theories
    Invited talk given at the 1989 Trieste Conference on Recent Developments in Conformal Field Theories, Trieste, Italy, Oct 2-4, 1989.
    Published in Trieste Conf. Field 1989:0055-69

  38. F. Ravanini
    Informal introduction to extended algebras and conformal field theories with c ≥1
    Lectures given at Program on String and Conformal Field Theory, Spring, 1989, Copenhagen, Denmark. -preprint(KEK)

  39. P. Christe, F. Ravanini
    new tool in the classification of rational conformal field theories
    Phys. Lett. B217 (1989) 252 - preprint (KEK)

  40. P. Christe, F. Ravanini
    G(N) x G(L) / G(N)+L conformal field theories and their modular invariant partition functions
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A4 (1989) 897 - preprint (KEK)

  41. F. Ravanini
    An infinite class of new conformal field theories with extended algebras

    Mod. Phys. Lett. A3 (1988) 397 - preprint (KEK)

  42. F. Ravanini
    Modular Invariance In S(3) Symmetric 2-D Conformal Field Theories
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A3 (1988) 271 - preprint (KEK)

  43. F. Ravanini, S.-K. Yang
    C-disorder fields and twist partition functions in parafermionic conformal field theories
    Nucl. Phys. B295 (1988) 262 - preprint (KEK)

  44. F. Ravanini, S.-K. Yang
    Modular invariance in N=2 superconformal field theories
    Phys. Lett. B195 (1987) 202 - preprint (KEK)

  45. N. Magnoli, F. Ravanini
    Phase transitions in lattice 2-D O(N) sigma model with mixed action in the large N limit
    Z. Phys. C34 (1987) 43-48

  46. N. Magnoli, F. Ravanini
    Two loop coupling constant renormalization in lattice SU(N) x SU(N) two-dimensional chiral models
    Z. Phys. C31 (1986) 567

  47. M. Caselle, F. Gliozzi, R. Megna, F. Ravanini, S. Sciuto
    Improved lattice actions for SU(N) x SU(N) chiral models
    Dedicated to memory of Prof. M. Verde
    Phys. Lett. B130 (1983) 81

  48. F. Gliozzi, F. Ravanini, S. Sciuto
    Precocious Scaling In Lattice Gauge Theories
    Phys. Lett. B118 (1982) 402

  49. F. Ravanini
    Some Considerations About Local Conservation Laws In Two-Dimensional Field Theories
    Lett. Nuovo Cim. 33 (1982) 493

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