Foto del docente

Francesco Ravanini

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-02/A Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications


Ravanini F.; Yang S.-K., Modular invariance in N=2 superconformal field theories, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1987, 195, pp. 202 - 208 [Scientific article]

Magnoli N.; Ravanini F., Phase transitions in lattice 2 D O(N)σ-model with mixed action in the large N limit, «ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHYSIK. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 1987, 34, pp. 43 - 48 [Scientific article]

Magnoli N.; Ravanini F., Two-loop coupling constant renormalization in lattice SU(N)×SU(N) 2 D chiral models, «ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHYSIK. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 1986, 31, pp. 567 - 575 [Scientific article]

Caselle M.; Gliozzi F.; Megna R.; Ravanini F.; Sciuto S., Improved lattice actions for SU(N) × SU(N) chiral models, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1983, 130, pp. 81 - 86 [Scientific article]

Gliozzi F.; Ravanini F.; Sciuto S., Precocious scaling in lattice gauge theories, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1982, 118, pp. 402 - 406 [Scientific article]

Ravanini F., Some considerations about local conservation laws in two-dimensional field theories, «LETTERE AL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA», 1982, 33, pp. 493 - 498 [Scientific article]

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