Foto del docente

Francesco Maluta

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Academic discipline: ICHI-02/A Chemical Plants

Curriculum vitae

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso-Montanari"

Università di Bologna (IT) October 2023 – Today

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso-Montanari"

Università di Bologna (IT) October 2020 –October 2023

Post-doc at the department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso-Montanari" 

Università di Bologna (IT) November 2019 – October 2020


PhD in chemical and process engineering

 Università di Bologna (IT) November 2016 – October 2019 

Development and validation of computational models for the fluid dynamics, chemical and biochemical reactions of multiphase systems of industrial relevance.

Research award recipient

University of Alberta, Edmonton (CA) February 2015 - September 2016

Development and validation of a mechanistic model to optimize polyurethane production for an industrial partner.

Attending graduate

 applied fluid dynamics and mixing research group, university of Bologna october – december 2014

Numerical characterization of the multiphase flow field of a bioreactor to produce hydrogen from food industry byproducts.



Chemical and process engineering master's degree, 110/110

Università di Bologna (IT)

Dissertation/thesis title: Study of Fluid Dynamics and Chemical reactions in a stirred tank reactor through CFD modelling.

Chemical and biochemical engineering bachelor's degree, 108/110

Università di Bologna (IT)

Dissertation/thesis title: Zeolitic Membrane Characterization through forward and reverse osmosis.


Other international experiences

Visiting PhD student

LISBP, INSA, Toulouse (FR) January 2019 - July 2019

Development and validation of a mixing model applied to biological systems to improve computational performances.

Latest news

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