Foto del docente

Francesco Iacono

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Curriculum vitae

Previous position

1/2019-1/2022 Senior Assistant Professor (RTDB), University of Bologna

10/2016-10/2018 Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, University of Cambridge.

Academic history

  1. 2013 Ph.D. in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University College London (funded by the AHRC and the British School at Athens).

  2. 2007 MA in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, (funded by the Regione Puglia).

  3. 2005 Laurea Magistrale (BA Hons) in Cultural Heritage, University del Salento, Italia.

Current projects and research collaborations

2019 – to present "Landscape of Mobility and Memory" (Italian Ministry of University and Research)

2019 – to present "Roca Archaeological Survey"

2017 – to present “Heritage and Archaeology of Displacement Leros (Greece)”; in collaboration with Eleni Stefanou.

2016 – to present “Cultural Heritage of Dictatorship in Albania” project; in collaboration with M.L. Stig Sørensen

2008 – to present Excavation and study of Aegean type (Mycenaean) materials from the Bronze Age site of Roca in Southern Italy; in collaboration with R. Guglielmino.

2014 Chemical analyses of Aegean type pottery (Bronze Age) from the Bronze Age site of Roca in Southern Italy; in collaboration with R. Guglielmino, R. Jung and H. Mommsen.

2014 “Cultural Heritage opinion and field survey in Albania” (pilot of the CHODIA project, in collaboration with the local Ministry of Culture, and K. Këlliçi

Reviewer for

Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage

Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology

International Journal of Heritage Studies

World Archaeology

Archaeological Review from Cambridge

FWF (Austrian Science Fund)


Cambridge Archaeological Journal

Bloomsbury Academic Publisher


Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e protostoria

Association of Critical Heritage Studies

Aegeus (Aegean studies association)

European Association of Archaeologists

Editorial board
Open-access journal IpoTesi di Preistoria
Open-access journal Arqueologia Publica
Open-access journal ExNovo

Organisation of Scientific Meetings

17-18/2021 "Mobility and Memory in the Archaeology of the Middle Sea" (website)

1-3/2020 “Prehistory and Protohistory at the University of Bologna: Seminars and Debates”

5/2018 Organiser of the 19th Cambridge Heritage Research Group Symposium (with F. Bartolini, M. Zoh and M.L.S. Sørensen) entitled “Heritage and Authoritarianism”.

1/2018 – 1/2019 Lunchtime Seminar Series, University of Cambridge, co-organised with Argyro Nafplioti.

12/2016 “Bridging social and geographical space through networks” workshop, Topoi Excellence Cluster, Freie Universität, Berlin (co-organised with Helen Dawson, Topoi)

Latest news

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