Foto del docente

Francesco Bellucci

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Curriculum vitae


2012 PhD Semiotics, Università degli Studi di Siena

2008 MA Discipline semiotiche, Università di Bologna

2005 BA Scienze della Comunicazione, Università di Bologna



2021–        Associate Professor, DAR, University of Bologna

2018–2021 Assistant Professor (senior), FILCOM, University of Bologna

2016–2018 Adjunct Professor, School of Letters and Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna

2017–2018 Research Fellow, FILCOM, University of Bologna

2015–2017 Research Fellow, Chair of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology

Nov. 2016 Visiting Scholar, Peirce Edition Project, Institute for American Thought, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, USA

2014–2015 Research Fellow, FILCOM, University of Bologna

2013–2014 Research Fellow, Chair of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology


Conferences (* = on invitation)

* Legisigns and Their Variants, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Dec. 2022

* (with F. Stjernfelt) The Deduction of the Dicisign, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague, Dec. 2022

The Deduction of the Dicisign, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Dec. 2022

* Peirce on Proper Names, International Open Seminar on Semiotics, online, Jul. 2022

* Pragmatismo e abduzione in Peirce, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, May 2022

*Assertion, conjunction, and other signs of logic. Estonian World Logic Day, January 2022

* Peirce on Symbols, 7th Advanced Seminar on Peirce’s Philosophy and Semiotics, São Paulo, Brazil, Oct. 2021

*What is a Logical Diagram? 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Sept. 2021

*Peirce su vaghezza e generalità, Convegno annuale dell’Associazione Pragma, Nov. 2020

*An introduction to Peirce’s early system of logic, considered as semiotics, Tartu University, Graduate course in History of semiotics, Oct. 2020

*Abiti e logica in Peirce, Seminario di filosofia politica e sociale / Seminario pragmatista, Università di Parma, May 2020

*Peirce on Analysis and Decomposition, American Philosophical Association Meeting (Eastern Division), Philadelphia, January 2020

*Gli archivi della logica, Archivio di Piombino (LI), October 2019.

Assertion and Other Signs, Proof & Assertion, Lecce, September 2019

(with A.-V. Pietarinen, D. Chiffi) Assertive Beta Graphs, Proof & Assertion, Lecce, September 2019

*The manuscripts of Peirce’s 1903 Syllabus of Logic, Philosophy of Language and Digital Humanities, Università della Calabria, May 2019

*Peirce’s semiotics and logic, American Philosophical Association Meeting (Pacific Division), Vancouver, April 2019

*Differenze notazionali, Seminario di Logica, Università di Bologna, March 2019

Frege sui pensieri composti. Una diagnosi wittgensteiniana, XXV Convegno della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Cagliari, January 2019

* Peirce on diagrammatic reasoning, Università Statale di Milano, October 2018

Segni e dimostrazioni nei Secondi Analitici e nei commentatori tardo-antichi, CISPELS, Università "La Sapienza", Roma, September 2018

Peirce and Frege on the Signs of Generality (con A.-V. Pietarinen), 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Vichy, June 2018

Observational advantages in diagrams: a semiotico-philosophical discussion, 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Edinburgh, UK, June 2018

Pragmatism and Speculative Grammar, Third European Pragmatism Conference, University of Helsinki, June 2018

Identity, Quantification, and the Philosophy of Notation, XXIV Congress of the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, Milano, January 2018

* Peirce on Symbols and Other Legisigns, Conference: “C. S. Peirce on Symbolicity and Convention”, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, June 2017

Simboli peirciani, XXIII Congress of the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, Bologna, January 2017

* Peirce on Retroductive Reasoning, International Workshop: “Abduction”, Tallinn University of Technology, agosto 2016

Diagrams as Cognitive Technologies, II Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics, Lublin, June 2016

* Inferences from Signs, American Philosophical Association Meeting (Eastern Division), Washington DC, January 2016

Grammatica speculativa e atti linguistici. Su Peirce filosofo del linguaggio, XXII Congress of the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, Venezia, October 2015

(con A. Moktefi. & A.-V. Pietarinen) Diagrams as Cognitive Technologies, XIe Congrès de l’Association internationale de sémiotique visuelle, Liége, September 2015.

Diagrammatic Analysis, XIe Congrès de l’Association internationale de sémiotique visuelle, Liége, September 2015.

Towards a methodeutic of necessary reasoning, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, August 2015

Peirce and Wittgenstein on parentheses and other signs, International Workshop: “The Philosophy of Notation”, Tallinn University of Technology, August 2015.

‘Logic as Semeiotic’: Peirce’s Philosophy of Logic, 5th World Congress on Universal Logic, Istanbul, June 2015

* Peirce, lo strutturalismo e la semiotica, Seminario sui fondamenti di teoria della significazione, Università di Bologna, February 2015

* Peirce and Modern Semiotics, Conference: “Creative Continuity”, Tartu University, Estonia, December 2014

La deduzione del dicisegno, XXI Congress of the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, Bologna, October 2014

* Peirce on propositions and other signs, Bamberg Philosophical Saloon, Bamberg, September 2014

* What is a Logical Diagram? Helsinki Metaphysical Club, September 2014

Peirce and the Structure of the Proposition, Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress, Lowell, USA, July 2014

Peirce and Modern Semiotics: Locke, Leibniz and the ‘Threshold of Pragmatism’, Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress, Lowell, USA, July 2014

(with A.-V. Pietarinen) ‘A Rhapsody on a Theme by Peirce’: Grice's Lectures on Charles S. Peirce’s Theory of Signs, 6th Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics & Communication, Malta, May 2014

* Peirce on logical analysis, Convegno: “Logic in Question”, Sorbonne, Paris, May 2014

Logic as Semeiotic. Peirce’s (and other) theory of signs, Philosophy Seminar, Tallinn University of Technology, April 2014

* Peirce’s Philosophy of Logic, Helsinki Metaphysical Club, Helsinki, December 2013

Peirce’s Philosophy of Logic, IX Annual Estonian Philosophy Conference, Tallinn, December 2013

* Ubiquity of Diagrams. Peirce on Diagrammatic Reasoning, Conference: “Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century”, Lisbona, December 2013

(con A.-V. Pietarinen, A. Moktefi) Diagrammatic autarchy. Brief Survey of a Key Notion in the History of Logical Diagrams, International Workshop on Diagram Logic and Cognition, Kolkata, India, October 2013

(con A.-V. Pietarinen, A. Moktefi) Connectivity and continuity. From Venn diagrams to Existential Graphs, International Workshop on Diagram Logic and Cognition, Kolkata, India, October 2013

* What is a Theory of Signs a Theory of? Peirce & Grice, Convegno: “Peirce and the Semantic Tradition in Philosophy”, Aarhus, October 2013

The Growth of Symbols, VIII Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS), Aarhus, May 2013

Sensibile e intellegibile in Charles S. Peirce, XX Congress of the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, Bologna, October 2012

Io rappresento. La teoria della soggettività in Charles S. Peirce, XL Congress of the Italian Society of Semiotics, Torino, September 2012

* Peirce’s Continuous Graphs as Representations of the Continuity of Mind, Convegno: “Mind in Motion & the Body of the Sign. Peirce’s Semiotical Pragmatism”, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, March 2012

* Il mito e l’ultima soglia della semiotica. Roland Barthes e Umberto Eco, Conference: “La cultura, gli intellettuali e l’impegno”, Siena, February 2011