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I am currently working on the project ALMA-ECOGAL and my activity primarily involves the tests and the characterization of the Band 2 production cartridges for the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array.
In 2023, after my Master's Degree in Physics, I won a position for scientific collaborator with the University “La Statale” of Milan and the Cryowaves Laboratory at INAF-OAS of Bologna, where I had the opportunity to partecipate in some activities of the functional verification campaign of the Large Scale Polarization Explorer - Strip instrument (aimed at studying the Cosmic Microwave Background) ongoing at INAF-OAS, and I acquired knowledge and skills concerning microwaves technology and astrophysical instrumentation: feedhorns, Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs), microwave passive components, connectors, thermal sensors, polarimeters and microwaves components in general.
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