Argomenti di tesi proposti dal docente.
Ultime tesi seguite dal docente
Tesi di Laurea
- Studio comparativo tra diverse metodologie sperimentali per la caratterizzazione a taglio della muratura
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
- Analysis of the damages caused by the Turkey earthquake sequence on historical buildings in Antioch
- BIM-FEM interoperability for existing masonry buildings: the case study of the Town Hall of Predappio
- Enhancing in-plane shear strength of brick masonry walls through CFRP reinforcements
- Fragility assessment of masonry church typologies for facade overturning mechanism: a case study in Ferrara, Italy.
- Inclusive Resilience: evaluating earthquake risk in San Diego’s vulnerable communities
- Modelling the seismic response of Cross Laminated Timber walls
- Numerical prediction of the seismic response of glass-fiber reinforced concrete columns using Concrete Damage Plasticity models in ABAQUS
- Quantifying the influence of soil data on earthquake loss estimation in the San Francisco region: a HAZUS based approach
- Reliability of double punch test for the determination of mortar compressive strength
- Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis Using OpenQuake and Seismic Scenario Toolbox:A Comparative Study
- Simplified methods for seismic assessment of existing reinforced concrete structures