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Francesca Di Fazio is a PhD in Theatre Studies and dramaturg, currently a research fellow at the University of Bologna. Previously she was a postdoctoral researcher at Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. She obtained her PhD at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, within the framework of the European Project PuppetPlays (ERC - AdG 835193), in cotutorship with the University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum with the thesis La marionnette et son drame. Les dramaturgies pour le théâtre de marionnettes contemporain en France et en Italie (1981-2020). In 2019 she obtains the qualification of International Dramaturg at the Scuola di Teatro Iolanda Gazzerro - ERT Emilia-Romagna Teatro. She studies the dramaturgy of contemporary puppet theatre in France and Italy and other forms of popular theatre. She also studies new dramaturgies, and is part of the editorial staff of Calapranzi, an online column of Stratagemmi-Prospettive Teatrali and a series of theatrical texts published by Nowhere Books. Her current research focuses on the exercise of soft power through forms of 'light' theatre during Italian fascism.
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