Foto del docente

Francesca Brini

Professoressa associata confermata

Dipartimento di Matematica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MATH-04/A Fisica matematica


Francesca Brini; Leonardo Seccia, Acceleration waves and oscillating gas bubbles modelled by rational extended thermodynamics, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. SERIES A», 2022, 478, Article number: 20220246, pp. 1 - 28 [articolo]Open Access

Barbera E.; Brini F., New extended thermodynamics balance equations for an electron gas confined in a metallic body, «RICERCHE DI MATEMATICA», 2021, 70, pp. 181 - 194 [articolo]Open Access

Brini F.; Seccia L., Acceleration waves in rational extended thermodynamics of rarefied monatomic gases, «FLUIDS», 2020, 5, Article number: 139, pp. 1 - 22 [articolo]Open Access

Brini, Francesca; Ruggeri, Tommaso, Hyperbolicity of first and second order extended thermodynamics theory of polyatomic rarefied gases, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS», 2020, 124, Article number: 103517, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access

Brini F.; Ruggeri T., Second-order approximation of extended thermodynamics of a monatomic gas and hyperbolicity region, «CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS», 2020, 32, pp. 23 - 39 [articolo]Open Access

Barbera, Elvira; Brini, Francesca, A rational extended thermodynamics model for metal electrons in bounded domains, «RICERCHE DI MATEMATICA», 2019, 68, pp. 37 - 56 [articolo]Open Access

Francesca Brini, Augusto Muracchini, Tommaso Ruggeri, Leonardo Seccia, Esercizi e Temi d'esame di Meccanica Razionale, Bologna, Esculapio Editrice, 2019, pp. 361 . [libro]

E. Barbera, F. Brini, Some 2D heat transfer problems in metals described by a linearized extended thermodynamics model, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2018, 1035, Article number: 012003, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access

Barbera, Elvira; Brini, Francesca, Non-isothermal axial flow of a rarefied gas between two coaxial cylinders, «ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA PELORITANA DEI PERICOLANTI, CLASSE DI SCIENZE FISICHE MATEMATICHE E NATURALI», 2017, 95, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

Barbera, E.; Brini, F., Stationary heat transfer in helicoidal flows of a rarefied gas, «EUROPHYSICS LETTERS», 2017, 120, Article number: 34001, pp. 34001p1 - 34001p6 [articolo]

Elvira Barbera; Francesca Brini, Frame dependence of stationary heat transfer in an inert mixture of ideal gases, «ACTA MECHANICA», 2014, 225, pp. 3285 - 3307 [articolo]

Elvira Barbera;Francesca Brini;Masaru Sugiyama, Heat Transfer Problem in a Van Der Waals Gas, «ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE», 2014, 132, pp. 41 - 50 [articolo]

Elvira Barbera;Francesca Brini, Some Linear Effects of Rotation on the Heat Transfer Problem in Rarefied Gases and Rarefied Gas Mixtures, «ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE», 2014, 132, pp. 51 - 62 [articolo]

Takashi Arima; Elvira Barbera ; Francesca Brini; Masaru Sugiyama, The role of the dynamic pressure in stationary heat conduction of a rarefied polyatomic gas, «PHYSICS LETTERS A», 2014, 378, pp. 2695 - 2700 [articolo]

F. Brini; L. Seccia; A. Muracchini, An approximated model of multi-temperature mixtures for the description of second sound propagation, «ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK», 2013, 64, pp. 329 - 341 [articolo]