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Flavia Pesce

Adjunct professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences


Pubblicazioni (selezione)

The impact of teleworking and digital work on workers and society, European Parliament, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, 2021, .

The Case Study Collection. Progression in Employment: Practitioner Stories from the European Labour Market. Italy Case Study, New Skills at Work – J.P. Morgan, 2020.

The Case Study Collection. Progression in Employment: an Employer Toolkit. Italy Case Study, New Skills at Work – J.P. Morgan, 2020.

EIGE, Gender equalities in care and consequences on the labour market, 2020.The report is based on a study prepared by the research team of IRS: Flavia Pesce, Manuela Samek Lodovici, Nicoletta Torchio (IRS) and Vera Lovazzi, GESIS and IRS. Other contributors involved from IRS: Elena Ferrari, Emma Paladino, Nicola Orlando, Daniela Loi and Serena Drufuca. The research efforts that went into this report were coordinated by Blandine Mollard with the support of Giulia Lanfredi (EIGE), together with Flavia Pesce (IRS).

Empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling pathways. Volume 2: Cedefop analytical framework for developing coordinated and coherent approaches to upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults. CEDEFOP, 2020, .

Empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling pathways Volume 1, CEDEFOP, 2020, .

Cedefop (2020). Empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling pathways. Volume 1: adult population with potential for upskilling and reskilling. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Cedefop reference series; No 112. The publication is based on research undertaken by a consortium led by Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS) with Institute for Employment Studies (IES). IRS consortium-led research team who conducted preliminary analysis and drafted their findings under team leader Flavia Pesce (IRS).

Cedefop (2020). Empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling pathways. Volume 2: Cedefop analytical framework for developing coordinated and coherent approaches to upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Cedefop reference series; No 113.

EIGE, Gender inequalities in care and consequences for the labour market, The report is based on a study prepared by a research team from Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS): Flavia Pesce, Manuela Samek Lodovici and Nicoletta Torchio (IRS), and Vera Lomazzi (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences – and IRS). Other contributors involved from IRS were Elena Ferrari, Emma Paladino, Nicola Orlando, Daniela Loi and Serena Drufuca. 2020. .

European Parliament, Gender Dimension of the EU Cohesion Policy, Research for REGI Committee, The publication is based on research undertaken by a consortium led by Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS) with Institute for Employment Studies (IES). IRS consortium-led research team who conducted preliminary analysis and drafted their findings under team leader Flavia Pesce (IRS).

[], EUROFOUND, 2019.

Pavlou, S., Scott, M., Pesce, F., Ferrari, E., Loi, D., Risk assessment and management of intimate partner violence in the EU, EIGE, 2019, .

Pavlou, S., Scott, M., Pesce, F., Lesta, C., Ferrari, E., A guide to risk assessment and risk management of intimate partner violence against women for police, EIGE, 2019, . The report was prepared by the Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS) and the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) in close cooperation with colleagues from EIGE. Flavia Pesce is cited among contributors from IRS/MIGS.

A guide to risk assessment and risk management of intimate partner violence against women for police, EIGE, 2019 The report was prepared by the Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS) and the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) in close cooperation with colleagues from EIGE. Flavia Pesce is cited among contributors from IRS/MIGS.

Eurofound (2019), Upward convergence in employment and socioeconomic factors, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. Among authors: Massimiliano Mascherini and Martina Bisello (Eurofound); Manuela Samek Lodovici, Nicoletta Torchio and Flavia Pesce (Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, IRS); Annalisa Cristini, Federica Origo and Giulio Bosio (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

Samek Lodovici, M, Loi, D, Pesce, F, Vasilescu, C, Updating of the study on Gender Mainstreaming in Committees and Delegations of the European Parliament, Study requested by the FEMM Committee, European Parliament, December 2018

Samek Lodovici, M, Drufuca, S, Ferrari, E, Patrizio, M, Pesce, F, De Silvis, E & Moja, C 2018, Research for REGI Committee – Gender Dimension of the EU Cohesion Policy, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels

Integration of Refugees in Greece, Hungary and Italy. Comparative analysis, Study for the EMPL Committee, Eurpean Parliament, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, .

Synthesis Report- Reconciling family life and entrepreneurship, Brussels, 20-21 June 2017,

EIGE, Briefing papers on grey literature, 2017, 19 publications prepared under the gender mainstreaming programme, available at .

Eurofound (2016), The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. .

Eurofound (2016), The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions, Publications Office of the European Union, IRS is citied as additional contributor. Flavia Pesce was the Project Leader of the study for IRS

Samek Lodovici, M, Loi, D, Pesce, F, Study on the use of funds for Gender Equality in selected member States, Study requested by the FEMM Committee, European Parliament, November 2016

Melloni, E., Pesce, F., Vasilescu, C., “Are social mechanisms usable and useful in evaluation research?”, Evaluation vol. 22, issue 2, 2016, .

Mainstreaming employment and social indicators into macroeconmic surveillance, Study for the EMPL Committee, DG for Internal Policies, Policy Dept. A – Economic and Scientific Policy, European Parliament, 2016

NLAO – Network of Local Authority Observatories on Active Inclusion. Osservatorio Locale Bologna. Le città e l’inclusione attiva (Local Authority Observatory Bologna. Cities and active inclusion).

  • 1° vol.: Consolidare il passato, perfezionare il futuro (1° vol.: Strengthen the past, imrpove the future).
  • 2° vol.: Supporto lavorativo e formativo per soggetti con svantaggio sociale: nuove opportunità per nuovi bisogni (2° vol.: Business and training support to social disadvantaged people: new opportunities for new needs).
  • 3° vol.: I servizi sociali a supporto dell’inclusione attiva. Una risposta da cinque città europee (3° vol.: Social service sto support active inclusion. Examples from five European cities).
  • 4° vol.: Local Authority Observatory Bologna, Cities and Active Inclusion: Employment & Training. Employment and training for disadvantaged people: new opportunities for new needs.

Samek Lodovici, M, Patrizio, M, Pesce, F, Roletto, E, Elderly women living alone: an update of their living conditions. Study for the FEMM Committee, European Parliament, DG Internal Policies, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, 2015

Framework service contract supporting peer reviews and other mutual learning processes in the fields of employment, social affairs and inclusion VT/2016/012, Commissione Europea - Directorate-General (DG) Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Partnership europea, (ongoing). In questo ambito: Lavoro domestico e di cura: pratiche e benchmarking per l’integrazione e la conciliazione della vita familiare e lavorativa, Report finale e repertorio delle pratiche, Soleterre - IRS, 2015.

Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) – Work package nine: culture and tourism, European Commission, Partnership IRS-Csil-CaFoscari-Ciset-BOP Consulting, 2015. The study was carried out by a consortium comprising IRS – Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (lead partner, Italy), CSIL - Centre for Industrial Studies (IT), CISET - International Centre for Studies on Tourism Economics (IT) and BOP Consulting (UK). Flavia Pesce was Operative Coordinator of the study.

Elderly women living alone: an update of their living conditions. Study for the FEMM Committee, European Parliament, DG Internal Policies, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, 2015 .

Study on "Evaluation of the Strategy for Equality between women and men 2010-2015 as a contribution to achieve the goals of the Beijing Platform for Action", European Parliament, Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, 2014 IPOL_STU(2014)509996_EN.pdf.

Study on area F of the Beijing Platform for Action – Women and the Economy, EIGE, 2014,

Samek Lodovici, M, Pesce, F, Barbieri, D, Vasilescu C, Study on "Evaluation of the Strategy for Equality between women and men 2010-2015 as a contribution to achieve the goals of the Beijing Platform for Action", European Parliament, Study for the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality

Administrative data sources on gender-based violence against women in the EU. Current status and potential for the collection of comparable data, EIGE, Matrix Insight Ltd e Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, 2014 .

Collection of methods, tools and good practices in the field of domestic violence (as described by area D of Beijing Platform for Action), EIGE, 2013 .

Apprenticeship and Traineeship Schemes in EU27: Key Success Factors A Guidebook for Policy Planners and Practitioners, European Commission, Ecorys - IRS - IES, 2013,

Mens sana in corpore sano: policies and instrument for an healthy and dignified active ageing for elderly women, Survey and letterature analisys, European Commission, Partnership con il Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità-Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, 2013.

Starting fragile. Gender differences in the youth labour market, ENEGE Report, 2013.

The role of women in the green economy- the issue of mobility, European Parliament, Directorate General For International Policies Policy Department C: Citizens’ Rights And Constitutional Affairs, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, 2012.

De Rosa Eugenia, Pesce Flavia “Legislation and policies for young workers in Europe: an overview” in Samek Lodovici Manuela, Semenza Renata (a cura di) Precarious work and high-skilled youth in Europe, FrancoAngeli, 2012.

IRS – Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, Università degli Studi di Trento – Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, FOR.ES. – Formazione e Sviluppo, Esperimenti di Flexicurity. Azioni di sostegno al lavoro atipico in provincia di Trento (Flexicurity Experimentation. Actions to support non-standard employment in the province of Trento), FrancoAngeli, 2011.

Pesce F., Loi D. (a cura di), Il Modella per la raccolta e l’identificazione delle buone pratiche in ottica di genere (Model for the collection and identification of best practices in a gender perspective), Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, 2011.

The socio-economic impact of pension systems on the respective situations of women and men and the effects of recent trends in pension reforms, 2010 []

Ex-post Evaluation of 2000-2006 ESF support to the Open Method of Coordination in Social Protection and Social Inclusion Review, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, Tavistock Institute, The Research Institute for Quality of Life and The Rehabilitation Foundation, 2010.

Violence against women and the role of gender equality, social inclusion and health strategies, 2010.

Active ageing and gender equality policies. The employment and policy inclusion of women and men of late working and retirement age, 2010

Effectiveness of the Cohesion Policy: Gender Equality and Demographic Change. Ex-post Evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Programmes 2000-2006 (ERDF), (Flavia Pesce and Silvia Vignetti, eds.), Report prepared for DG Regio, 2009

Gender mainstreaming active inclusion policies, Synthesis Report for the EGGSI Network, September 2009.

Access to Heath care and Long term care: equal for women and men?, Synthesis Report for the EGGSI Network, May 2009.

Ethnic minority and Roma women in Europe, Synthesis Report for the EGGSI Network, May 2008. .

Study research “Lone Women”, European Parliament, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, settembre 2008.

IRS – CdIE, GEL – Gender Equality Leccese, FrancoAngeli, 2008.

La raccolta di informazioni e la implementazione di osservatori sulla tratta degli esseri umani: una panoramica a livello europeo, a cura di Flavia Pesce, (The Collection of Information and the Implementation of Observers on Human Trafficking: A Panorama on the European Level) all’interno di Migranti: verso la parità dei diritti. Modelli e strumenti contro le discriminazioni, progetto Sami, 2008.

From data collecting to monitoring systems: analysis and proposals”, a cura di Pesce Flavia, all’interno di Headway: Improving Social Intervention Systems for Victims of Trafficking, 2007.

La tratta di persone in Italia. Il sistema degli interventi a favore delle vittime (Trafficking in Human Beings in Italy. The Intervention System on Behalf of the Victims), Osservatorio Tratta, FrancoAngeli 2007.

La tratta di persone in Italia. Le norme di tutela delle vittime e di contrasto alla criminalità (Trafficking Human Beings in Italy. Regulations to Protect Victims and to Counter Crime), Osservatorio Tratta, FrancoAngeli, 2007.

La tratta di persone in Italia. Evoluzione del fenomeno ed ambiti di sfruttamento (Trafficking in Human Beings in Italy. The Evolution of a Phenomenon and the Scope of Exploitation), Osservatorio Tratta, FrancoAngeli, 2007.

Progetto W. IN D. – Women In Development - L’uguaglianza di genere nei processi di sviluppo locale (A European model for gender-oriented locad development), Final Reports (in Italian, English and Spanish):

  1. Rapporto comparativo europeo (Comparitive European Report)
  2. Caso di studio Italia (Italy Case Study)
  3. Caso di studio Scozia (Scotland Case Study)
  4. Caso di studio Spagna (Spain Case Study)
  5. Caso di studio Malta (Malta Case Study)
  6. Catalogo Best Practices (Best Practices Catalogue)
  7. Modello europeo e Linee Guida per l’internalizzazione dell’approccio di genere nei processi di sviluppo locale (European Model and Guidelines for the Internalisation of the Gender Approach in Local Development Processes), dicembre 2007.

Gender mainstreaming in the use of Structural Funding. Study, European Parliament, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale e CSIL, maggio 2007 .

I voucher di conciliazione” (“Conciliation Vouchers”), a cura di Fellini Ivana, Pesce Flavia all’interno di S. Pasquinelli Nuovi strumenti di sostegno alle famiglie. Assegni di cura e voucher sociali, Carocci Faber, 2007.

FSE e Pari Opportunità di genere. Analisi, strumenti e sperimentazioni (ESF and Equal Gender Opportunities. Analysis, Tools and Tests), Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, FrancoAngeli, 2007.

I voucher di conciliazione, a cura di Fellini Ivana, Pesce Flavia, (Conciliation Vouchers), all’interno di S. Pasquinelli Nuovi strumenti di sostegno alle famiglie. Assegni di cura e voucher sociali, Carocci Faber, 2007.

Riscrivere il lavoro al femminile. Manuale di buone pratiche in azienda a sostegno delle pari opportunità di genere (Rewriting Work in a Female Perspective. Company Best Practices Manual to Support Equal Gender Opportunities), Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, dicembre 2007.

Il Bilancio di Genere dei comuni. Un Manuale (Gender Budgeting for the Municipalities, the Guide), Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, dicembre 2006.

Il progetto interregionale mantenimento mirato. L’esperienza della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Casazza Silvia, Pesce Flavia, (The Interregional Targeted Maintenance Project. The Experience in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano), in Il Progetto Mantenimento Mirato, permanenza di donne e uomini con disabilità in azienda. Strumenti per combattere l’esclusione e l’abbandono del posto di lavoro, volume 1, 2006.

Sud news” special issue A gender perspective, agosto-settembre 2005.

Progetto Pari Opportunità e servizi per l’impiego. Repertorio ragionato delle pratiche e dei modelli di intervento relative ai percorsi di accompagnamento al lavoro delle donne in Italia e in Europa. Guida “Il bilancio di competenze in una prospettiva di genere: strumenti, metodologia e risultati delle sperimentazioni”, (Equal Opportunity and Employment Services Project. Reasoned Repertory of Intervention Practices and Models on The Accompaniment of Women to Work in Italy and Europe) IRS, S&T, CdIE, Pari e Dispari, maggio 2005.

I campi trasversali alle misure e le aree prioritarie del POR Ob. 3, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. Un’analisi in un’ottica di genere, a cura di Ferrari Elena, Oliva Daniela, Pesce Flavia, Samek Lodovici Manuela, (Transversal Fields to Measures and Prioritary Areas of POR Ob. 3, Autonomous Province of Bolzano. A Gender Persepctive Analysis), Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, novembre 2004.

Supporto all’attuazione di prassi di mainstreaming di genere nella Regione Umbria. Guida alle Pari opportunità e al mainstreaming di genere nel Fondo Europeo Agricolo di Orientamento e Garanzia (FEOGA), Guida alle Pari opportunità e al mainstreaming di genere nel Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Rurale (FESR), Guida alle Pari opportunità e al mainstreaming di genere nel Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE), Guida alle Pari opportunità e al mainstreaming di genere nello Strumento Finanziario di Orientamento della Pesca (SFOP) (Supporting Gender Mainstreaming Practices in Umbria Region. Handbook on equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming in EAGGF, Handbook on equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming in ERDF, Handbook on equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming in ESF, Handbook on equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming in EFF), a cura di Ferrari Elena, Oliva Daniela, Pesce Flavia,Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, ottobre 2004.

Le politiche europee di incentivazione del part-time (European Policies for Part-Time Incentives), a cura di Ferrari Elena, Oliva Daniela, Pesce Flavia, all’interno di: Samek Lodovici Manuela, Semenza Renata (a cura di), Il lavoro part-time. Anomalie del caso italiano nel quadro europeo, Angeli editore, 2004.

Valutazione delle politiche formative della Provincia di Forlì-Cesena secondo un’ottica di genere, a cura di Ferrari Elena, Oliva Daniela, Pesce Flavia, (Training Policy Evaluation for the Province of Forlì-Cesena according to a Gender Perspective), rapporto finale, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, maggio 2004.

The evaluation of socio-economic development, the Guide, Tavistock Institute, GHK, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, dicembre 2003 .

Modelli di intervento per favorire le opportunità occupazionali delle donne over 40 (Intervention Models to Support Work Opportunities for Women Over 40), a cura di Ferrari Elena, Oliva Daniela, Pesce Flavia, all’interno di: Samek Lodovici Manuela, Semenza Renata, Partecipazione femminile e ruolo dell’età, la posizione lavorativa delle donne adulte in Lombardia, (Female participation and age role: adult women’ work position in Regione Lombardia) 2003.

Monitoraggio e valutazione in un’ottica di genere. Un manuale per l’uso, a cura di Ivana Fellini, Oliva Daniela, Flavia Pesce, Manuela Samek Lodovici, (Monitoring and Evaluation in a Gender Perspective. A Handbook), Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, 2002.

Aggiungi un posto a tavola: la valutazione come scelta volontaria o come obbligo amministrativo? (Add Another Place: Evaluation as Voluntary Choice or a compulsory Administrative Obligation?), a cura di Oliva Daniela, Pesce Flavia, in Valutazione 2001-Lo sviluppo della valutazione in Italia (a cura di Nicoletta Stame), Franco Angeli, 2002.

Valutazione comparata delle politiche di pari opportunità, a cura di Oliva Daniela, Pesce Flavia, Samek Lodovici Manuela, (Comparative Analysis of Equal Opportunities Policies), Professionalità, n° 58, 2000.