Federico Rupi
born in Arezzo on May 1, 1968.
Current role and university qualification
(November, 2005) tenured Associate Professor, University of Bologna, Italy.
15 May 2019 Received the national qualification as Full Professor.
Scholastic career prior to the current role / position
(November, 1998 – June 2005) Assistant Professor of Transport Systems Analysis, University of Bologna, Italy.
(November, 1998) Researcher at the Department DISTART, University of Bologna, Italy.
(April, 1998) PhD in Transportation Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy;
(July, 1994) Laurea (M.S.), Magna Cum Laude, Civil Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy;
High School Diploma in Grammar School (Classical Gymnasium) Francesco Petrarca, Arezzo, Italy.
Institutional positions held
Scientific coordinator of LART (Transportation Networks Laboratory) at Department of Civil Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna
President of NITEL – Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per i Trasporti e la Logistica to which 19 Italian Universities belong, working in transport and logistic field and in the similar fields such as: safety, security, telecommunication, electrothecnic, electronic, computer science, mechanic, environmental.
Member of the board of directors of NITEL – Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per i Trasporti e la Logistica.
President or member of the board of examination charged for the selection of Philosophy doctors, research assistants in many Italian Universities (Bologna, Pisa, Roma, Napoli, Palermo, Trieste, Padova, Torino).
Member of the academic board of Ph.D. school in Transportation Engineering (2003-2006), University of Bologna, Italy.
Member of the academic board of Ph.D. school in Geomatics and Transportation Engineering (2007-2010), University of Bologna, Italy.
Member of the academic board of Ph.D. school in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (2011), University of Bologna, Italy.
Council Member of the School of Engineering and Architecture at University of Bologna (2012-2015).
Coordinator of two Erasmus Exchanges Programs with:
- Universiteit Twente (NL).
Member of the Didactic Commission of the degree programme in Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Bologna (2005-2021).
Member of the Research Commission of the Department of Civil Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna (2017- ).
Member of the Editorial Board of Transportation Research Procedia (Elsevier).
Any extra institutional position held
Member of Italian Society of Transportation Lecturers (SIDT) since 1995
Member of Italian Society of Transport Policy (SIPOTRA) since 2013
Research activity
Author and co-author of 90 original scientific papers published in national and international journals, books and conference proceedings. In the last five years have been produced 10 articles in international journals, 20 scientific papers presented at national and international conferences and published on the acts and 1 book.
The writer's research, in the reporting period, includes works which fall into the following topics:
1. Cycling network analysis and modelling
2. Bicycle route choice model;
3. Bicycle travel speed and disturbances;
4. Cyclist gaze behavior (eye tracker);
5. Bicycle global positioning system traces;
6. Road network vulnerability;
7. Innovative public transportation systems (PRT);
8. Traffic flow analysis and modelling.
Participation in national and European research projects
- BICY – Cities & Regions of Bicycles
Index number 2CE108P2
Lead Partner Province of Ferrara
Project start date: 02/2010 End date: 04/2013
Total Budget: 2.061.213,75 €
Budget partner Bologna: 106,590,00 €
- PRIN national research project; University of BOLOGNA
Area 08 Duration 36 months
Title “Planning and development of regional airport systems”
Member of the winning team of the PRIN2022 Project (Publication MUR D.D. n.742 of 05/30/2023).
Project title: Transition
PI Prof. Paola Monaco (University of L'Aquila).
MUR contribution: 135,697.00 €
Teaching Activity
2022 - Professor of the subject on SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SYSTEM DESIGN in the master degree programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna.
2009 - 2023 Professor of the subject on Transport Technique and Organization in the degree programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna. 2023 - Professor of the subject on Transport Technique and Organization (Module 1) in the degree programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna.
2012 - Professor of the subject on Transport Planning M in the master degree programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna.
2020-2021 Professor of the subject on SUSTAINABLE CITY PROJECT STUDIO 2 in the master degree programme in Architecture at the University IUAV of Venice.
2005 - 2010 Professor of the subject on Transport Planning L in the degree programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna.
2005 - 2010 Professor of the subject on Transport Planning LS in the master degree programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna.
2009 - 2011 Professor of the subject on Road Infrastructure and Transport Laboratory M in the master degree programme in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna;
Supervision of Thesis, Masters and Doctorate
Advisor of over 100 students for their final Thesis (BA and MA in Civil Engineering)
Tutor or co-Tutor of 10 doctoral thesis.