Foto del docente

Federico Marulli

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/A Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science


Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.

Available thesis projects for the First Cycle Degrees in Astronomy or Physics

1) Comparing alternative estimators of the two-point and three-point correlation functions

Goal: implement and validate alternative statistical estimators of second-order and third-order clustering statistics


  • learn how to use standard codes for cosmological analyses
  • contribute to the CosmoBolognaLib implementation
  • acquire numerical knowledges, in particular in C++ and Python, useful for both scientific and many other non-scientific activities
  • scientific skills: low
  • computing skills: medium (C++/Python)

2) A graphic web interface for the CosmoBolognaLib

Goal: expand the web interface of the CosmoBolognaLib to include further cosmological probe statistics


  • learn how to implement graphic web interfaces
  • build new cosmological tools for general usage
  • familiarize with Python, one of the most popular programming languages
  • scientific skills: low
  • computing skills: medium (Python)

3) Emulating cosmological observable

Goal: train deep neaural networks to emulate cosmological probe observables


  • become expert in deep learning techniques
  • acquire high-level cosmological knowledges, useful for the Master Thesis
  • contribute to the optimization of the CosmoBolognaLib
  • acquire high-level skills in C++ and Python, useful for both scientific and many other non-scientific activities
  • scientific skills: medium
  • computing skills: medium (C++/Python)


Available thesis projects for the Second Cycle Degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology

1) Validating the Euclid clustering codes on the Flagship Simulation

Goal: test the new Euclid clustering pipeline on galaxy and cluster mock Euclid catalogues


  • contribute to the preparation of the ESA Euclid mission
  • become a C++ expert
  • learn how to exploit the latest numerical tools to do cosmology with next generation galaxy surveys
  • contribute to write internal Euclid reports


  • scientific skills: medium
  • computing skills: medium/high (C++)


2) Cosmological constraints from cluster number counts and clustering in Euclid

Goal: participate to the Euclid Cluster Cosmology Challenge, aimed at implementing the Euclid likelihood modules to model cluster statistics


  • contribute to the preparation of the ESA Euclid mission
  • become a C++/Python expert
  • learn how to exploit the latest numerical tools to do cosmology with next generation cluster surveys
  • contribute to implement new Euclid modules for cosmological analyses
  • contribute to write internal Euclid reports


  • scientific skills: medium
  • computing skills: high (C++/Python)

3) Halo Occupation Distribution model to extract cosmological constraints from small-scale clustering

Goal: implement the Halo Occupation Distribution model in the CosmoBolognaLib, and exploit it on real data


  • become one of the CosmoBolognaLib main builders
  • become a C++/Python expert
  • derive new cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering at small scales (possible applications to VIPERS and BOSS surveys)
  • contribute to write one or more scientific publications


  • scientific skills: medium
  • computing skills: high (C++/Python)

4) Combining high and low redshift cosmological probes

Goal: collect a large dataset of cosmological data from different probes, and implement the numerical tools to combine them


  • acquire high-level cosmological knowledges on different probes
  • acquire high-level statistical skills
  • become a C++/Python expert
  • familiarize with the latest data analysis techniques, useful for both scientific and many other non-scientific activities
  • contribute to write one or more scientific publications


  • scientific skills: high
  • computing skills: medium/high (C++/Python)


5) Bayesian deep neural networks to learn the properties of the Cosmic Web

Goal: exploit the latest machine learning techniques to do cosmology bypassing standard statistics


  • become an expert on deep learning techniques
  • develop new methods, never tested before, for cosmological analyses
  • become one of the first builders of the CosmoBolognaNet
  • start a long-term project, to be hopefully continued during the Ph.D.


  • scientific skills: high
  • computing skills: high (Python)