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Federico Ferretti

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: M-GGR/01 Geography


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Publications prior to 2004

RESEARCH ARTICLES (peer reviewed):

In English:

  • 2019-2021. Invited author for the series History and Philosophy of Geography for Progress in Human Geography the most highly-ranked journal in the world in the field of Geography according to the 2019 Scimago report [three papers overall]
  • [forthcoming] 2021, Archie Davies and Federico Ferretti, “Josué Apolônio de Castro (1908-1973)”, Geographers Biobibliographical Studies, n. 40.
  • [forthcoming] 2021: “Social tropicalism, engaged geography and the Brazilian ‘hub’: The South as a place for the production of critical knowledge (1930s-1950s)”, Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines. Special issue: Social Sciences in and of the South, eds. S. Dufoix and F. Collyer.
  • [forthcoming] “Geographies of revolution: prefiguration and spaces of alterity in Latin American radicalism”, Environment and Planning C, Politics and Space [revisions requested- submission ongoing]
  • “Decentring the Lettered City: Exile, transnational networks and Josué de Castro’s Centre International pour le Développement (1964-1973)” Antipode doi 10.1111/ANTI.12759
  • 2021: “Decolonizing regional planning from the Global South: active geographies and social struggles in North-eastern Brazil, Environment and Planning D – Society and Space, early view
  • 2021: “Other radical geographies: tropicality and decolonisation in twentieth-century French geography, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 
  • 2021: “Geopolitics of decolonisation: the subaltern diplomacies of Lusophone Africa (1961-1974), Political Geography, 85 (102326) 
  • 2017: “Tropicality, the unruly Atlantic and social utopias: the French explorer Henri Coudreau (1859-1899)”, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 38 (3), p. 332-349.
  • 2017: “‘The murderous civilization’”: anarchist geographies, ethnography and cultural differences in the works of Elie Reclus”, cultural geographies 2017, 24(1) 111–129.
  • 2017: “Situated knowledge and visual education: Patrick Geddes and Reclus’s geography (1886-1932)”, Journal of Geography, 116, issue 1, p. 3-19.
  • 2017: “On uses of utopian maps: The Map of New Geneva in Waterford (1783) between colonialism and republicanism”, Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography (J-READING) 6 (1), 75-81
  • 2016: “Geographies of peace and the teaching of internationalism: Marie-Thérèse Maurette and Paul Dupuy in the Geneva International School (1924-1948)”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41, 4, pp. 570–584.
  • 2016: “Reading Reclus between Italy and South America: translations of geography and anarchism in the work of Luce and Luigi Fabbri”, Journal of Historical Geography, 53, pp. 75–85.
  • 2016: “Arcangelo Ghisleri and the ‘right to barbarity’: geography and anti-colonialism in Italy in the Age of Empire (1875-1914)”, Antipode, a Radical Journal of Geography, 48(3), p. 563-583.
  • 2016: “The spatiality of geography teaching and cultures of alternative education: the ‘intuitive geographies’ of the anarchist school in Cempuis (1880-1894)”, cultural geographies, Vol. 23(4) 615–633.
  • 2016: “Organisation and formal activism: insights from the anarchist tradition”, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, vol. 36, n. 11-12, 726-740 [special number “Protest and activism (with)out organisation”, edited by P. Wood and R. White]
  • 2016: “Anarchist geographers and feminism in late 19th century France: the contributions of Elisée and Elie Reclus”, Historical Geography 44, 68-88 [special number on Feminist Historical Geographies, edited by M. Domosh, K. Morin, T. Rothenberg].
  • 2015: “A new map of the Franco-Brazilian border dispute (1900)”, Imago Mundi, the International Journal for the History of Cartography, 67, 2, p. 229-242.
  • 2015: “The making of Italian agricultural landscapes: Emilio Sereni, between geography, history and Marxism”, Journal of Historical Geography, n. 48, p. 58-67. Slide presentation: []
  • 2015: “Anarchism, Geo-History and the origins of the Annales: rethinking Elisée Reclus’s influence on Lucien Febvre”, Environment and Planning D, Society and Space, 33, 2, p. 347-365 doi: 10.1068/d14054p.
  • 2015: “Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865): Anarchism and Geography”, Society and Space [public site - supplement],
  • 2015: Pierre Deffontaines and the French university missions in Brazil: geopolitics of knowledge, circulation of sciences and geographical teaching (1934-1938)”, Boletim Goiano de Geografia, 1 – English version
  • 2014: “Inventing Italy. Geography, Risorgimento and national imagination: the international circulation of geographical knowledge in the 19th century”, The Geographical Journal, vol. 180, n. 4, pp. 402–413, doi: 10.1111/geoj.12068, Presentation in the Wiley-Blackwell blog Geography Directions
  • 2014: “Pioneers in the History of Cartography: the Geneva map collection of Élisée Reclus and Charles Perron”, Journal of Historical Geography, 43, p. 85-95.
  • 2013: “They have the right to throw us out: the Élisée Reclus’ Universal Geography” Antipode, a Radical Journal of Geography, vol. 45, n. 5, p. 1337-1355. Video abstract:
  • 2013: [with P. Pelletier] Imperial science and heterodox discourses: Élisée Reclus and French colonialism, L’Espace géographique [English version] 42, 1-14.
  • 2011: “The correspondence between Élisée Reclus and Pëtr Kropotkin as a source for the history of geography”, Journal of Historical Geography, 37, p. 216-222.
  • 2011: “The 50th anniversary of The History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape by Emilio Sereni (1961-2011)”, Alma Tourism, 3, p. 39-40,

In French

  • 2016 [with Philippe Pelletier]: “Jules Vallès et Élisée Reclus, communalisme et anarchisme dans la révolution sociale, Autour de Vallès, revue de lectures et d'études vallésiennes, p. 67-96.
  • 2016: “Annales, géohistoire et socialisme: Lucien Febvre lecteur et critique d’Élisée Reclus, Terra Brasilis, Revista da Rede Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica, 7
  • 2016 : “Géographie, tournant culturel et imaginaires nationaux: Risorgimento, irrédentisme et invention géographique de l’Italie”, Géographie et Cultures, 93-94,
  • 2016 [with Edward Castleton]: Fédéralisme, identités nationales et critique des frontières naturelles: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) géographe des « États-Unis d’Europe », Cybergeo, European Journal of Geography,
  • 2015: “Globes, savoir situé et éducation à la beauté: Patrick Geddes géographe et sa relation avec les Reclus,Annales de Géographie, n. 6, p. 681-715.
  • 2015: “La nature comme œuvre d’art: Élisée Reclus et les (néo)impressionnistes”, Belgeo, revue belge de géographie, 3, 2014, special number « Art(s) and Space(s) »,
  • 2014: “Ici commence le Brésil! Géohistoire d’une frontière contrastée”, Echogéo, 27,
  • 2014: “Géographie et imaginaires nationaux entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: l’invention de l’Italie et la circulation des cultures géographiques”, Annales de Géographie, n. 698, pp. 1062-1087.
  • 2014: “Pierre Deffontaines et les missions universitaires françaises au Brésil: enjeux politiques et pédagogiques d’une société savante outremer (1934-1938)”, Cybergeo European Journal of Geography,
  • 2013: “Esclaves libérés et vols d’histoire: la géographie d’Élisée Reclus et l’Afrique subsaharienne”, Elisée, revista de geografia da UEG, n. 2, p. 1-24
  • 2013: “Un regard hétérodoxe sur le Nouveau Monde: la géographie d’Élisée Reclus et l’extermination des Amérindiens (1862-1905)”, Journal de la Société des Américanistes, n. 99, p. 141-164,
  • 2013: “Sciences impériales et discours hétérodoxes: la géographie d’Élisée Reclus et le colonialisme français”, L’Espace Géographique, 1, p. 1-14 (with Ph. Pelletier).
  • 2013: “Le fonds Reclus-Perron et le contesté franco-brésilien de 1900: une carte inédite qui a décidé des frontières du Brésil”, Terra Brasilis, Revista da Rede Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica, 2,
  • 2013: “Géographie, éducation libertaire et établissement de l’école publique entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: quelques repères pour une recherche”, Cartable de Clio, revue suisse sur les didactiques de l’histoire, 13, p. 187-199.
  • 2013: “Eugène Pittard et la Géographie”, Totem: journal du Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève, n. 65, p. 8-9 (with A. Gillet).
  • 2013: “De l’empathie en géographie: la Chine vue par Léon Metchnikoff, Élisée Reclus et François Turrettini” Cybergeo European Journal of Geography,
  • 2012: “Aux origines de l’aménagement régional: le schéma de la Valley Section de Patrick Geddes (1925)”, M@ppemonde, 4,
  • 2012: “Cartographie et éducation populaire. Le Musée Cartographique d’Élisée Reclus et Charles Perron à Genève (1907-1922)”, Terra Brasilis, Revista da Rede Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica, 1,
  • 2011: “Élisée Reclus et les Juifs : étude géographique d’un peuple sans État”, Cybergeo European Journal of Geography
  • 2011: ‘Les paysages ruraux italiens dans les archives d’Emilio Sereni : problèmes et méthodologie pour une recherche’, Projets de Paysage, Revue scientifique sur la conception et l'aménagement de l'espace, 5, []
  • 2010: “Comment Élisée Reclus est devenu athée: un nouveau document biographique”, Cybergeo, revue européenne de géographie,
  • 2010: “Paysages transalpins : la vallée du Pô et les enjeux de l’écriture paysagère dans les Géographies Universelles”, Projets de Paysage, Revue scientifique sur la conception et l'aménagement de l'espace, 4
  • 2010: “Les Reclus et la Maison Hachette : la première agence de la géographie française ?”, L’Espace Géographique, 3, p. 239-252,
  • 2009: La vérité du regard: l’idée de paysage chez Élisée Reclus”, Projets de Paysage, Revue scientifique sur la conception et l'aménagement de l'espace, 2,
  • 2009: “Traduire Reclus: l’Italie écrite par Attilio Brunialti”, Cybergeo, European Journal of Geography, 14,

In Portuguese

  • 2020, “Entre ciência e anarquismo: Metchnikoff e a revolução” [apresentação de: L. Metchnikoff, “Revolução e Evolução”, traduzido por Breno Viotto Pedrosa], Terra Brasilis, 13
  • 2018. “Os Reclus e a Casa Hachette”, LIVRO Revista do do Núcleo de Estudos do Livro e da Edição [translation of “Les Reclus et la Maison Hachette”, EG 2010, by E. Souza Cunha].
  • 2018: “Evolução e Revolução: os geógrafos anarquistas Elisée Reclus e Petr Kropotkin e sua relação com a ciência moderna (séculos XIX e XX)”, História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos [early view]:
  • 2016: “Breve cronologia da vida de Élisée Reclus (1830-1905)”, Terra Brasilis, Revista da Rede Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica 7
  • 2016: “Annales, geo-história e socialismo: Lucien Febvre leitor e crítico de Élisée Reclus”, Terra Brasilis Revista da Rede Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica, 7
  • 2016: “Troca cultural e circulação do saber geográfico: a receção de Elisée Reclus na Itália e na América do Sul por Luigi e Luce Fabbri (1903-2000)”, Terra Brasilis, Revista da Rede Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica 5,
  • 2016: “Pierre Deffontaines e as missões universitárias francesas no Brasil: geopolítica do conhecimento, circulação dos saberes e ensino da geografia (1934-1938)” Boletim Goiano de Geografia, 1
  • 2015: “A geografia de Élisée Reclus frente ao extermínio dos ameríndios: questões científicas e políticas”, Elisée, Revista de Geografia da UEG,
  • 2014: “Na orígem da ideia de fronteiras móveis: limites políticos e migrações nas geografias de Friedrich Ratzel e Elisée Reclus”, Continentes, Revista de Geografia –UFRRJ, n. 4,
  • 2014: “Os anarquistas à Sociedade Geográfica Real …” Cartas de Élisée Reclus e Peter Kropotkin a John Scott Keltie (1882-1917), Revista de História da UEG, n. 1, p. 213-255
  • 2013:Indígenas do universo’: espaço, dominação e práticas de liberação social na obra dos geógrafos anarquistas Elisée Reclus, Pëtr Kropotkin e Léon Metchnikoff”, Território Autônomo, 2, p. 5-16,
  • 2013: “Eles têm o direito de expulsar-nos”: a nova geografia universal de Élisée Reclus, Espaço e Economia, Revista Brasileira de Geografia Econômica, 3,
  • 2013: “O fundo Reclus-Perron e o contestado franco-brasileiro de 1900: um mapa inedito que decidiu as fronteiras do Brasil”, Terra Brasilis, 2,
  • 2013: “Geografia, educação libertária e escola pública na Europa entre os séculos XIX e XX: um programa de emancipação através do saber”, Elisée, Revista de Geografia da UEG n. 2, vol. 2, p. 9-24,
  • 2012: “Cartografia e educação popular. O Museu Cartográfico de Élisée Reclus e Charles Perron em Genebra (1907-1922)”, Terra Brasilis, Revista da Rede Brasileira de História da Geografia e Geografia Histórica, 1,

    In Spanish

  • 2015: “La geografía de Élisée Reclus frente al exterminio de los amerindios: cuestiones científicas y políticas”, Erosión, Revista de Pensamiento Anarquista, 5, p. 115-132.
  • 2014: (with Ph. Pelletier) “En los orígenes de la geografía crítica. Espacialidades y relaciones de dominio en la obra de los geógrafos anarquistas Reclus, Kropotkin y Mechnikov”, Germinal, Revista de Estudios Libertarios, n. 111, p. 57-79.
  • 2014: “Los geógrafos anarquistas y la ciudad: producir espacios diferentes entre morfología urbana e trasformación social”, Boletím Goiano de Geografia, n. 34, 2014, p. 399-421,
  • 2009: “La Europa y el Occidente en la Nueva Geografía Universal de Eliseo Reclus” Germinal, Revista de Estudios Libertarios, 7, p. 27-54,
  • 2009: “La Comuna de París y los orígenes del pensamiento anarquista: la experiencia de los hermanos Reclus”, Germinal, Revista de Estudios Libertarios, 8, p. 8-41,

    In Italian

  • 2017: “Ma i comunardi avevano tutti la barba? Geografie anarchiche e femminismo in Francia tra Secondo Impero e Comune”, Geotema (AGEI), 53, p. 36-44.
  • 2011: “Corrispondenze geografiche: Annibale Ranuzzi fra ‘geografia pura’ e Risorgimento”, Rivista Geografica Italiana, 118, p. 115-139,
  • 2011: “GIS femminista e queer GIS: conflitti epistemologici nella rappresentazione dello spazio”, Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, 1, p. 137-146.
  • 2010 : “Articolazione costiera ed egemonia europea nella geografia del XIX secolo”, Storicamente, 6,
  • 2010: “Intellettuali anarchici nell’Europa del secondo Ottocento : i fratelli Reclus (1862-1872)”, Società e Storia, 127 , p. 63-91,
  • 2010: “L’egemonia dell’Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894) di Elisée Reclus: una geografia anticoloniale?”, Rivista Geografica Italiana, 117, p. 65-92,
  • 2009: “Elisée Reclus e Pierre-Jules Hetzel. La corrispondenza tra l’anarchico e l’editore (1867-1881), Storicamente, 5,
  • 2008: “Decostruzione di un documento cartografico: la Dame Europe nella Cosmografia Universale di Sebastian Münster”, L’Universo, 88, 300-321.
  • 2007: “La città e la strada: Bologna e la via Emilia nelle Geografie Universali (1810-1934)”, Il Carrobbio, 23, p. 67-82.
  • 2007: “La doppia voce di Brian Harley: immagine e potere nella storia della cartografia”, Storicamente, 3,
  • 2007: “La verità del suolo: breve storia del Critical GIS (1983-2007)”, Storicamente, 3, []
  • 2006: “Fra disegno e memoria: il territorio del Parco Regionale dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi dell’Abbadessa attraverso la cartografia storica”, Il Carrobbio, 22, 281-306.


  • 2022 [forthcoming – editorial contract signed] Geographies of Federalism during the Italian Risorgimento, 1796-1900, London, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • 2018: Anarchy and Geography. Reclus and Kropotkin in the UK. Abingdon, Routledge 252 p. ISBN 9781138488120
  • 2018: [F. Ferretti, Ph. Pelletier and Ph. Malburet], Elisée Reclus et les Juifs, un géographe anarchiste face à une question brûlante, Paris, L’Harmattan, ISBN 978-2343135830 [extension and updating of the above Cybergeo paper on the same subject]
  • 2015: [F. Ferretti & P. Minder], « Pas de la dynamite, mais du tabac ». L’enquête de 1885 contre les anarchistes en Suisse romande, Paris, Éditions du Monde Libertaire, 186 p., ISBN 2-915514-66-6
  • 2014: Élisée Reclus: pour une géographie nouvelle, Paris Éditions du CTHS, collection Format, 448 p. ISBN 9-782-7355-0827-3
  • 2014: Da Strabone al cyberspazio: introduzione alla storia del pensiero geografico, Milano, Guerini, 208 p., ISBN 978-88-8107-371-4.
  • 2012: Élisée Reclus lettres de prison et d’exil, Lardy, Éditions Alafrontière, 160 p., ISBN: 978-2-918665-02-1
  • 2011: Anarchici ed editori. Reti scientifiche, editoria e lotte culturali attorno alla Nuova Geografia Universale di Élisée Reclus (1876-1894), Milan: Zero in Condotta, 263 p., ISBN, 978-88-95950-18-1
  • 2007: Il mondo senza la mappa. Élisée Reclus e i geografi anarchici, Milan: Zero in Condotta, 250 p, ISBN 978-88-95950-19-8[6]  


  • 2021 [scheduled] Editor for Part Two of ‘The International in Geography’ of the book A geographical Century: essays for the Centenary of the IGU (Springer Publishing).
  • 2020 B. Schelhaas, F. Ferretti, A. Reyes Novaes, M. Schmidt, (eds.), Decolonising and Internationalising Geography: Essays in the History of Contested Science. Berlin, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-49515-2
  • 2017 [F. Ferretti, G. Barrera, A. Ince and F. Toro], Historical geographies of anarchism - Early critical geographers and present-day scientific challenges, Abingdon, Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-138-23424-6


  • 2018: Edition (with A. Chollier) of: Pëtr Kropotkin, Charles Perron, Élisée Reclus, La joie d’apprendre, Geneva, Éditions Héros-limite, 208 p., ISBN, 978-2-940517-74-9
  • 2016: Edition (with A. Chollier) of: Charles Perron, Elisée Reclus, Paul Reclus, Franz Schrader, Écrits cartographiques, Genève, Éditions Héros-limite, ISBN : 978-2-940517-50-3.
  • 2015: Edition (with A. Chollier) of: James Guillaume, Charles Perron, Elisée Reclus, Les Alpes, Genève, Éditions Héros-limite, 256 p., ISBN 978-2-940358-99-1
  • 2014: Edition and preface of: Élisée Reclus, Histoire de la guerre de Sécession aux États-Unis, Paris, Pocket 350 p., ISBN: 978-2-266-24499-2.
  • 2012: Edition (with A. Chollier) of: Elie et Élisée Reclus, L’homme des bois, études sur les populations indiennes d’Amérique du Nord, Geneva, Éditions Héros-limite, ISBN 2940358788.
  • 2012: Edition (with A. Chollier) of: Élisée Reclus, Écrits Sociaux, Geneva, Éditions Héros-limite, 251 p. ISBN 978-2-940358-92-2


In English

  • 2022 [forthcoming] “Decolonial openings of Ron Johnston's legacies: how to avoid new amnesias”. In R. Harris, D. Manley and R.J. Mayhew (eds.), Geography and a Geographer: Essays in memory of Ron Johnston. London, RGS-IBG Book Series.
  • 2021 “History of Geography (not identical to historical geography)”, in D. Richardson et al. The Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Hoboken: Wiley and AAG,
  • 2020 [with B. Schelhaas, M. Schmidt di Friedberg and A. Reyes Novaes] Introduction: “Internationalizing and decolonializing geography: trends and challenges towards individuality and plurality”, in B. Schelhaas, F. Ferretti, A. Reyes Novaes, M. Schmidt, (eds.), Decolonising and Internationalising Geography: Essays in the History of Contested Science. Berlin, Springer.
  • 2020: “Transnational anarchism against fascisms: subaltern geopolitics and spaces of exile in Camillo Berneri’s work”, in D. Featherstone, N. Copsey and K. Brasken (eds.), Anti-Fascism in a Global Perspective: Transnational Networks, Exile Communities, and Radical Internationalism, Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 176-196.
  • 2019: “Critical geographies”, in A. Kobayashi at al. (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Elsevier. Vol. 3, pp. 37-43.
  • 2019: “Anarchism/Anarchist geographies”, in A. Kobayashi at al. (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Elsevier, vol. I, 119-125.
  • 2019: “Anarchism, Geography and Painting: Élisée Reclus and Social Art”, in C. Kosuch (ed.) Anarchist Avant-Garde, Amsterdam, Brill, 235-259.
  • 2017: [F. Ferretti, G. Barrera de la Torre, A. Ince and F. Toro], “Introduction”, in F. Ferretti, G. Barrera de la Torre, A. Ince and F. Toro (eds.), Historical geographies of anarchism - Early critical geographers and present-day scientific challenges, Abingdon, Routledge, p. 1-4.
  • 2017: “Revolutions and their places: the anarchist geographers and the problem of nationalities in the Age of Empire (1875-1914)”, in F. Ferretti, G. Barrera de la Torre, A. Ince and F. Toro (eds.), Historical geographies of anarchism - Early critical geographers and present-day scientific challenges, Abingdon, Routledge, p. 113-128.
  • 2016: “Radicalizing pedagogy: Geography and libertarian education between the 19th and the 20th century”, in S. Springer, R. White, M. Lopes de Souza (eds.), The Radicalization of Pedagogy, New York, Rowman & Littlefield, p. 51-72
  • 2012: “Nature” (with M. Schmidt di Friedberg), in P. Giaccaria, M. Paradiso (eds.), Mediterranean Lexicon, Rome, Società Geografica Italiana/International Geographic Union, p. 91-116,

In French

  • 2021 [forthcoming] Michel (La question coloniale dans l’œuvre de Louise —). In A. Ruscio (ed.) Encyclopédie de la colonisation française, Paris, les Indes savantes.
  • 2021 [forthcoming] Patriotisme et Colonisation (ouvrage). In A. Ruscio (ed.) Encyclopédie de la colonisation française, Paris, les Indes savantes
  • 2021 [forthcoming] Reclus (with Philippe Pelletier) (La question coloniale dans l’œuvre d’Élisée —). In A. Ruscio (ed.) Encyclopédie de la colonisation française, Paris, les Indes savantes.
  • 2021 [forthcoming] Reclus (La question coloniale dans l’œuvre d’Élie —). In A. Ruscio (ed.) Encyclopédie de la colonisation française, Paris, les Indes savantes.
  • 2021 [forthcoming] “Patrick Geddes et la « connexion écossaise » des géographes anarchistes”, in H. Guerin and A. Sistel (eds.), Patrick Geddes à Montpellier (1924-1932), un pionnier de l'écologie urbaine, Montpellier.
  • 2021 “James Guillaume géographe”, in J.C. Buttier, Ch. Heimberg, N. Kohler (eds.), James Guillaume, l’émancipation par le savoir, Paris, Editions Noir et Rouge.
  • 2020 [forthcoming] “Géopolitique de la paix et mondialisation de la guerre: les cours de Paul Dupuy à l’École internationale de Genève (1940-1942)”, in N. Ginsburger, M.-C. Robic, J.-L. Tissier (eds.) Géographes français en Seconde Guerre mondiale (1938-1948): études et documents, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne.
  • 2015: “Neiges, glaces et géographie sociale: froid et théorie de l'entraide dans les écrits d'Élisée Reclus sur la montagne”, in A. Metzger, F. Rémy (eds.), Neiges et Glaces, Paris, Hermann, p. 59-76.
  • 2015 [with Ph. Pelletier]: “Spatialités et rapports de domination dans l'œuvre des géographes anarchistes Reclus, Kropotkine et Metchnikoff” in A. Clerval, A. Fleury, J. Rebotier, S. Weber (dir.), Espace et rapports de domination, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, p. 23-34.
  • 2015 [with Ph. Pelletier]: “L’Homme et la Terre, l’aboutissement d’une trilogie” in E. Reclus, L’Homme et la Terre, electronic edition by the Lyon École Normale Supérieure, 2015,
  • 2015, “Patrick Geddes” in D. Bourg, A. Papaux (eds.) Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique, Paris, PUF, p. 462-464.
  • 2014: “Paysage, identité et nation: l’Italie vue par trois Géographies Universelles (1876-1990)”, in D. Bouillon (éd.), Paysage, patrimoine et identité, Paris, Éditions du CTHS, 96-107.
  • 2014: “Perron Charles-Eugène”, in Jean-Christophe Angaut, Anthony Lorry, Marianne Enckell, Guillaume Davranche, Rolf Dupuy, Hughes Lenoir, Claude Pennetier, Anne Steiner (dir.) Les anarchistes: dictionnaire biographique du mouvement libertaire francophone, Ivry-sur-Seine, Les Éditions de l'Atelier/Les Éditions Ouvrières, Collection Jean Maitron volume 74, p. 388-389.
  • 2013: “Libertés citoyennes, ville globale et fédéralisme: compositions urbaines dans la Nouvelle Géographie Universelle d’Élisée Reclus (1876-1894)”, in L. Hincker (ed.), Penser la composition urbaine, Paris, Éditions du CTHS, p. 49-64.
  • 2012: “Républicanisme, migrations et mélanges en Amérique du Sud dans la géographie d’Élisée Reclus (1865-1905)” in L. Dornel, M. Guicharnaud-Tollis, M. Parsons, J.-H. Puyo, Ils ont fait les Amériques, Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, p. 319-332,
  • 2011: “L’identité géographique de l’Europe : Mer et Montagne dans la Nouvelle Géographie universelle d’Élisée Reclus (1876-1894), in A. Cabantous, J.L. Chappey, R. Morieux, N. Richard, F. Walter (eds.) Mer et Montagne dans la culture européenne (XVIe – XIXe siècle), Rennes : PUR, p. 175-188,
  • 2011: “Comment nourrir la planète: à propos d’une carte statistique”, in P. Rérat, E. Piguet (eds.), La pensée du monde: une société de géographie au tournant du XXème siècle, Neuchâtel: Presses Universitaires Suisses, p. 111-116.

In Spanish

  • [forthcoming] 2020. “Prefacio: descubriendo otra geografía en Boloña”. In F. Farinelli, Geografía. México, UNAM.
  • 2019: “Prefacio – Las raíces anarquistas de la geografía y las raíces geográficas del anarquismo”. In S. Springer, Las raíces anarquistas de la geografía, México, UNAM, 15-19.
  • 2016: “Otras cartografías: la colección cartográfica de Elisée Reclus y Charles Perron y una visión no eurocéntrica del mundo”, in M. Nieto Olarte and S. Díaz Angel (eds.), Dibujar y pintar el mundo: Arte, cartografía y política, Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, 2016, 149-154.
  • 2010: “La verdad de la mirada: la idea de paisaje en Élisée Reclus”, in N. Ortega Cantero, J. García Álvarez y M. Ruiz-Gómez (Eds.), Lenguajes y visiones del paysaje y del territorio, Madrid: UAM, 2010, pp. 309-318.

In Portuguese

  • [forthcoming] 2021. “Prefácio: porque falar da Comuna”. In A. Samis, Negras Tormentas: O Federalismo e o Internacionalismo na Comuna de Paris, São Paulo [2nd Ed.]

In Italian

  • 2020: “Introduzione: ogni sera, una pillola contro la paura”. In G. Ferrari, Pensieri libertari, contro il virus della paura. Imola, Edizioni Bruno Alpini, pp. 1-2.
  • 2020: “Prefazione: i perché del Mediterraneo”, in R. Ibba, Esercizi sereniani: Percorsi storici tra l’Italia e il Mediterraneo attraverso le lenti di Emilio Sereni, Gattatico, Istituto Alcide Cervi - Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni, p. 5-8.
  • 2016: “Annibale Ranuzzi”, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Rome, Treccani.
  • 2014: “Gli archivi di Emilio Sereni: una fonte per la storia della geografia”, in G. Bonini, C. Visentin (eds.), Paesaggi in trasformazione. Teorie e pratiche della ricerca a cinquant'anni dalla Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano di Emilio Sereni, Bologna Editrice Compositori, 79-82.
  • 2014: (with A. Ferraboschi and N. Castagnetti), “Scuola e territorio. La Provincia e la programmazione dell'offerta d'istruzione (1962-2013)”, in M. Carrattieri, N. Castagnetti, A. Ferraboschi, eds., Una provincia che fa scuola. Aspetti dell'istruzione secondaria a Reggio Emilia (1962-2012), Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, p. 49-111.
  • 2014: (with A. Ferraboschi), “Gli amministratori della Provincia. Intervista a Giuseppe Gherpelli e Ione Bartoli”, in M. Carrattieri, N. Castagnetti, A. Ferraboschi, eds., Una provincia che fa scuola. Aspetti dell'istruzione secondaria a Reggio Emilia (1962-2012), Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, p. 371-388.
  • 2012: “Patrick Geddes e la sezione di valle: una geostoria dei bacini fluviali”, in E. Dai Prà (ed.), Approcci geostorici e governo del territori: scenari nazionali ed internazionali, Milano, Franco Angeli (Scienze geografiche), ISBN: 9788820419561
  • 2011: “Emilio Sereni geografo: il paesaggio mediterraneo tra fuoco, terrazze e giardini”, in M. Quaini (ed.), Paesaggi agrari: l’irrinunciabile eredità di Emilio Sereni, Milano, Silvana Editoriale, p. 48-56, 68-72.
  • 2011: “Scritture dell’Impero: dalla critica della carta al critical GIS”, in P. Bonora (ed.), Rappresentare la territorialità, I Quaderni di Storicamente, n. 2, Bologna, p.202-221,
  • 2011: “Spazi europei: Élisée Reclus e l’invenzione dell’Europa orientale”, in M.P. Casalena (ed.), Luoghi d’Europa: Spazio, Genere, Memoria, Bologna: I Quaderni di Storicamente, p. 72-80,
  • 2011: “Dai campi alla tavola: le cucine del popolo a Pieve di Cento”, in T. Artioli (ed.), D’Artegnam: dalla cucina di sopravvivenza all’arte del gusto tra Modena, Ferrara e Bologna, Bologna, Pendragon, 2011.
  • 2010: “Elisée Reclus (1830-1905)”, in M. Schmidt di Friedberg (ed.), Cos’é il mondo? E’ un globo di cartone: insegnare geografia fra Otto e Novecento, Milan: Unicopli, p. 113-142.
  • 2010: “Pëtr Aleksejevic Kropotkin (1842-1921)”, in M. Schmidt di Friedberg (ed.), Cos’é il mondo? E’ un globo di cartone: insegnare geografia fra Otto e Novecento, Milan: Unicopli, p. 131-150 (with F. Eva).
  • 2010: “Patrick Geddes (1854-1932)”, in M. Schmidt di Friedberg (ed.), Cos’é il mondo? E’ un globo di cartone: insegnare geografia fra Otto e Novecento, Milan: Unicopli, p. 205-232.
  • 2006: “La cartografia storica del Parco Regionale dei Gessi bolognesi”, in M. Petrella, C. Santini, S. Torresani (eds.) Geo-grafie di un territorio. Studi e ricerche per un Dizionario storico dei cartografi in Emilia-Romagna, Bologna: Patron, 49-74.
  • 2005: “Le cucine della via Emilia”, in Le cucine del popolo. Atti del convegno di Massenzatico (Reggio Emilia, 31 Ottobre 2004), Milan: Zero in Condotta, 13-21.


In English

  • 2021 ‘Women in Latin American critical geographies’, LAG-UK Blog,
  • 2020 [Book Review] ‘Tariq Jazeel and Stephen Legg (Eds.) Subaltern Geographies, Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 2019’, Social and Cultural Geography - early view:
  • 2020 [Invited Book Review] ‘Spatial Histories of Radical Geography: North America and Beyond by Trevor J. Barnes and Eric Sheppard, eds. (Wiley-Blackwell 2019)’, for the AAG Review of Books 8, 4, 241-243 [Book Review Forum, edited by J. Sidaway and S. Lin, with the participation of: V. Chouinard, K. Gibson; M. Kenney-Lazar; C. Philo; M. Van Meeteren; J. Wills; B. Wisner, T.J. Barnes and E. Sheppard].
  • 2020 [with K. Browne and J. Mercille] Teaching Critical and Radical Geographies: A Pioneering Master’s Programme, Antipode Foundation, 6 February 2020,
  • 2019 “Big Water. The Making of the Borderlands Between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Jacob Blanc and Frederico Freitas (Eds.). Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2018. xii-329”, Journal of Latin American Geography, JLAG, 18(3), 18(3), 221-223.
  • 2018 “José Borzacchiello da Silva, French-Brazilian Geography: The Influence of French Geography in Brazil, Springer Press, 2016”, Journal of Latin American Geography, JLAG, 17(2) 258-260.
  • 2018 “Élisée Reclus in Louisiana (1853-1855). Encounters with racism and slavery”, The AAG Newsletter, February 1st
  • 2017 “Obituary. Anne Buttimer, 1938-2017”, Investigaciones Geográficas, n. 94.
  • 2017 “Rediscovering the inebriation of geography”, Book Review Forum on Simon Springer’s The Anarchist Roots of Geography (Minneapolis, 2016)”, AAG Review of Books vol. 5, n. 4, 284-285.
  • 2017 “Luciene Pereira Carris Cardoso, Intelectuais, militares, instituições na configuração das fronteiras brasileiras. 1883-1903, São Paulo, Ed. Alameda, 2016” AAG Review of Books vol. 5, n. 4, p. 254-55,
  • 2017 “R. White, S. Springer and M. Lopes de Souza (eds.). The Practice of Freedom. Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt. London-New York, Rowman and Littlefield, 2016”, Anarchist Studies vol. 25 n. 2, pp. 112-116.
  • 2017: “A case for non-statist geographies: Michael Knapp, Anja Flach, Ercan Ayboga, Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy and Women's Liberation in Syrian Kurdistan (London: Pluto Press, 2016), 285 pp.” Society and Space Open Site
  • 2017: “La géographie, émergence d’un champ scientifique. France, Prusse et Grande Bretagne (1780–1860), Laura Péaud. ENS Éditions, Lyon (2016). 274 pages, € 26 hardcover”, Journal of Historical Geography, DOI 10.1016/j.jhg.2017.01.004, early view
  • 2016: “Kropotkin: Reviewing the Classical Anarchist Tradition, by Ruth Kinna. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2016”, Journal of Historical Geography, doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2016.04.006,
  • 2016 : « La carte avant les cartographes; l’avènement du régime cartographique en France au XVIIIe siècle. By Nicolas Verdier », Imago Mundi, International Journal for the History of Cartography, vol. 68, p. 109-111, doi 10.1080/03085694.2016.1107406
  • 2015 : « Hélène Blais 2014, mirages de la carte, l’invention de l’Algérie coloniale, xixe – xxe siècle », Society and Space (open site),
  • 2015: [with A. Reyes Novaes and G. Ribeiro], “Circulação das idéias e história dos saberes geográficos: hierarquias, interações e redes - Circulation de la connaissance et histoire des savoirs géographiques : hiérarchies, interactions et réseaux - Circulation of ideas and history of geographical knowledge : hierarchy, interactions and networks, Rio de Janeiro, 16th - 20th December 2014”, Terra Brasilis, 4, 2015
  • 2014: “John Clark and Camille Martin (eds), Anarchy, Geography, Modernity: Selected Writings of Elisée Reclus, Oakland: PM Press, 2013” Antipode Foundation,
  • 2011: “Carey, S.C., 2009: Protest, Repression and Political Regimes: An Empirical Analysis of Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. London and New York: Routledge. 128 pp.”, Progress in Development Studies, 11, p. 163-165,

In French

  • 2020: « Élisée Reclus : une philosophie de la nature », Encyclopédie pour une histoire nouvelle de l'Europe [en ligne], ISSN 2677-6588, [English Version: ]
  • 2020: Elisée Reclus (1830-1905) géographe du monde, Mondes Sociaux, Magazine de Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Rubrique un.e
  • 2015: Reclus E. (2014). Les grands textes. Paris, Flammarion, 503 p. Textes choisis et présentés par Christophe Brun”, Le Mouvement Social,
  • 2015: “Débarre S. (dir.), 2014, Géographies entre France et Allemagne - Acteurs, notions et pratiques (fin XIXe siècle - milieu XXe siècle), Revue Germanique Internationale, No.20, 212 p.”, Cybergeo,
  • 2014: “P. Felsch, 2013, Comment August Petermann inventa le Pôle Nord, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, [1ère édition allemande 2010], 195 p.” Cybergeo,
  • 2014: “Patrick Geddes, le géographe anarchiste qui inventait la nation écossaise”, Visionscarto, 15 septembre,
  • 2014: “Reclus E. (2014). Les grands textes. Paris: Flammarion, 503 p. Textes choisis et présentés par Christophe Brun”, L’Espace Géographique, 2, p. 190-191.
  • 2014: “Febvre L., 2014, Michelet, créateur de l’histoire de France. Cours au Collège de France, 1943-44, Paris, Vuibert, 445 p. Édition établie par Brigitte Mazon et Yann Potin” Cybergeo,
  • 2012: “L’amiante au tribunal une décision sans précédent entachée d’un –pacte avec le diable”, Socio-informatique et argumentation, 26 mars 2012,
  • 2012: “La redécouverte d’Élisée Reclus: à propos d’ouvrages récents”, Echogéo, 21 (2012),
  • 2012: (with L. Alves de Lira): “Haesbaert R., Nunes Pereira S., Ribeiro G. (dir.), 2012, Vidal, Vidais: textos de Geografia Humana, Regional e Política, Rio de Janeiro, Bertrand Brasil, 464 p.”, Cybergeo,
  • 2012: “Reclus E., 2011, Projet de globe au 100.000e, Paris, Éditions B2, 96 p. (Première édition 1895). Introduction de Nikola Jankovic”, Cybergeo,
  • 2011: “Note de lecture du livre de Bernard Debarbieux et Gilles Rudaz”, Projets de paysage. Revue scientifique sur la conception et l'aménagement de l'espace, 5,
  • 2011: “Ph. Pelletier, Élisée Reclus, géographie et anarchie, Éditions du Monde Libertaire, 2009”, Les Cafés Géographiques, doc. N. 2102,
  • 2011: “Carnets de soutenances: L’Occident d’Élisée Reclus”, Carnets de Géographes, 2,
  • 2011: “Note de lecture du livre de Chiara Visentin”, Projets de paysage, 6
  • 2011: “L’amiante en tribunal ou l’éternel rebondissement d’un dossier sanitaire”, Socio-informatique et argumentation, 5 décembre 2011,
  • 2010: “Le colloque international « Mer et montagne dans la culture européenne (XVIe-XIXe siècle) » Paris, 24-25 septembre 2009”, Projets de paysage, 3,
  • 2010: “Charles Perron, le cartographe de la -juste représentation du monde”, Visions Cartographiques – Le Monde Diplomatique, 2/5/2010,
  • 2010: “Note de lecture du livre de Carlo Tosco”, Projets de paysage, 4 
  • 2009: “Compte rendu du symposium international d'histoire de la pensée géographique Langages et visions du paysage et du territoire”, Projets de paysage, 2,
  • 2009: “Élisée Reclus, Storia di una montagna, Tararà Edizioni, Verbania, 2008, 176 p.”, Le Globe, revue genevoise de géographie, 149, p. 180-182.
  • 2008: “Compte rendu de L'invenzione della Terra”, Projets de paysage, 1.

  • 2007: “Élisée Reclus, le géographe qui n’aimait pas les cartes”, Le Monde Diplomatique,

    In Italian

  • 2012: “T. L. Nyerges, H. Couclelis, R. McMaster (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society, London, SAGE, 2011, XVI + 559 pp., ill.”, Rivista Geografica Italiana, 2, pp. 235-237.
  • 2012: “Reclus E., Projet de globe au 100.000e. Introduzione di Nikola Jankovic. Paris, Éditions B2, 2011, 96 p. (Prima edizione 1895)”, Rivista Geografica Italiana, 119, 4, pp. 435-437.
  • 2011: “J.-B. Trento, P. Eskrich, Mappe-Monde Nouvelle Papistique. Histoire de la Mappe-Monde Papistique, en laquelle est déclairé tout ce qui est contenu et pourtraict en la grande table, ou carte de la Mappe-Monde”, Rivista Geografica Italiana, 1, p. 215-217.
  • 2011: “L’Occidente di Élisée Reclus: l’invenzione dell’Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894)”, Rivista Geografica Italiana – Tesi di dottorato, 3, p. 583-585.
  • 2010: “A. Guarducci, L’utopia del catasto nella Toscana di Pietro Leopoldo. La questione dell’estimo geometrico - particellare nella seconda metà del Settecento, Borgo S. Lorenzo, All’Insegna del Giglio, 2009, 349 pp., ill.”, Rivista Geografica Italiana, (2010), p. 536-538.
  • 2009: “Lucien Gallois, Régions naturelles et noms de pays: étude sur la région parisienne, Paris, CTHS, 2008, 381 pp, Storicamente, 5,

  • 2009, “James R. Akerman (ed.), The Imperial Map: cartography and the mastery of Empire, Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 2009, 367 pp.”, Storicamente, 5, .
  • 2007: “Marcella Schmidt (ed.), Élisée Reclus: natura ed educazione, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, pp. 304”, Storicamente, 3 (2007),
  • 2007: “Giovanni Domaschi, Le mie prigioni e le mie evasioni: memorie di un anarchico veronese dal carcere e dal confino fascista, Verona, Cierre edizioni, , 409 pp.”, Storicamente, 4

In Portuguese

  • 2021: ‘Mulheres nas geografias críticas latino americanas’ LAG-UK Blog,íticas-latino-americanas []
  • 2014: “Aqui começa o Brasil! Geo-história de uma fronteira complicada”, GEOgraphia (Rio de Janeiro), 32, 195-202
  • 2012 [with L. Alves de Lira]: “Haesbaert R., Nunes Pereira S., Ribeiro G. (dir.), 2012, Vidal, Vidais: textos de Geografia Humana, Regional e Política, Rio de Janeiro, Bertrand Brasil, 464 p”, GEOgraphia (Rio de Janeiro), 28, p. 179-186,
  • 2007: “David Cosandey, Le secret de l’Occident: vers une théorie générale du progrès scientifique, Paris, Flammarion, 864 pp.”, Storicamente, 4 (2008)
  • 2006: “Saccenti (o Sacenti) Camillo”, in M. Petrella, C. Santini, S. Torresani (eds.) Geo-grafie di un territorio. Studi e ricerche per un Dizionario storico dei cartografi in Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Patron, p. 177-181.
  • 2006: “Calcina Levanti Damiano; Cassani Giulio; Cassani Tommaso; Dotti Gian Giacomo (Giovanni Giacomo); Marchignoli Domenico; Martinelli Franco (o Francesco); Pallari Carlantonio; Sassi Vincenzo; Toschi Giuseppe Maria; Zanardi Angelo” [Biographical Files of Cartographers], in M. Petrella, C. Santini, S. Torresani (eds.) Geo-grafie di un territorio. Studi e ricerche per un Dizionario storico dei cartografi in Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Patron, CD-Rom.


In English

  • Co-organization of the International Conference: ‘Peter Kropotkin 1921-2021 - Activism and scholarship’, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Department of Geography, 19-23 July 2021 [partially online]
  • [postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 crisis] Co-organization (with P. Puente-Lozano and J. Garcia-Alvarez), of the session: “Drawing the line. Theories and Practices of Boundary Delimitation in European and Colonial Territories (Eighteenth-Twentieth Century)” for the RGS-IBG International Conference 2020, London, 31 August-3 September 2021. Paper: ‘Geography beyond borders: Elisée Reclus and the Hexagon’.
  • [postponed to 2021 due to COVID crisis] Co -organization (with H. Jöns, M. van Meeteren and P. Couper) of the Special Session: ‘35th Years HPGRG – Looking Back and Looking Forward’, September 2021, London, Royal Geographical Society with IBG. Paper: ‘Why philosophy and history of geography matter’.
  • 2021: Panel presentation of Anti-Fascism in a Global Perspective: Transnational Networks, Exile Communities, and Radical Internationalism. At the ENIUGH, European Network in Universal and Global History, Sixth European Congress on World and Global History, 15 - 19 June 2021: Online
  • Invited speaker for the ‘Author meets critics’ session RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 4th September 2020, on Andrew Davies’s Geographies of Anticolonialism: Political Networks Across and Beyond South India, c. 1900-1930 [online].
  • 28 May 2021 Co-organization (with M. Schmidt di Friedberg) of the session ‘Southern thinking. Heritage, migration and Mediterranean cultures’ on behalf of the IGU Commission History of Geography, for the International Geographical Union Thematic Conference 'Heritage Geographies, politics, uses and governance of the past ' LINK: Paper presentation: ‘Anarchism, geography and the Mediterranean metaphor’.
  • 2021: [with J.A. Gutierrez Danton] ‘The Republic, the Nation and the Empire: new perspectives on transnational anarchism’, European Social Science History Conference, Leiden, 24 March 2021 [in virtual format].
  • [Invited Seminar] ‘Other Radical Traditions: Brazilian geographers between exile and military dictatorship’, University of Cambridge, Department of Geography, Friday 8th November 2019.
  • ‘Disrupting the nature-culture divide: Reclus, philosophy of nature and environmental justice’, for the session Environmental and Ecological Justice: Anarchist Contributions and Perspectives (convenors Richard White, Simon Springer, Ophélie Veron and Marcelo Lopes de Souza), RGS-IBG 2019 Conference, London
  • ‘Non-European Americas and socio-territorial-temporal movements: Black, indigenous and peasants’ insurgency seen by North-eastern critical geographers’, for the session Socioterritorial movements beyond Latin America: conceptual and empirical dialogues (convenors Sam Halvorsen and Bernardo Mançano Fernandes) RGS-IBG 2019 Conference, London.
  • [With Arlene Crampsie], ‘Tribute to Anne Buttimer’, for the International Symposium of the Commission History of Geography, Geographies of identities and imaginations, UCD, Dublin, 10 July 2019.
  • [with A. Ince, F. Eva and J. Ellison] Round Table ‘Anarchism, democracy and sovereignism’, for the Second International Conference of Anarchist Geographers (CIGAL 2019), Rabastens, France, 13-16 June 2019.
  • ‘In defence of an international vehicular language: insights from anarchist geographies’, for the session Non-dominant Geographies, at the IGU Regional Conference, Quebec City 6-10 August 2018.
  • ‘A plea for humane theory in geography: on Anne Buttimer’s intellectual legacy’, for the session Theoretical geographies, at the IGU Regional Conference, Quebec City 6-10 August 2018.
  • [session organisation] ‘Crossing the boundaries of knowledge: historical geographies of mobility and trans-culturalism’, for the 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Warsaw 15-20 July 2018 (in collaboration with H. Jöns).
  • ‘Voices from the Northeast: radical development and geographies of global engagement in Brazil and in exile (1960s-1980s)’, for the session Global Histories of Geography 1930-1990 17th ICHG, Warsaw 15-20 July 2018.
  • ‘The creative exile: transnational and multilingual histories of radical geographies’, for the session Crossing the boundaries of knowledge: historical geographies of mobility and trans-culturalism 17th ICHG, Warsaw 15-20 July 2018.
  • ‘Blackening Reclus: anarchist abolitionism, geography and non-white Americas’, for the session Geographies of Anarchist Praxes, AAG 2018, New Orleans.
  • ‘Anarchism and Republicanism, Elisée Reclus, James Guillaume and the true République’, European Social Sciences History Conference 2018, Belfast.
  • [With Arlene Crampsie], ‘The Anne Buttimer’s Archives’, for the 50th Conference of Irish Geographers, Maynooth, 10-12 May 2018.
  • Invited panellist for the session Author meets critics: Reappraising David Livingstone's The Geographical Tradition after a quarter of a century, HGRG and RACE session convened by Mark Boyle, Tim Hall and James Sidaway, RGS-IBG 2017.
  • Co-organisation of the session Problematizing colonial modernity: geographies of universalism and pluriversalism, for the RGS-IBG 2017 Conference – Decolonizing Geographical Knowledge. With G. Barrera de la Torre and A. Ince. With presentation: ‘Decolonising the Encyclopédie: early anarchist geographers and Radical Enlightenment’.
  • ‘Negotiating print cultures: Élisée Reclus and the publisher Hachette’, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017- Decolonising geographical knowledges, Session: Networks of Knowledge: Communicating Geographical Knowledge in the Long Nineteenth Century – Convenors: Benjamin Newman and Innes M. Keighren
  • Co-organisation of the session Critical, radical and postcolonial geographies and cartographies from early approaches to present-day debates for the ICHST 2017, Rio de Janeiro 23-29 June 2017 (with P. Zusman, A. Reyes Novaes, M. Schmidt di Friedberg). With presentation: ‘Geography, Anarchism and Republicanism: Elisée Reclus studying the Brazilian state (1862-1905)’.
  • Co-organisation of the International Conference of Anarchist Geographies and Geographies (ICAGG 2017), Reggio Emilia (Italy) 21-23 September 2017.
  • ‘Mapping Amazonia: the cartographic work of explorers Henri and Octavie Coudreau and their collaboration with Elisée Reclus, for the 27th International Conference on the History of Cartography 2017, Belo Horizonte, 9-14 July 2017.
  • Geographers and Geographies of Revolutions: Session co-organised with M. Proto and M. Schmidt di Friedberg for the Italian Geographical Congress, Rome, 7-10 June 2017. Presentation: ‘Anarchy and Geography in the Spanish Revolution (1936-1939)’.
  • Invited speaker for the workshop: Seminários Gpel: O Orfanato de Cempuis e as Espacialidades da Pedagogia Libertária, São Paulo, USP, 8 May 2017.
  • ‘Elisée Reclus, Courbet, and Social Art’ for the international workshop Gustave Courbet im Kontext der Naturwissenschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts, University of Munich, 30-31 March 2017 [invited workshop lecture].
  • Co-organisation of the session Peace in history and philosophy of geography: which possible approaches?For the IGU Regional Conference Geographies For Peace / Geografías Para La Paz 23-25 April 2017 La Paz (Bolivia).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Conference EUGEO, Brussels, 4-5-6 September 2017.
  • ‘Evolution and Revolution: The Evolutionary Science by Anarchist Geographers Reclus, Mečnikov and Kropotkin (1880-1921)’, for the International Workshop Anarchism in Culture. Re-assessing the Influence of a Manifold Libertarian Concept on European Modernity (1820s−1930s), Rome, 7-9 September 2016.
  • Co-organisation of the session Geographies of Anti-colonialism (three timeslots) for the RGS-IBG AIC 2016, London 30 August – 2 September 2016, with A. Davies and D. Featherstone. Session sponsored by the HGRG and the PolGRG. Presentation: ‘The murderous civilization. The anarchist geographers and the ‘indigenous question”’.
  • ‘Geographies of peace and war: Elisée Reclus and the American Civil War (1861-1865)’, for the session: Historical Geographies of Peace and Non-Violence (organised by N. Megoran and M. Scott) at the RGS-IBG AIC 2016, London 30 August – 2 September 2016.
  • ‘Geographies of another future: an anarchist critique of utopias’, for the Session: Where next? Historical Geographies of the Future (organised by J. Hodder and M. Heffernan) for the RGS-IBG AIC 2016, London 30 August – 2 September 2016.
  • ‘Divulgating anarchist geographies: Pyotr Kropotkin and British publishing cultures (1877-1917)’, for the conference Radical histories/Histories of radicalism, London, 1-3 July 2016.
  • ‘Biography, geography and unfaithful translations: Ireland in Élisée Reclus’s life and work’, Conference of Irish Geographers, 5-7 May 2016.
  • ‘Anarchism, Geography and Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Empire’, for the ESSHC European Social Science History Conference, Valencia 30 March- 2 April 2016.
  • ‘Putting anarchist education in its place: open-air geography and the Lausanne Ferrer School (1909-1919)’, Chicago, AAG 2015, 21-25 April 2015.
  • Co-organization and Introduction of the Day Conference Penser d'autres espaces d'éducation/Considering spaces of alternative learning, Geneva, FPSE, 3 June 2015, with M. Monnard, P. Kraftl, P. Clerc, E Squarcina
  • ‘Historical geographies and history of geography in the 1871 Paris Commune’, for the session Space, agency and contestation: towards a conversation between labour history and labour geography, ICHG 2015, London 5-10 July 2015 (convenors D. Featherstone, P. Griffin).
  • ‘Anarchy (and Geography) in the UK: the British networks of Elisée Reclus and Pëtr Kropotkin (1852-1917)’, ICHG 2015, London 5-10 July 2015.
  • ‘Did all communards have beards? Links and intersections between feminist militants and anarchist geographers in 19th century France’, for the session Under Its Own Name? Feminist Historical Geography I: Rethinking the Making of Geography, ICHG 2015, London 5-10 July 2015 (convenors M. Domosh, K. Moren, T. Rothenberg).
  • [with P. Minder] ‘“Anarchy: the highest expression of order”: the coming anarchist society according to Kropotkin and the Anarchist Geographers’, for the session Kropotkin - Coming Anarchy (convenors A. Ince and S. Springer), IGU Political Geography Commission, IGU2015, Moscow 17-21 August 2015.
  • ‘Vanguards of the Empire? Colonialism and ‘heterodox discourses’ in the experience of a French explorer, Henri Coudreau (1859-1899)’, IGU Commission on the History of Geography, IGU2015, Moscow 17-21 August 2015.
  • Co-organisation of the session Historical Geographies of Anarchism: situating struggles, studying environments, for the RGS-IBG AIC 2015, Geographies of Anthropocene (with G. Barrera, G. Colombo and F. Toro), session sponsored by the HGRG.
  • ‘Revolutions, and their places: The Anarchist Geographers and the problem of nationalities in the Age of Empire’, for the session: Historical Geographies of Anarchism: situating struggles, studying environments, for the international conference RGS-IBG 2015, Geographies of Anthropocene.
  • ‘Building antimilitarism: Elisée Reclus, Social Geography, and War’, for the unified session of the Commissions History of Geography and Political Geography of the IGU, What (political) geography ought to be? Theoretical approaches to and historical perspectives on geography and geopolitics as instruments of peace, Krakow, 18-22 August 2014.
  • Annual Meeting of the Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers, RGS-IBG 2014, London 26-29 August 2014, ‘Anarchist geographies between antifascism and revolution: workers’ and peasants’ collectivization in 1936-39 Spain’, for the session: Geographies of Anti-/fascism in Eras of Austerity: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives
  • Anarchy and Geography: the same origins? The experience of Élisée Reclus and the anarchist geographers’ network in Switzerland (1872-1889)’, for the Anarchist Studies Network, 3rd International Conference, University of Loughborough, 3-5 September 2014.

    In French

  • ‘When Geographers worked with Painters: Élisée Reclus and the Social Art’, for the session Art and Geography of the 45th Conference of Irish Geographers, Galway 16-18 May 2013.
  • ‘Geography and its readers: imagination, popular education and political concern in the correspondence between Élisée Reclus and Pierre-Jules Hetzel (1867-1881)’, in the Symposium of the Commission on the History of Geography of the IGU, Geography and its public, Manchester, 21-28 July 2013.
  • Co-organisation (with S. Springer, R. White, C. Williams, M. Lopes de Souza, Ph. Pelletier and A. Gillet) of the Session Transgressing the frontiers of Geography for the Annual International Conference of the la Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers, RGS-IBG 2013, London 28-30 August 2013, « New geographical frontiers », and paper ‘Unlearning the power: geography and libertarian education beyond the borders according to Élisée Reclus, James Guillaume and Francisco Ferrer’.
  • RGS-IBG 2013, London 28-30 August 2013, communication ‘Universalism or Empire? The internationalist geographies of Élisée Reclus and Peter Kropotkin’ for the Session Historical Geographies of Internationalism (Convenors, M. Heffernan, S. Legg and J. Hodder).
  • ‘French Geography and German Naturphilosophie in the 19th century: which relations?’ For the 32 International UGI Congress, Commission History of the Geographical Thought, Cologne 2012, 26-30 August 2012.
  • ‘“They have the right to throw us out”: Europe and its Others in the Universal Geography by Élisée Reclus’, for the VI International Conference of Critical Geography, Frankfurt, 16-20 August 2011 (Convenors: L. Bialasiewicz, V. Bachmann).
  • ‘Anarchy, Geography and Geopolitics: some common roots? The experience of Élisée Reclus and Pëtr Kropotkin’, for the conference Geopolitics, Ireland and the New World Order, National University of Ireland NUI Maynooth, 25-26 November 2011.
  • 14 June 2019: invited presentation : ‘Geddes et la connexion britannique des géographes anarchistes’ for the international conference: Patrick Geddes (1854-1932) à Montpellier, pionnier de l'écologie urbaine, Montpellier, ENSAM.
  • 7 June 2019: invited speech at the Equipe EHGO (CNRS) monthly seminar (Paris): ‘La dictature militaire au Brésil, l'exil et la naissance des géographies critiques: leçons du Nordeste’.
  • ‘James Guillaume géographe’ - International Conference James Guillaume. L’émancipation par l’instruction, University of Geneva, FPSE, 23-24 November 2016.
  • ‘Dispositifs spatiaux et émancipation sociale: du Grand Globe de Paris à l’Outlook Tower d’Édimbourg (1895-1906)’, for the International Conference Les dispositifs de simulation du monde du début du XIXème siècle à aujourd'hui. Inventer, expérimenter et transformer le réel, Geneva 3-5 September 2016. Member of the scientific and organization committees of the Conference.
  • ‘L’esprit de la vallée’, for the Festival/Conference Les Reclusiennes, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, 5-10 July 2016.
  • ‘Ferdinand Buisson, James Guillaume et Paul Robin: l’éducation laïque entre libéraux et libertaires’, Journée d’étude, L’éducation laïque et ses temporalités : usages et mésusages d’un concept, Université de Genève, Pavillon-Mail, salle PM01, 26 February 2016.
  • Presentation : ‘Le projet Géographie, éducation publique et pédagogie libertaire en Suisse et en Europe (19e-21e siècle)’, Paris, UMR Géographie-cités équipe EHGO, 27 March 2015,
  • ‘Les missions universitaires françaises au Brésil (1934-1938): circulation des savoirs et réseaux scientifiques’, I Colóquio Internacional Franco-Brasileiro, Estudos comparados de epistemologia e História da Geografia - Etudes comparées d'épistémologie et histoire de la géographie, Université de Pau, 30 March - 2 April 2015.
  • Co-organization of the Forum de géographies critiques 2015, Questionner les utopies géographiques, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 3 October 2015.
  • ‘Géographie et imaginaires anticoloniaux entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: des savoirs hétérodoxes de l’espace’, FIG, Saint-Dié des-Vosges, 2-4 October 2015.
  • ‘Où et comment se constitue le savoir? Le cas d’Élisée Reclus et des éditeurs Hetzel et Hachette’ For the Day Conference of the École Doctorale 400 « Savoirs scientifiques: épistémologie, histoire des sciences, didactique des disciplines », L'étude des pratiques: diversité et enjeux, Université Paris 7, 5 March 2014.
  • ‘Neiges, glaces et géographie sociale: froid et théorie de l'entraide dans les écrits d'Élisée Reclus sur la montagne’, for the Congress of the Société Française d’Histoire des sciences et des Techniques, session Neiges et glaces: faire l'expérience du froid (XVIIe – XIXe siècles), Lyon, 28-30 April 2014.
  • ‘Science et anarchisme: l’approche de l’évolutionnisme et du positivisme chez les géographes anarchistes’, for the conference Progrès, Géographies et pensées critiques, UMR 5600 Environnement, Villes, Sociétés, Lyon 23-24 May 2014 [in video conference]
  • ‘Les collectivités espagnoles (1936-1939) comme réalisations d’une géographie anarchiste’, for Les Reclusiennes, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, 7-12 July 2014 [in video conference].
  • ‘Géographie et imaginaires nationaux entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: l’invention de l’Italie et la circulation des cultures géographiques’, for the conference: Le tourment culturel : tribulations, doxa et subversion, Centre Culturel de Cerisy, 22-27 septembre 2014.
  • ‘Insularité, question sociale et condition coloniale: les Iles Britanniques dans la géographie d’Élisée Reclus’, for the Festival International de la Géographie, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 2-5 Octobre 2014.
  • ‘Élisée Reclus: de la géographie en plein air au géographe de plein vent. Une vision de l’épistémologie des sciences à partir de la relation humanité – nature’, International conference Cultures du plein air: retours à la nature à l’heure de la métropolisation des territoires, Rouen, 6-7 November 2014.
  • Conference: ‘Entre géographie et engagement social: les réseaux d'exil d’Élisée Reclus en Suisse romande (1872-1889)’, Société de Géographie de Genève (Salle du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle), 14 October 2013.
  • Co-organisation (with P. Minder, Ph. Pelletier and G. Spoerri) of the Conference Géographie, éducation et tendances libertaires », 2-4 May 2013, Centre d'enseignement et de recherche francophone pour l'enseignement au secondaire 1 et 2 (CERF), Fribourg (CH), and paper: ‘Géographes, exilés et pédagogie libertaire : quand la Suisse internationale enseignait au monde (1868-1919)’[tt_news]=2648&cHash=c34c297f616835a8c4c80def647e4ba6 []
  • ‘Concevoir la nature dans un contexte urbain entre le 19e et le 20e siècle: Patrick Geddes, Pierre Kropotkine, Élisée Reclus’, for the Conference Nature(s): concevoir, vivre, représenter (18e-21e siècles), University of Nantes, 6-8 June 2013.
  • ‘Voter? Les frères Élie et Élisée Reclus face à la question électorale (fin 19e – début 20e siècle)’, for the Festival Reclusiennes, Sante-Foy-la-Grande, 8-14 July 2013,
  • Conference: ‘De l’empathie en géographie: la Chine vue par Élisée Reclus, Léon Metchnikoff et François Turrettini, for the Festival International de la Géographie, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 3-6 Octobre 2013, La Chine, une puissance mondiale?
  • Organisation (with ph. Rekacewicz) of the forum/debate « Critical Geographies », for the Festival International de la Géographie, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, 3-6 Octobre 2013.
  • ‘Le droit de nous mettre à la porte : Élisée Reclus et l’empire’, for the conference Élisée Reclus, l’Orient et l’Occident à l’âge des empires, EHESS, Paris, 30 May 2012 [paper and conference organisation]
  • ‘Cartography and popular education at the beginning of the 20th century: what relations? The cartographic museum of Élisée Reclus and Charles Perron in Geneva (1907-1920)’, for the 32th Congress of the IGU, Pre-Congress Session of the Commission History of the Geographical Thought, Cartography and Geographical Knowledge(s) in the public sphere, Leipzig 21-22 August 2012.
  • ‘Libertés citoyennes, ville globale et fédéralisme: compositions urbaines dans la Nouvelle Géographie Universelle d’Élisée Reclus (1876-1894)’ for the 137e Congrès des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Tours 23-28 April 2012, « Composition(s) urbaine(s) »
  • ‘Aux origines de la géographie critique. Spatialités et rapports de domination dans l'œuvre des géographes anarchistes Reclus, Kropotkine et Metchnikoff’, for the international conference Espace et Rapports Sociaux de domination, Marne-la-Vallée, 20-21 September 2012 (with Ph. Pelletier).
  • At the Saint-Dié des Vosges Festival International de Géographie, Les facettes du paysage: nature, culture, économie, invited conference on 14 October 2012: ‘Elisée Reclus et la question paysagère’, with I. Lefort and Ph. Pelletier.
  • Presentation of the project Writing the World Differently, at the Meeting on the Historical Geography and History of Geography, Rio de Janeiro, 5-10 November 2012,
  • ‘L’Amérique: une nouvelle Europe? Républicanisme, migrations et mélanges en Amérique du Sud dans la géographie d’Élisée Reclus (1865-1905)’ for the International Congress Mobilités, imaginaires et territoires en Amérique des indépendances aux années 1930, Pau 20-22 January 2011,
  • ‘À l’origine de l’idée de « frontières mobiles »: limites politiques et migrations dans les géographies de Friedrich Ratzel et d’Élisée Reclus’, for the International Conference BRIT 2011 – Mobile Borders, Grenoble-Geneva, 6-9 September 2011.
  • Keynote speech ‘La géographie d’Élisée Reclus face à l’extermination des Amérindiens : enjeux scientifiques et politiques’, and membership in the Scientific Committee for the International ConferenceÉlisée Reclus e a Geografia do Novo Mondo, Universidade de São Paulo, 6-10 December 2011 .
  • ‘Aux origines du regard géostratégique: les Empires ottoman et russe dans la géographie d’Élisée Reclus (1875-1905)’, for the International Conference «La Russie et la Turquie en Eurasie-postsoviétique et au Proche-Orient: les intérêts croisés de deux puissances ré-émergentes, Paris, INALCO, 21-23 May 2011.
  • ‘Paysage, identité et nation: l’Italie vue par trois Géographies Universelles (1876-1990)’, for the 135th Congress of the Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, Neuchâtel, 6-11 Avril 2010.
  • ‘La « section de la vallée »: la géographie aux origines de l’idée d’aménagement’, for the Conference « Estuaires, fleuves et cours d’eau. Représentations et pratiques » - Rouen, 5-6 May 2010.
  • ‘Le principe de l’articulation littorale et la civilisation européenne dans la géographie française entre 19e et 20e siècle’, for the session of the Commission History of Geographical Thought of the International Geographic Union, IGU Regional Conference, Tel Aviv, 12-16 July 2010.
  • ‘La vérité du regard: l’idée de paysage chez Elisée Reclus’, for the International Symposium of History of the Geographical Thought of the International Geographic Union Lenguajes y visiones del paisaje y del territorio, Miraflores della Sierra (Madrid) 5-8 February 2009.
  • ‘L’épaisseur du monde: mer et montagne dans la nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894) d’Élisée Reclus’, for the International Conference Mer et Montagne dans la culture européenne (XVIe-XIXe siècle), 24-25 September 2009.
  • ‘Paysages transalpins: la vallée du Pô et les enjeux de l’écriture paysagère dans les Géographies Universelles’ for the 2nd Doctorial Days on Landscape, at the Blois École Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage, 3-4 December 2009.

In Portuguese

  • 20 October 2020: invited speech ‘Geografia, ciência e anarquismo’, NEPES - Núcleo de Pesquisas sobre Espaço, Política e Emancipação Social, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Santarem,
  • 2 April 2019: invited panellist for the Round Table: ‘Geografias libertarias em conjunturas autoritárias: o papel do ensino, pesquisa e militancia geográficas’. Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros – USP, Universidade de São Paulo.
  • 26 March 2019: invited conference: ‘Geografia e anarquismo: novos rumos de pesquisa’. Federal University of Latin-American University Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu
  • Keynote speech (opening lecture) for the V Encontro Nacional de História do Pensamento Geográfico e III Encontro Nacional de Geografia Histórica, Viçosa (MG), 10-14 December 2018. Title: ‘Por uma redescoberta das geografias humanistas: redes transnacionais, experiencias de vida, e os acervos do Dialogue Project em Dublin’.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the V Encontro Nacional de História do Pensamento Geográfico e III Encontro Nacional de Geografia Histórica, Viçosa (MG), 10-14 December 2018, and Assessor for the evaluation of presented works.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the IV Encontro Nacional de História do Pensamento Geográfico e II Encontro Nacional de Geografia Histórica, Belo Horizonte, December 5-9, 2016, and Assessor for the evaluation of presented works.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the UGI Conference Circulação das ideias e história dos saberes geográficos: hierarquias, interações e redes, Rio de Janeiro, 16-20 December 2014, and Assessor for the evaluation of presented works.
  • ‘Troca cultural, geografia social e circulação dos saberes geográficos na América Latina: Luce Fabbri leitora e intérprete de Elisée Reclus’, UGI Conference Circulação das ideias e história dos saberes geográficos: hierarquias, interações e redes, Rio de Janeiro, 16-20 December 2014.
  • ‘A Nova Geografia Universal: globalização e crítica do Ocidente nas redes de Elisée Reclus’, Invited Public Conference, University of São Paulo, Department of Geography, 27 November 2013,
  • ‘Geografia, educação libertária e escola pública na Europa entre os séculos XIX e XX: um programa de emancipação através do saber’, for the conference Segundo Colóquio Território Autônomo, Porto Alegre 25, 26 e 27 octobre 2013.
  • ‘Evolução e Revolução: os geógrafos anarquistas entre ciência e militância’, for the conference Ciência e anarquismo, São Paulo, FFLCH-USP, 11-14 November 2013.
  • ‘A influência do socialismo e dos geografos anarquistas sobre Lucien Febvre’, in the Forum Lucien Febvre, história, geografia e socialismo, FFLCH-USP, 13 November 2013 (with F. Contel, M. Deaecto and L. Secco).

In Spanish

  • “Otras geografías críticas: ejemplos más allá de la esfera anglófona”, Mesa: 12 - Otras trayectorias geográficas. historias y aportes conceptuales de las geografías silenciadas, Conference EGAL, December 2021, Córdoba (Argentina)
  • La Comuna de París y los geógrafos anarquistas, International Conference Ecos y destellos a 150 años de la Comuna de París, México, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Historia, 18 March 2021.
  • ‘La línea performativa. Como la geografía anticipó el territorio en la “Cuestión de Palmas” o de “Las Misiones” (1893 – 1895)’. Second international workshop for the project Trazar la Línea: teoría y práctica de las delimitaciones fronterizas luso-franco-españolas (1750-1936), 9-11 October 2019, University Carlos III of Madrid (Getafe Campus).
  • Guest lecture:Elisée Reclus en América Latina: lecturas transnacionales’, 28 de noviembre 2018, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • ‘Geografías sin fronteras: la visión de los trazados fronterizos ibéricos e iberoamericanos en la obra de Elisée Reclus’. First international workshop for the project “Trazar la Línea: teoría y práctica de las delimitaciones fronterizas luso-franco-españolas (1750-1936)”, 27-28 September 2017, University Carlos III of Madrid (Getafe Campus).
  • Invited public conference: ‘Elisée Reclus y los Geógrafos anarquistas: critica del mapa e pensamiento anti-colonial’, for the conference 1ª Semana Interdisciplinaria de la Geografía, Xº Coloquio de Doctorado en Geografía, Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, Mexico, 15 November 2013.

In Italian

  • [Guest Conference] Discussant for the Book Presentation: Maurizio Coccia, ‘Due geografi nell’Italia che cambia: Henri Desplanques ed Emilio Sereni, corrispondenze’. In Campagne umbre. Le immagini di una civiltà. Il patrimonio iconografico e l'eredità di H. Desplanques, a cura di David Pieroni. Conduce Gabriella Bonini, Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni - Istituto A. Cervi. Venerdì 14 maggio ore 18,30,
  • [Guest Conference] Federico Ferretti, Selva Varengo, Geografia e Anarchia: Reclus e Kropotkin tra Evoluzione e Rivoluzione Lunedì 17 maggio 2021, ore 17.30 On line su youtube ANPPIA in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Torino e l'Associazione del Libero Pensiero Giordano Bruno,
  • [Poster]The invention of agricultural landscape in the archives of Emilio Sereni’, for the International Conference Il paesaggio italiano nel ventesimo secolo, realtà e rappresentazioni, Reggio Emilia, 10-12 Novembre 2011, organised by the Cervi Institute.
  • ‘L’Occidente di Elisée Reclus, l’invenzione dell’Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle’, for the 5th National Conference of the PhD candidates of the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History, Forlì 22-23 February 2010.
  •  ‘Patrick Geddes e la sezione di valle: una geostoria dei bacini fluviali’, for the International Conference Di monti e di acque. Le rughe e i flussi della Terra, Paesaggi, cartografie e modi del discorso geostorico, Trento, 1-4 December 2010.
  • Conflitti epistemologici nella rappresentazione dello spazio’, International Conference Spaces of Difference, University of Milan-Bicocca, 27-28 Octobre 2010
  • ‘Scritture dell’Impero, dalla critica della carta al Critical Gis’, for the Geography Days in Memoir of Stefano Torresani, 24-25 November 2009, University of Bologna.
  • ‘Il racconto della Terra di Elisée Reclus: pensiero globale, reti anarchiche e invenzione dell’Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894)’, for the Forum of the Young Geographers, at the 30th Italian Geographical Congress, Florence 10-12 September 2008.