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Federico Ferretti

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: M-GGR/01 Geography


Ferretti F., ‘The murderous civilisation’: Anarchist geographies, ethnography and cultural differences in the works of Élie Reclus, «CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES», 2017, 24, pp. 111 - 129 [Scientific article]

Ferretti F., Tropicality, the unruly Atlantic and social utopias: the French explorer Henri Coudreau (1859 − 1899), «SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2017, 38, pp. 332 - 349 [Scientific article]

federico ferretti, Anarchist geographers and feminism in late 19th century France: the contributions of Elisée and Elie Reclus, «HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2016, 44, pp. 68 - 88 [Scientific article]

Federico Ferretti, Annales, geo-história e socialismo, «TERRA BRASILIS», 2016, 7, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]

Ferretti F., Arcangelo Ghisleri and the "Right to Barbarity": Geography and Anti-colonialism in Italy in the Age of Empire (1875-1914), «ANTIPODE», 2016, 48, pp. 563 - 583 [Scientific article]

Federico Ferretti, Breve cronologia da vida de Elisée Reclus (1830-1905), «TERRA BRASILIS», 2016, 7, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]

Charles Perron, Elisée Reclus, Paul Reclus, Franz Schrader, Écrits cartographiques (ed. critica curata da: Alexandre Chollier; Federico Ferretti), Genève, Héros-Limite, 2016, pp. 205 [Critical edition]

Ferretti F.; Castleton E., Fédéralisme, identités nationales et critique des frontières naturelles: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) géographe des « États-Unis d’Europe », «CYBERGEO», 2016, 2016, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ferretti F., Geographies of peace and the teaching of internationalism: Marie-Thérèse Maurette and Paul Dupuy in the Geneva International School (1924–1948), «TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH GEOGRAPHERS», 2016, 41, pp. 570 - 584 [Scientific article]

Ferretti F., Organisation and formal activism: insights from the anarchist tradition, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY», 2016, 36, pp. 726 - 740 [Scientific article]

Federico Ferretti, Otras cartografías: la colección cartográfica de Elisée Reclus y Charles Perron y una visión no eurocéntrica del mundo, in: Dibujar y pintar el mundo: Arte, cartografía y política, Bogotá, M. Nieto Olarte and S. Díaz Angel, 2016, pp. 149 - 154 [Chapter or essay]

Federico Ferretti, Pierre Deffontaines and the French university missions in Brazil: geopolitics of knowledge, circulation of sciences and geographical teaching (1934-1938), «BOLETIM GOIANO DE GEOGRAFIA», 2016, 36, pp. 04 - 26 [Scientific article]Open Access

Federico Ferretti, Radicalizing pedagogy: Geography and libertarian education between the 19th and the 20th century, in: The Radicalization of Pedagogy, New York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, pp. 51 - 72 [Chapter or essay]

Federico Ferretti, RANUZZI, Annibale Ludovico Luigi Romano, in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 2016, pp. 1 - 5 (TRECCANI 2000) [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]

Ferretti F., Reading Reclus between Italy and South America: Translations of geography and anarchism in the work of Luce and Luigi Fabbri, «JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2016, 53, pp. 75 - 85 [Scientific article]