Foto del docente

Federica Ferrari

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

In corso di stampa & work-in-progress

Federica Ferrari (2013). “ At the crossroads between subject and object of research: identity negotiation in the discourse of ‘Psych. doctors'”. In Julia Bamford, Franca Poppi & Davide Mazzi (Eds.) “Space, place and the Discursive Construction of Identity”. Linguistic Insights, Vol. 165. Berne: Peter Lang. Forthcoming. (ISSN 1424-8689 pb. ISSN 2235-6371 eBook; ISBN 978-3-0343-1249-3 pb. ISBN 978-3-0351-0600-8 eBook)

Federica Ferrari (in corso di stampa). “Slasher: politica o pubblicità?”. In Guido Levi e Marco Cipolloni Eds. Maschere e pugnali. Cinema, storia e propaganda da Cuba all'Iraq. In corso di pubblicazione presso Falsopiano (Alessandria).

“Bush-Blair-Berlusconi and the Global War on Terror: Old Structures, New Discourses and the Contemporary Rhetoric of Conflict”. Work-in-progress

"The ‘transformative' power of metaphor: assessing its (unexplored) potential”. Work-in-progress