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Federica Costantini

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali


Costantini F; Rossi S; Pintus E; Cerrano C; Gili J-M; Abbiati M., Low connectivity and declining genetic variability along a depth gradient in Corallium rubrum populations, «CORAL REEFS», 2011, 30, pp. 991 - 1003 [articolo]

Costantini F; Taviani M; Remia A; Pintius E; Shembri PJ; Abbiati M, Deep-water Corallium rubrum (L., 1758) from the Mediterranean Sea: preliminary genetic characterisation., «MARINE ECOLOGY», 2010, 31, pp. 261 - 269 [articolo]

Marco Abbiati; Federica Costantini; Cécile Fauvelot; Eleonora Pintus, POPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE OF CORALLIUM RUBRUM: IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Red Coral Science, Management, and Trade: Lessons from the Mediterranean., Bussoletti, E., D. Cottingham, A. Bruckner, G. Roberts, and R. Sandulli, 2010, pp. 140 - 150 (atti di: International Workshop on Red Coral Science, Management, and Trade: Lessons from the Mediterranean, Naples, 23 Settembre 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

ABBIATI M.; COSTANTINI F.; FAUVELOT C., CONSERVATION OF CORALLIGENOUS REEFS: EFFECTIVE LARVAL DISPERSAL, SCALES OF CONNECTIVITY AND RESILIENCE, in: First Mediterranean Symposium on Coralligenous conservation and other calcareous bio-concretions., TUNIS, UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2009, 1, pp. 28 - 33 (atti di: First Mediterranean Symposium on Coralligenous conservation and other calcareous bio-concretions., Tabarka, Tunisia, 15-16 gennaio 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Fauvelot C.; Bertozzi F; Costantini F; Airoldi L; Abbiati M., Lower genetic diversity of populations of the limpet Patella caerulea on urban coastal structures as compared to natural rocky habitats, «MARINE BIOLOGY», 2009, 156, pp. 2313 - 2323 [articolo]

Virgilio M.; Fauvelot C.; Costantini F.; Abbiati M.; Backeljau T., Phylogeography of the common ragworm Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae) reveals cryptic diversity and multiple colonisation events across its distribution, «MOLECULAR ECOLOGY», 2009, 18, pp. 1980 - 1994 [articolo]

ABBIATI M.; AIROLDI L.; COSTANTINI F.; FAVA F.; PONTI M.; VIRGILIO M., SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATION OF ASSEMBLAGES IN MEDITERRANEAN CORALLIGENOUS REEFS, in: First Mediterranean Symposium on Coralligenous conservation and other calcareous bio-concretions., TUNIS, UNEP-MAP- RAC/SPA, 2009, 1, pp. 34 - 39 (atti di: First Mediterranean Symposium on Coralligenous conservation and other calcareous bio-concretions., Tabarka, Tunisia, 15-16 gennaio 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Costantini, Federica*; Fauvelot, Cécile; Abbiati, Marco, Fine-scale genetic structuring in Corallium rubrum: Evidence of inbreeding and limited effective larval dispersal, «MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES», 2007, 340, pp. 109 - 119 [articolo]

Costantini F.; Fauvelot C.; Abbiati M., Genetic structuring of the temperate gorgonian coral (Corallium rubrum) across the western Mediterranean Sea revealed by microsatellites and nuclear sequences, «MOLECULAR ECOLOGY», 2007, 16, pp. 5168 - 5182 [articolo]

F. COSTANTINI; C. FAUVELOT; M. ABBIATI, Phylogeography of the temperate gorgonian coral Corallium rubrum across the Western Mediterranean Sea revealed by microsatellites and nuclear sequences, in: Riassunti del Congreso AIOL SItE ECOLOGIA, LIMNOLOGIA e OCEANOGRAFIA: Quale futuro per l’ambiente?, ANCONA, Giulia Pelosi, 2007, pp. 124 - 124 (atti di: ECOLOGIA, LIMNOLOGIA e OCEANOGRAFIA: Quale futuro per l’ambiente?, Ancona, 18-20 settembre 2007) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Costantini F.; Abbiati M., Development of microsatellite markers for the Mediterranean gorgonian coral Corallium rubrum, «MOLECULAR ECOLOGY NOTES», 2006, 6, pp. 521 - 523 [articolo]

F. Costantini; F. Tinti; M. Abbiati, Genetic structure of Corallium rubrum populations along the North-western Mediterranean coasts, in: , «BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA», 2004, 11, pp. 21 - 21 [atti di convegno-abstract]

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