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Fedele Pasquale Greco

Associate Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"


Gardini, Aldo; Greco, Fedele; Trivisano, Carlo, Design and Structure Dependent Priors for Scale Parameters in Latent Gaussian Models, «BAYESIAN ANALYSIS», 2024, NA, pp. 1 - 27 [Scientific article]

martina narcisi; fedele greco; carlo trivisano, On the effect of confounding in linear regression models: an approach based on the theory of quadratic forms, «ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL STATISTICS», 2024, 31, pp. 433 - 461 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fedele Greco; Martina Narcisi, On the effect of spatial confounding: an approach based on the theory of quadratic forms, in: Giada Adelfio and Antonio Abbruzzo, Proceedings of the GRASPA 2023 Conference, Palermo: Università degli Studi di Palermo., Edited by: Giada Adelfio and Antonino Abbruzzo, 2023, pp. 85 - 91 (atti di: GRASPA-SIS BIENNAL CONFERENCE, Palermo, 10-11 July, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Francesca Fortunato Fedele Greco, Small-area statistical estimation of claim risk, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2020, Pearson, 2022, pp. 702 - 707 (atti di: SIS 2020, Pisa, Giugno 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Gardini, Aldo; Greco, Fedele; Trivisano, Carlo, The Mellin Transform to Manage Quadratic Forms in Normal Random Variables, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS», 2022, 31, pp. 1416 - 1425 [Scientific article]Open Access

A. Gardini, F. Greco, C. Trivisano, R package 'QF', 2021. [Software]

A. Gardini, F. Greco, C. Trivisano, Priors on precision parameters of IGRMF models, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2020, Pearson, 2020, pp. 459 - 464 (atti di: SIS 2020, Pisa, Giugno 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

fedele greco; carlo trivisano, Comments on: Some recent work on multivariate Gaussian Markov random fields, «TEST», 2018, 27, pp. 549 - 553 [Scientific article]

Castelli E, Papandrea E, Valeri M, Greco F, Ventrucci M, Casadio S, Dinelli BM, ITCZ trend analysis via Geodesic P-spline smoothing of the AIRWAVE TCWV and cloud frequency datasets, «ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH», 2018, 214, pp. 228 - 238 [Scientific article]

Greco F, Ventrucci M, Castelli E, P-spline smoothing for spatial data collected worldwide, «SPATIAL STATISTICS», 2018, 27, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Linda Altieri, Fedele Greco, Carlo Trivisano, The Mellin transform as a tool for prior elicitation in disease mapping, in: 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2018), 2018, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2018), Iasi, Romania, 28/) [Abstract]

Greco, F P; Ventrucci, M, Efficient smoothing for worldwide geostatistical data, in: SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, 2017, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations, Firenze, 28-30 June) [Abstract]

Albonetti, Sabrina; Minardi, Paola; Trombetti, Fabiana; Savigni, Fabiana; Mordenti, Attilio Luigi; Baranzoni, Gian Marco; Trivisano, Carlo; Greco, Fedele Pasquale; Badiani, Anna, In vivo and in vitro effects of selected antioxidants on rabbit meat microbiota, «MEAT SCIENCE», 2017, 123, pp. 88 - 96 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bruno, F; Cameletti, M; Franco-Villoria, M; Greco, F; Ignaccolo, R; Ippoliti, L; Valentini, P; Ventrucci, M, A survey on ecological regression for health hazard associated with air pollution, «SPATIAL STATISTICS», 2016, 18, pp. 276 - 299 [Scientific article]Open Access

Altieri, L.; Cocchi, D.; Greco, F.; Illian, J.B.; Scott, E.M., Bayesian P-splines and advanced computing in R for a changepoint analysis on spatio-temporal point processes, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION», 2016, 86, pp. 2531 - 2545 [Scientific article]

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