Foto del docente

Faria Ferooz

PhD Student

Department of Legal Studies

Research fellow

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: IUS/20 Philosophy of Law

Short Bio

Faria Ferooz is a doctoral student of the Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate (LAST-JD), in co-tutelle with the University of Luxembourg (Department of Computer Science). She is pursuing her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Monica Palmirani (University of Bologna) and Prof. Christoph Schommer (University of Luxembourg). Her research focuses on the legal knowledge modeling of heterogeneous medieval manuscript resources and the development of an ontological framework. Her primary objective is to construct a polymorphic knowledge graph by integrating and exploring this heterogeneous data for holistic insights and efficient research access.

Since September 2024, she has also been working as a Research Fellow at the Interdepartmental Center Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (Alma AI) of the University of Bologna on the topic of Neuro-symbolic AI for simplifying legislation using Knowledge Graph and LegalXML.

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Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Via Zamboni 27/29, Bologna - Go to map

Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Via Zamboni 27/29, Bologna - Go to map

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